Joe, I THINK I see where you're coming from here. Let's face it, "great potential" can only carry you so far, and honestly this team is more or less built on a bunch of players who thus far can only claim to having "great potential". Sooner or later, you're gonna wanna see that "great potential" become a reality rather than just sidebar chatter.
Add in to the fact that the ratio of prospects who pan out and live up to expectations versus those who flop miserably or fall considerably short of those expectations is pretty high in the favor of the latter, I can see your reluctance to give most of these guys the benefit of the doubt. Let's face it, as big of Diamondback fans as we are, we all can't be naive enough to think that every single hot prospect this team has are going to develop into All-Star caliber players. The probability of that is at best slim, at worst unrealistic. Can it happen? Sure.. Will it? Doubtful. Sadly, in most cases, for every one A-Rod or Griffey (hot prospects who wound up living up to expectation levels and in some cases SURPASS that hype) there's another 5-10 Brien Taylors or Todd Van Poppels. All we can really do as Diamondback fans is hope.
With that said, at this point it's WAY too soon to judge any of these guys. Sometimes, it takes 3-5 years for these guys to fully develop in to their Major League capabilities, sometimes it takes even longer. I've seen prospects flame out early on then suddenly for some reason have the lightbulb go off just when you thought their career was dead, and take the rest from there.