I didn't mean to take away from what they accomplished. Sure, good for them that they won the championship and reached the top of their sports league. That is something they should be proud of. I just don't see the interest in the WNBA at all. Each time I turn on a game, no matter if it's a regular season game, playoffs, all-star game, or finals game the stands are half empty and the people there don't seem all that excited to be either. The talent level between the NBA and WNBA is so far it damages the product IMO to call it the "W"NBA. I'm a fan of basketball all around and like I said I get more excited watching a good high school than your typical WNBA game because the way the game is played is so different from the men. I don't mean to come off as sexist but I'm sure it sounds that way. If my daughter wanted to play in the WNBA one day I'd support her fully and would be glad there was a professional league available for women but I think they need to do something to put a more exciting product on the floor.
Also I'm not a bandwagon fan, I haven't cared about the Mercury since the day the league was formed so getting excited that another Mercury banner will hang in the USAC isn't anything that I'm going to get all up excited over.