What's funny is that people think this is not only a serviceable hire, but a good one. It's going to be pretty amusing watching KO inevitably self-destruct in the limelight of LA, I hope for nothing but the worst for that piece of garbage. Just goes to show that if you give the right people quotes and accessibility then you get a free pass for seemingly forever no matter how much you lose.
Yeah I can see why it might seem like a good hire, I don't think KO will get them on further NCAA probation. Most of the team already left, at worst maybe he cost them Derrick Williams deciding to stay, and Marcus Johnson coming back(he still might).
He'll tick off the current players like he did at UT and UA, but I don't think anybody believes USC hired him for the longterm.
So if your intention is run a clean program while waiting for the clouds to lift, KO can do that. The problem is USC is already making it pretty clear he's not their guy, supposedly he had to agree to keep all 3 top assistants, Bob Cantu(recruiter) Phil Johnson(defensive guy) and Gib Arnold. Arnold has been interviewing the last 2 summers so my suspicion is he'll take a job and leave.
But Johnson is a defensive guru guy, he's the one that designs those gimmick triangle and 2 things USC played in recent seasons. Then you have KO who is supposed to be a defensive mind, detests zones, and openly admitted he didn't talk to his assistants at UA during games. how in the hell is that going to work with him and Johnson being polar opposites as defensive coaches?
So KO is already under the gun not getting to pick his own staff, he'll alienate the guys he inherits, and his Pac 10 recruiting connections might not be worth much given nobody liked him at UA. Gary Franklin has already reneged on his verbal reportedly.
Just a weird hire, they could have gotten Braswell who is still pretty clean, a good coach, and won't alienate the coaches, players and fans.