Paraphrased Insider from Today, Deal NOT perfect


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
This just in from ESPN Insider's Chad Ford (Paraphrased due to premium content:

Reports say the deals is "close."

Several things will keep that deal from happening before 6/30. First, Francis is a base-year player and can't be moved in the current deal until his base-year status expires at the end of the month. Second, the deal includes Reece Gaines, who is exposed in the expansion draft. Gaines can't be traded until after the expansion draft (if he isn't selected by the Bobcats). Reports that Howard was the player left unprotected (and is holding up the deal) are inaccurate, according to league sources.

Several league sources with knowledge of the negotiations, including two GMs who are trying to pry McGrady away from Orlando, told Insider on Monday evening that a deal with the Rockets is not "a done deal." One league source told Ford on Tuesday morning that Orlando still is soliciting and receiving offers from other teams. According to the source, the Magic still were talking with the Rockets about the deal reported Monday but had not yet made a final decision.

The Suns, Clippers and Pacers also have made bids to acquire McGrady. All of them, on the surface at least, appear to offer much better deals for the Magic. However, two of those teams told Ford on Monday night they hadn't had any contact with the Magic in the previous 48 hours.

Complicating matters is Francis' reluctance to play in Orlando. Francis' agent, said his client didn't want to play for the Magic. "Steve's preference is to not go to Orlando," he said. "Steve's tasted the playoffs. (The Rockets) got a series under their belts. He was looking forward to going further with the same Rockets team but with another year of experience together. This is certainly not his preference. He loves Houston. Steve loved the fans and his teammates. He's very friendly with Cuttino but also pretty friendly with Yao (Ming). Many of us thought there were the beginnings of something big there with a great center and great point guard."

However, that may not be as big a stumbling block as it appears.One league source told Insider that if the Magic do end up pulling the trigger on the Rockets trade, it will be just the first in a series of moves that could see Francis or other pieces the Magic get back from Houston being moved to other teams. In other words, everyone may have to wait and reserve judgement on this deal until the Magic finish the rest of their rebuilding.

That should bring a huge sigh of relief from Magic fans. On paper, the McGrady-for-Francis swap has the potential to be a disaster for the Magic. One GM went so far as to claim the Magic "could get even worse" if they made this trade. Francis has as much baggage as McGrady, and possibly more. He's coming off an awful year where new head coach Jeff Van Gundy asked him to play more like a point guard and less like a guy determined to jack up 20-plus shots a night. While McGrady is widely considered a top-five player in the NBA, Francis' reputation around the league has greatly diminished. Folks in Houston feel the backcourt of Francis and Mobley can't win because of its lack of size and playmaking instincts. Would the duo fare any in better in Orlando?

The Magic are having trouble finding a better deal because T-Mac is insisting he'll only sign a contract extension with the Rockets. Because McGrady can opt out of his contract after next season, the teams willing to trade for McGrady want a guarantee he'll sign an extension if they acquire him. Should the Magic really buy into T-Mac's bluff? Teams like the Pacers, Suns and even the Clippers would have just as good a chance to win with T-Mac.

Other offers that the Magic may be mulling include:

Pacers: They've reportedly offered Harrington, Bender and Foster for T-Mac. Adding so many bigs makes much more sense for Orlando than piecing together a smallish backcourt.

Suns: They're offering Marion, Jacobsen and either the No. 7 pick or JJ. Again, the extra size and youth make more sense for the Magic.

Clippers: reportedly willing to give up Maggette, the No. 4 pick and possibly Wilcox for McGrady. This is the best deal if McGrady will agree to play in L.A.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
The Suns, Clippers and Pacers also have made bids to acquire McGrady. All of them, on the surface at least, appear to offer much better deals for the Magic. However, two of those teams told Ford on Monday night they hadn't had any contact with the Magic in the previous 48 hours.

Wow, intriguing. Those three teams were in the running, but two have apparently dropped out.

Who is the last competitor standing? Probably not the Clippers, since it's now rumored that they are in the hunt for O'Neal, and it's unlikely they'd give McGrady a huge extension anyway.

So who's hanging in there? Phoenix or Indiana?


Registered User
Oct 26, 2002
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Phoenix's is a bit better than Indiana's, since either #7 or JJ have the best potential to be more than complementary player, while Bender, Harrington, Marion are all very good complementary players. also, O'Neil/Artest/TMac as the core, the Pacers will be too strong.


Aug 27, 2003
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From Peter Vecsey:

From what I'm told, McGrady only had eyes for the Rockets from the git-go. Phoenix interjected itself into the conversation early because it quickly offered to swap Shawn Marion.

As I suspected, the team that sold McGrady on playing there is the team that got him, not the team(s) that offered the best deal. :shrug:


Welcome to Amareca
Jun 28, 2002
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Hannover - Germany
Man if the deal still falls through I will continue to call Jim Gray, Jim Gay for the rest of my life.

Well I don't understand why TMac would prefer to play with Yao and the MLE rather than Amare, JJ or #7 and 16M$ capspace.
Someone sit down with McGrady and sell him on this team!


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Man if the deal still falls through I will continue to call Jim Gray, Jim Gay for the rest of my life.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Maybe McGrady really does have a problem with Stoudemire. That would explain why he won't consider Phoenix as a trade destination (if that's really the case).


Supporting Member
Jan 2, 2003
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elindholm said:
Maybe McGrady really does have a problem with Stoudemire. That would explain why he won't consider Phoenix as a trade destination (if that's really the case).

maybe - and if that's the case - screw his ass - He can take Francis' role of looking like an idiot while trying to unnerve Amare after he's sh*t on Yao's head once again . . . but it would have been nice. At least Kobe's still out there and if they hire Rudy T - I'm thinking there's still a chance.