It's last year's game with some polish. Better jamming at the LOS and redirecting receivers.
Lots more receiving animations, catching the ball has never looked so natural.
I'm not sold on the defensive line play as still being 'there'.
The game now features 'flutterballs', where your QB will throw a pass while getting hit and a D-lineman will intercept.
More gang tackling.
Defensive and offensive head tracking. All players in the ball park of a play now seem to look to the ball before magically doing anything.
A lot of good little technical fixes.
If you don't have last years, I'd say this is a must have if you like college football. If you have last years and you're on a budget, you can safely miss it and not regret it.
If you upgrade yearly, this is one of the better upgrade-type games you can put your money on.
Now, for a moment on the soap box.
EA has now decided to include, with the shipped game, options for buying items over their online network (PS3 store, Xbox Live).
For example, we may now spend $1.99 on a 'Recruiting Accelerator'. There are some other items availble as well.
I don't know they do, but I know I just spent $60.
I'm all for DLC. I think it's great for the business, but as an after-the-fact patching that ADDS to the gaming experience.
To have the balls to include an un-accessible feature in a game release without paying for it is a tremendous slap in the face and a terrible business practice.
The information that is stored on the game discs is finite.
EA decides valuable space is better deserved begging for more money than adding or improving to the game for people who have already paid for it.
I don't know how much space these features take up on the disc, but I hope there isn't a fully installed version of these mini-programs on the game, and you're simply paying for access.
I think this is disgusting. I don't mind being offered these services outside of the game, but to include a sales pitch in the middle of the recruiting phase of my dynasty has me close to swearing off all games by the developer.
This is a crap practice and I hope they recieve enough backlash to not have it continue.
I'll be sending them a letter, just to make my voice heard. I hope I'm not the only one.