Jesus Murphy, DirecTV has turned into a total shitshow since AT&T took over. What a disaster.
First off, the "auto-renew" that had kicked in and was already billing us monthly was only for the standard ST package, not "Max", so we wouldn't have had RedZone, which is what we watch more than anything anyways nowadays. That really would have pissed me off Sunday! We had Max last year free as new subs (after being with them since 2004 but leaving for 6 months as we built a new house) so Max should have been the auto-renewal package. Nope.
So I make my way through the maze of robots suggesting that I manage my account online (nope, you can't cancel ST online, so that's BS), then suggesting that I download their app and manage it that way (ditto), finally got in the queue for a live body. After about a 15 minute wait, I'm connected to a nice lady apparently in India but speaking very clear English over a clear phone connection. But the best she can do is get me about $95 off the Max package, and no other discounts. I tell her that's not good enough, so I either need to cancel ST or go to Retention Dept to see if they can do better, so she shuffles me off to Retention. Another 15-20 minutes in queue, and finally helped by another woman in India, but this time with a thick accent that makes her hard to understand, and a horrible connection that reminded me of Sprint long distance service circa 1982, where you had to dial 37 numbers to make a call and then got a crappy-ass connection. If you're old enough to remember, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
After being on the call for over an HOUR - and at one point telling the Retention rep that I'm ready to cancel service altogether - I won. $35/month off our regular bill for a year ($420) plus $75 off ST Max, for a total of $495 in discounts, which measured against the $399 cost for keeping Max means we came out $96 in the black.
These guys are a joke. Customer service was so-so when DirecTV (or DirecTravesty® as my buddy calls them) was an independent company. Now under AT&T they are downright painful to deal with, as prices escalate faster than a Zeke Elliot contract demand.
F these guys, the NFL needs to get their act together and open the rights up to other options for us poor fans who suffer with this arrangement.