I don't know who the guy is. He retired when I was 4. But he sure seems bitter and hypocritical in his interview
Brees is absolutely right. These players have nobody but themselves to blame for going broke. Especially the really successful guys. I could live VERY comfortably for the rest of my life off 1 year of Fitz's contract. These guys have all the opportunity in the world. It's their own fault they don't take advantage of it and squander away what they did make
I don't know who the guy is. He retired when I was 4. But he sure seems bitter and hypocritical in his interview
people think he's great? No. People KNOW he's great...“There are some guys today that have absolutely no clue and that run their mouths. And Drew Brees is one of them. I know he’s canonized and people think he’s great. If he got in front of a group of ex-players, I don’t know what would happen.”
interesting that he regrets taking care of ex-players better once he has become an ex-player...McConkey regrets the 1987 strike because they failed to take care of former players
Brees is absolutely right. These players have nobody but themselves to blame for going broke. Especially the really successful guys. I could live VERY comfortably for the rest of my life off 1 year of Fitz's contract. These guys have all the opportunity in the world. It's their own fault they don't take advantage of it and squander away what they did make