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Pau Gasol[/FONT]
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RICARDO GONZÃLEZ[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]
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[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
What spectacle lived from the bench![/FONT]
It did not want to lose it to me. My companions competed without complexes, had tremendous desire of being champions. It was an incredible day. I am glad for all those that have followed to us. This is greatest. The key was our attitude from the beginning, never we relaxed, not even before Japan, each encounter we confronted it as a battle.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
How it saw the starting so hard of the Selection?[/FONT]
I have been touched with the advantage, but it did not want to celebrate it too much soon.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
Double joy with its Marc brother in the equipment.[/FONT]
Yes, he is a hero. I do not have words to define its work. It gave the face at any moment, although it had opposite to ' cincó that it was a brown beast (' Baby Shaq'). Has gained it, nobody has given him nothing.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
To play without you you were a great challenge for this Selection?[/FONT]
How the equipment fought, how it controlled I do not have words to describe the work as my companions. In defense it was to them the life. Greece did not know already by where attacking. It knew that they were going to make a great party. I am super proud. This surpasses any other thing that has obtained previously.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
One of the most touching days of its race?[/FONT]
From first hour and to the end it has been a very special day. I have kept so many details. Soon, with the celebration, memory not to have kissed to so many men on my life. We made a work remarcable and in the end everything concluded of memorable way.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
Their companions said to him that they would jump with a t-shirt in which he ***reflxed mng myself: Pau you also play?[/FONT]
No, nothing knew, and it has seemed me a wonderful detail.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
What has happened in the delivery of prizes with as much glass?[/FONT]
First they gave a glass us like with a ball, soon they said to me that they would give the MVP trophy me, and in the end they gave the one to me of the championship and I thought that she was another one. I have the broken right leg (the good one) of as much jumping.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
What seems to him that in the United States they say that the champion of the world is the one that gains the NBA?[/FONT]
It is his way to think, they themselves recognize that they are a little arrogant.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
In Memphis what have said to him of their injury?[/FONT]
They want that it goes to me there as soon as arrives at Spain, I do not know if Tuesday or Wednesday, to operate to me of the fracture in the foot (left). The sooner it operates to me, before I will rehabilitate myself.[/FONT]
[FONT=Trebuchet MS,Century Gothic,Arial,Helvetica]
It is in danger its next presence in the European?[/FONT]
It is clear that it does not do grace to them that is going to play with the Selection, but in this subject there is no possible discussion. I have spoken it with the proprietor of the equipment, that is the one that puts ' money' and it will always support to me in my decision to play with Spain.[/FONT]