Cats try to win two in a row for the first time this year. Oregon State hopes to build on win @ Washington.
Who is their third string QB and what happened to Austin?Arizona's on their 3rd sting QB with Syndric Steptoe possibly looking at getting snaps at QB this weekend. In other words, Arizona's defense is going to have to win them the game.
Austin was hurt in the second quarter on the INT for a TD which made up all of Stanford's seven points. After that Kris Heavner became the starter (and could be for the rest of the season) and Stoops basically decided to sit on the ball, only passing four times the rest of the game.Who is their third string QB and what happened to Austin?
Nobody in the Arizona athletic department has any faith in Heavner.
They should play Steptoe and go to the option because that is probably better than Kris Heavner. I never thought i would long for the Richard Kovalcheck days jk.Nor should they. Kris Heavetheballupintheairandhopemyguycomesdownwithiteventhoughheprobablywillnotanditwillbeaninterceptioner had a shot and he was pretty bad. Hopefully Tuitama can make it back, but no sense in risking further injury and his life.