Oz: The Great and Powerful is an upcoming 2013 fantasy film directed by Sam Raimi. The film, adapted from L. Frank Baum's 1900 novel The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, is intended as a prequel to the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz. The film stars James Franco as the protagonist. Mila Kunis, Michelle Williams, and Rachel Weisz star as the three witches.
I try to watch every movie Mila is in.. But I'm not watching this.. WTH is going on lately with Hollywood? Jack and the bean stalk, hansel and gretel, and now this..
I try to watch every movie Mila is in.. But I'm not watching this.. WTH is going on lately with Hollywood? Jack and the bean stalk, hansel and gretel, and now this..
That was sarcasm, since you didn't get it. I'm sincerely sorry that Hollywood isn't just making Michael Bay explosion movies for you, but some of use like variety.
This is more of where I was going with this.. Not that I need explosion movies every time.. I do really enjoy explosion movies though.. Can't wait for the Little Red Riding Hood movie.. Gonna be awesome..
There are no new stories to tell. Only old stories with modern arrangements. Three acts, one of three types of heroes. It doesn't matter how you run your hero up a tree, or what kind of rocks you throw at him; in the end, you'll be bringing him down, dead or alive, depending on how much money you want to make. And he will be changed by the experience.
People who try to break the rules of modern storytelling almost always fail, and miss the point of 'originality.' Tell me a story. Captivate me with your character. Make me care. I do not care how you do it as long as I achieve catharsis.
This is more of where I was going with this.. Not that I need explosion movies every time.. I do really enjoy explosion movies though.. Can't wait for the Little Red Riding Hood movie.. Gonna be awesome..
This is more of where I was going with this.. Not that I need explosion movies every time.. I do really enjoy explosion movies though.. Can't wait for the Little Red Riding Hood movie.. Gonna be awesome..
There are no new stories to tell. Only old stories with modern arrangements. Three acts, one of three types of heroes. It doesn't matter how you run your hero up a tree, or what kind of rocks you throw at him; in the end, you'll be bringing him down, dead or alive, depending on how much money you want to make. And he will be changed by the experience.
People who try to break the rules of modern storytelling almost always fail, and miss the point of 'originality.' Tell me a story. Captivate me with your character. Make me care. I do not care how you do it as long as I achieve catharsis.
The visuals were pretty spectacular and most of the visual effects were top-notch. A lot of great references to the original film.
However, the acting was atrocious. Not just average, just plain bad. EASILY James Franco's worst performance and that's saying a lot. Mila Kunis also was pretty awful. Only Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz were able to actually show any acting skill. It was embarrassing watching James Franco fail miserably at trying to be an over the top naive magician, when he just came across as a terrible acting jerkhole. And I won't say anything beyond this, but when Mila Kunis had her big movie-changing moment, from that point on she was unbearable to listen to, I'm not sure she's got the chops yet for this kind of role. Disappointed in that.
The finale was very well done, however. Exciting as hell and suspenseful.
One thing about the end. I'm assuming that the Rachel Weisz witch is the one that Dorothy's house lands on in the beginning of Wizard of Oz, correct?
Release Date: March 8, 2013 (3D/2D theaters and IMAX 3D) Studio: Walt Disney Pictures Director: Sam Raimi Screenwriter: Mitchell Kapner, David Lindsay-Abaire Genre: Adventure, Fantasy MPAA Rating: PG (for sequences of action and scary images, and brief mild language) Website:Disney.com/TheWizard | Facebook
Starring: James Franco, Mila Kunis, Rachel Weisz, Michelle Williams, Zach Braff, Joey King, Bruce Campbell
Plot Summary: Disney's fantastical adventure "Oz The Great and Powerful," directed by Sam Raimi, imagines the origins of L. Frank Baum’s beloved character, the Wizard of Oz. When Oscar Diggs (James Franco), a small-time circus magician with dubious ethics, is hurled away from dusty Kansas to the vibrant Land of Oz, he thinks he's hit the jackpot--fame and fortune are his for the taking--that is until he meets three witches, Theodora (Mila Kunis), Evanora (Rachel Weisz) and Glinda (Michelle Williams), who are not convinced he is the great wizard everyone's been expecting. Reluctantly drawn into the epic problems facing the Land of Oz and its inhabitants, Oscar must find out who is good and who is evil before it is too late. Putting his magical arts to use through illusion, ingenuity--and even a bit of wizardry--Oscar transforms himself not only into the great and powerful Wizard of Oz but into a better man as well.
The visuals were pretty spectacular and most of the visual effects were top-notch. A lot of great references to the original film.
However, the acting was atrocious. Not just average, just plain bad. EASILY James Franco's worst performance and that's saying a lot. Mila Kunis also was pretty awful. Only Michelle Williams and Rachel Weisz were able to actually show any acting skill. It was embarrassing watching James Franco fail miserably at trying to be an over the top naive magician, when he just came across as a terrible acting jerkhole. And I won't say anything beyond this, but when Mila Kunis had her big movie-changing moment, from that point on she was unbearable to listen to, I'm not sure she's got the chops yet for this kind of role. Disappointed in that.
The finale was very well done, however. Exciting as hell and suspenseful.
One thing about the end. I'm assuming that the Rachel Weisz witch is the one that Dorothy's house lands on in the beginning of Wizard of Oz, correct?
Yep.... she's the one that ends up getting hit by a house
I agree with your assessment except I didn't find the acting all that bad. Was it great or exceptional? Absolutely not. But for a fair assessment, watch the Wizard of Oz again..... If you look up "bad acting" in the dictionary, they have the WoO movie poster there....
3.5 out of 5 stars. We enjoyed it, especially the finale, as Chap so accurately pointed out.
I thought it was pretty boring and the only part that worked for me in 3D was the slo mo in the hot air balloon. It was the first movie since the mummy returns that I fell asleep in while watching.