i promise to satisfy the haters this time and depart like a slew of other posters pushed out by the silencers for keeping things real. In the end, even not replying and minding my own business proved impossible.
(warning Caro, this will waste your time too. so skip it, sit back, and drink the kool-aid of the mean-girls and LOL like you're one of them, but you're not)
it's a shame a good forum is spoiled by a few so insecure that valid sports criticism would cause such resentment and drive them to harass another Suns fan who has donated a lot of time & content to this site. (in fact, my ritual was to revisit/edit my posts after a few minutes after checking to see if it sounded interesting and accurate)
Note to the Admin: competing for members in this new age of social media takes more intervention than a bad-word's filter. This forum has lost too many good, decent contributors to the same clique of silencers who too often choose to nurse their delicate egos and bully rather than debate the merits of points raised.
let the record show, the venom starting with 1 of the 5 going to war over criticism of Coach Igor. Then, Booker became untouchable by the 5, even though it's IMPOSSIBLE for an HONEST fan to not critique the guy who the Suns revolve around every night. Doesn't matter how many times i compliment Booker and Monty overall, the 5 seem to insist i preface every post with one (btw, my compliment to criticism ratio on Monty has easily been 3 to 1 positive, but who's counting? the thought police)
yes, i know people hate know-it-alls and i've been right too often for my own good
i'll throw in 2 as a bonus --
1. Booker is going to pull a hamstring, again, by forcing things.
2. the post-Paul Suns will fall short because Booker will be paid and treated like Batman, even though he is Robin. We won't be able to afford a real Batman. Chris raised Devin's bb IQ, but not far enough)
and, btw, i did not "want to trade Booker for Lillard" - i said Lillard was the better player at that time but Booker was more valuable. I said Booker's mental mistakes would cost us dearly, and they did. And i'm delighted to have only lost 2 games, but i dared mention what others often have, that Monty's weakness is his limited game adjustments -- oops.
and, btw, i like Booker, a lot. And Monty more. Ayton and the rest too. And i defended the Suns after 1 or 2 of the 5 turned their hatred on the whole team at the end of last season!
so, no, i won't be back this time. Frankly, thanks to the 5 henchmen, the thought of posting here again turns my stomach now
sad that the mean-spirited bully's have won again today
-- and perhaps, bizarrely and TRAGICALLY,
they will win tomorrow across this country