I’m sad to see Coach Krzyzewski tenure end, but team USA won’t miss a beat with Popovich at the helm.
Wojnaroski is the only guy who's really called out Coach K on it to an extent. I admit he did a good job, the team won, they rebuilt the allure of playing for the team etc. But essentially Coach K used it as a platform to promote Duke basketball and it worked, he and calipari at Kentucky are now dominating recruiting.
Kentucky has it's own advantages, at Duke the advantage is kids are in the USA Basketball system and they figured out fairly young that there is a distinct advantage to being a Duke recruit. If they are interested and you're not, you don't get national team invites, or if you do, you don't make the team.
The other criticism for me is USA basketball sold out to Nike, every coach at every level is a Nike backed coach. So the same kids being steered towards Duke are also being steered towards Nike schools.
Hiring an NBA coach will solve at least some of the issues but if you read the article Wojnaroski makes it clear that coach K held out long enough to have the contract stipulate he still gets unfettered access to the national team and the process. that is he is the only college coach in the country who's allowed to just show up at USA basketball team practice etc and interact with kids who in many cases are being recruited by Duke. It's a HUGE advantage and that's why he's recruited so well since he got that job.
I'm sure Pop will do a good job and then pass the torch on, I hope they keep it in the NBA's hands the situation that Coach K has right now is just silly.
I'm still amazed he didn't get dinged by the NCAA when he called Josh Smith from china during an NCAA dead period, when he'd already used all his allotted calls to Smith. Josh told the media because he was so impressed the national team coach called him from China, had no idea it was a violation. Coach K said he got confused by the time periods, nothing happened and Duke dropped Josh smith cold turkey(wound up at UCLA and then Georgetown).