Originally posted by vikesfan
I know in a lot of states that didn't have the NFL for a long time or still don't - college football is a huge thing - the number one thing even. How big is college football in Arizona?
Any info on college football in Arizona would be appreciated - especially in comparison to the NFL & Cards.
Just curious. Thanks!
College football is a joke at ASU. The student section is a joke, and is only worsted by the alumni. The student section on any night is about 70% full. Of those people, 80 percent pay absolutely no attention to the game, dressed up to go out, and on their cell phones at least half the time. It is absolutely disgusting. Ten percent pay a little attention, and then there is the ten percent that I am a part of, who spends as much time yelling at the idiots who go to the game to be seen, as we do yelling at what's going on on the field.
Being born in South Bend, and going to big time college games, it is a huge disappointment that in a school of 60,000 students, and hundreds of thousands of alumni, that ASU can't have a loyal, and more importantly interested fan base.
End of rant.