That flop by Ginobili was especially bad acting, lol. You can see he pushed off on Raja then Raja tried to get a call. However, that after the fact flop by Ginobili hilariously earned him that call but also the reason he gets the Oscar for flops.
Thanks for the YouTube link Dodie53 as I got to see more footage. I can't believe the referees called a foul on Bell. It should have been a no-call or a charging/ push-off on Ginobili.
I still have the T-shirt that says F*&% Kobe with Bell close lining him. It's a little jacked up but I sport it on special occasions. (someone here (?) has it as their avatar )
NBA players are a pathetic bunch. Things didn't use to be so bad, did it? Play was maybe harder and a bit dirtier before but now it's mostly whining and flopping. Grown men should be ashamed. Funny most of them live in San Antonio. Ol' Raja should move there haha.