Nolan & Smith on the phone...


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Aug 9, 2002
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Cardinals vs. 49ers Conference Calls


Q: Feelings on being first team to play a regular season game in Cardinals Stadium?

A: “It’ll be a different atmosphere than it has typically been in Arizona. They will have a packed house, a lot more home fans than in the past. I know it will be noisy and a lot of excitement. It’ll be a little different environment than in the past. But they have a good football team, and that’s really where my focus is.”

Q: Where does Alex Smith stand in his development? Where do you put him?

A: “Without giving you a smart answer, I’d put him in his second year (laugh). He has some things to learn, but I think he has done a good job. I think he is responding well to the new offense and the things Norv has him doing. But like any young player there is a learning curve. He’s just going to get better. I have a lot of confidence in him. He has better days than others, but he is going to be a very good quarterback.”

Q: Were you hesitant to changing the offensive systems with a young QB?

A: “No, not really. One of the main reasons for that was my confidence in Norv Turner rather than anything else. I worked with Norv in Washington and also coached against him. What he brings to a young quarterback overrides any change in the system. It is different than what Alex was in before, but at the same time, Alex’s experience last year was more important than anything else. Other than that, he has grasped the terminology; I don’t think that’s the issue. Now it’s a matter of playing off it.”

Q: Do you feel your team gotten any better since last year?

A: “Without question. We may be even younger than a year ago, but through the process of addition and subtraction we are better and as the season goes along it will show. I don’t know where it will start. I don’t know if anyone knows where they will start, but I am confident we will be a much better football team by the end of the season. The chemistry is good and the structure is in place. We just have to continue to improve.

Q: Where do you feel the pass rush will come from?

A: “Right now, it’s not coming from too many places. We have to utilize scheme in order to do that, although offenses have ways to combat that also. It must come from a group effort; we don’t have one standout guy who will get it done. When you do, people can slide to that player. I would love to say we have two bookends, but we don’t.”

Q: What are your thoughts on Edgerrin James, especially when he didn’t do much in the preseason?

A: “I think he is an outstanding back. I faced him many times when he was in Indianapolis, and he’s one of those guys you never take for granted. I know he had some times even in Indianapolis where he’d get into a lull but he could come out of it pretty quick. I think he’s a hell of a back.”

Q: What do you see out of running back Frank Gore?

A: “I am expecting him to be our No. 1 back. He’s got a lot of talent. He loves the game, he wants the ball. He’s a north-south kind of a guy as far as running style. Our line loves to block for him and they enjoy playing with him. Any team would like to have him. I look for him to be our No. 1 back throughout the season. That doesn’t mean we won’t use our other backs, but he’s clearly our No. 1.”

Q: Can you speak on Vernon Davis and Manny Lawson, your two No. 1 picks?

A: “Both players are starting in our lineup. It‘s a lot to ask of a rookie, but the way the cap era is these days you have to play your young players. You’d like them in a backup role for a little bit of time and get them used to it but that’s not the case. I expect both of them to get better and better; there are certainly no red flags from my standpoint watching them practice. They are both explosive from a physical standpoint. More importantly, they are both football players. They enjoy the game and are competitive.”

Q: Do you think Vernon Davis will help in the development of Alex Smith? Is that a lot to put on Davis?

A: “I don’t think it’s too much to put on him. I think it’s exactly what he does want on him. Vernon is also a good blocker to help in the running game. One of the objectives we had after drafting Alex a year ago was to surround him with players to make that quarterback position effective. I don’t think there has ever been a quarterback that was good that didn’t have weapons around him, whether it was a line, or running back or wide receivers or all of the above. We have drafted offensive linemen, as well as picking up Larry Allen. Frank Gore is a draft choice, Michael Robinson is a draft choice, we picked up Antonio Bryant, Vernon Davis is a draft choice. We have continued to pick up players to make (Smith’s) life easier.”

Q: How confident are you in your receiving corps?

A: “We can always get better, but I am pleased with Antonio Bryant’s ability to make plays. Yeah I am pleased. I wouldn’t say we are at the caliber of Arizona as a tandem, because I think Arizona has as good a tandem in the league in Fitzgerald and Boldin, but we are moving in the right direction.”

Q: What was the biggest thing you learned last season in your first year as head coach?

A: “I think everybody’s job as a first year head coach, you go in with a certain anticipation of some things, but there is always something that comes up that you didn’t anticipate. There were several events that occurred ... but the thing you learn is to keep your head on a swivel. It’s a lot like parenting, you never know what issues your kids are going to bring home and it’s the same thing as a head coach. But when you say I do, you do, so you can’t be surprised by anything. You might not have anticipated it, but you can’t be surprised.

Q: You played the Cards in Mexico City last year, now you’ll be the first team to play a regular season game in a new stadium. Did you ever think Cards-49ers match ups would have such an interesting angle?

A: “Prior to getting the job, I didn’t think about it much. Once I got the job, you’re right. There are more reasons than just the game itself. It’s good. They’ve added another dimension to the game which is a good thing. We’re not on a Monday night or Sunday night, or Thursday, but it’s the next best thing I guess.”


Q: How has the transformation to second year and a new offensive system been thus far?

A: ``You know, obviously year one to year two is tremendously different, besides the fact there's a new offense, just having gone through things before. Everything's not so new. It's not just football. I've lived in the area for a year. I know the guy's on the team. I guess the rest of my life is so much more stable. When you're a rookie, everything's brand new on and off the field, so in a sense it's much easier to kind of focus this year. And I've had a full offseason to kind of learn the offense. Last year as a rookie you kind of cram in a sense and this year it was nice to get started in February, March. You get to do a lot in the offseason.”

Q: Does having an experienced veteran like Trent Dilfer around help out as well?

A: ``That's something that's much different than last year, I didn't really have that last year. To have a guy like Trent who has been through so much. He's such a great teacher, offers so much help, any questions I have, he's a guy I can go to with anything, and that's been great for me this year.''

Q: What can you take from your rookie season?

``Part of my problem was, and I think a lot of rookie quarterbacks especially, you end up thinking too much. You play slower because of it, because you think too much. In a sense, it looks like the game speeded up much more, but for myself you end up playing slower because you're thinking too much. That's one thing I think you try to get through. You get back and you're confident in what you should be doing and the reads you have to make and you play. I think that's when you play faster. That’s when you make good decisions, quick decisions, and get the ball up. There were times last year when that wasn't happening for me, especially early. You're not sure if you should be over here, you're not sure if you should be going here vs. this look or that, are you protected, are you not. Those are all things that come into the picture as far as playing.”

Q: Does having Larry Allen help the offense this year?

A: ``Absolutely, just having those veterans, getting Jonas Jennings back healthy, having those veterans up front I think really helps that offensive unit gel, especially the o-line. When the o-line is playing as one, when they're all on the same page, that's the difference. Having a guy like Larry, obviously he's physically one of the greatest linemen to ever play, and to have a guy like that there, a little veteran leadership, and just to help things, it's wonderful.''

Q: What is your chemistry like with Vernon Davis?

A: ``I've gotten to know Vernon really well. He's been here since he got drafted and has been working hard and comes to everything. He's just someone who's going to get better and better the more he understands his game, the more he understands the offense, his role, what he's doing. Physically there's no one else out there like him. He's very unique. From that sense, I think it's just a matter of him continuing to work, which I know he will, because he is a hungry player. I think he's just going to get better and better the more he plays.”

Q: What are your thoughts on playing in new Cardinals Stadium and it being a packed house?

A: ``That's what the NFL is all about. It should be a great environment for an opening of a new stadium and it being the opening game of the season. It should be great. I'm looking forward to it. It's probably going to be pretty loud and I'm excited for it. It will be a great environment. I hear it's supposed to be the best in the league, so we'll see.''

Q: What were your thoughts on Mike McCarthy leaving?

A: “First off, I had looked forward to when the season ended not having to learn a new offense. Coming back it would be year two. When I heard that, obviously that's the first thing that entered my mind. I started this with Coach McCarthy and looked forward to really turning the corner with him and getting this thing going with him here. Obviously it was the kind of opportunity he couldn't pass up, and at the same time I was happy for him. I'd become really close with him over the year, and to get to see him have that opportunity I was happy for him as well. In a sense, too, it's kind of a new beginning for me, a new coordinator in here, get to start back over a little bit, get to start over with an offense and I’m excited about a chance to play under Norv Turner. I'd heard so much about him, he's accomplished a lot in his career, so I’m excited to get to play under him.”

Q: What has Norv given you?

A: ``It's hard to just tell in a few sentences. It's hard to describe. It's a lot of things. It's just understanding the game, understanding defenses, what a quarterback should be doing, what we're trying to accomplish, so many different things come into the quarterback position that he addresses and teaches. It's all over; it's on and off the field. It's a lot of things. I just try to pick up as much as possible when I'm around him.”

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