Medal of Honor

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
Reaction score
Don't know if anybody has picked this up. However, I have to say I was impressed with the single player campaign. It was pretty good. Very realistic IMO. Some of it is methodical in pace but that is intentional. There are some very intense fire fights as well. Lot's of varied terrain and situations. Some very cool vehicle sequences as well. Using some of the advanced weapons was really fun. It really was a great single player campaign.

Unfortunately, I can't say the same about the multi-player. I can't believe this is the same group (DICE) who did Battlefield 3 multi-player. Multi-player simply sucks in this game. The maps are too cramped and the maps are not very well thought out IMO. Not to mention there are not very many that come with the game. There is a map pack out but I am not going to buy it. If that map pack is anything like the maps that came with it, I am not interested. This game just became trade bate.

Just thought I would post up a quick review.