Seen a commercial for this tonite. Looks good to me.
Has Nicholas Cage in it.
Sorry, dont have more info. Like director and all that.
Has Nicholas Cage in it.
Sorry, dont have more info. Like director and all that.
SameOleGee said:Seen a commercial for this tonite. Looks good to me.
Has Nicholas Cage in it.
Sorry, dont have more info. Like director and all that.
arthurracoon said:It's being made by the same guy who made Pirates of the Carribbean!
It looks REALLY good and intresting!
cheesebeef said:no it's not - it's being PRODUCED by the guy who PRODUCED Pirates.
arthurracoon said:ahhh
I stand corrected. never know how good a movie is going to be until it comes out.
Dback Jon said:Looks entertaining, other than the fact I can't stand Nicholas Cage
cheesebeef said:Arthur - haven't you figured out by now - that I KNOW EVERYTHING!
arthurracoon said:Like how Pedro Martinez was not going to get the win tonight?
It's rhubarb time!
arthurracoon said:Like how Pedro Martinez was not going to get the win tonight?
It's rhubarb time!
cheesebeef said:The writer I work for actually went to the cast and crew screening last night also in Los Angeles and he was surprised by how much he liked it. Said it was really good popcorn trashy adventure. So - I'll withold my earlier scathing judgement on it having heard two pretty positive reviews on it.
Brian in Mesa said:I'm with you as far as Nic Cage. Sometimes I like him in a role and other times I can't stand him.
This worked though and the crowd was into it.
Both my wife and I liked it a lot and will see it again (meaning we'll own the dvd when it comes out). Heck, I'd see it again in the theaters even.
It was obvious that the crowd liked it. Everyone was really into it. You could tell by the reactions, laughing, etc.
thanks for the info BIMBrian in Mesa said:Okay, this was a cool movie experience.
I've seen countless advance screenings, but I've never actually been to one that was as strict as tonight's was...with people scanning the crowd looking for electronic devices, etc. They even checked our cell phones to make sure they weren't camera phones.
This was a special screening by invitation only, before the other advance screenings which will take place closer to the actual release date of the 19th.
Evidently our names were on a list with a certain communications company which arranged this screening. It wasn't by our entering any contest, having connections, etc. The tix just appeared in the mail one day.
On to the movie - very good mix of action, adventure, mystery and comedy.
I don't want to say too much until others have seen it, but I would definitely recommend it.
Unlike some other Nic Cage action films, this one flowed really well and was very believable. The writing was really good, especially the dialogue and interaction between the main characters (Justin Bartha was great as Riley).
At the end of the film, the crowd cheered - something that happens at a lot of screenings - but this was an emphatic applause, and people were talking positively about it on the way out.
Chris_Sanders said:I saw this today at the Cine Capri and it was awesome!
Great fun movie. Definitely
Chris_Sanders said:I was actually worried about the movie since some of the critics were down on it but it was great.
Everything in the movie is believable which is pretty amazing considering the story itself.