The Suns brought John MacLeod back as 'Sr. Asst. Coach' to mentor Scott Skiles . . . and he did.
Skiles became a Head Coach who distanced himself from his players, was slow to react to situations, and loved Small Ball. Just like John MacLeod.
When MacLeod had brought his player from the University of Oklahoma, Alvan Adams, he made him a 212 lb. NBA Center instead of a Forward . . . for a decade. It established the Suns long tradition of trying to keep up with their opponents.
I used to chuckle (sadly) at the typical pre-game interviews between announcer Al McCoy and coach John MacLeod, back when the Suns were the only game in town.
Al McCoy: "Well Coach, can you give us some insight about tonight's game?"
John MacLeod: "Al, the last time we played Milwaukee, Al, they beat us, Al, by the score, Al, of 123-87, Al. Here's hoping, Al, that this time, Al, we can do better, Al."
Al McCoy: "Thanks Coach, for that insight."
Better Atlanta than Phoenix.