Jan 8, 2010 8:01 PM
USC needs to call Mike Leach
If Pete Carroll really does leave the best job he'll ever have to end up fired after three years in the NFL, USC needs to call a huge Pirates fan.
Mike Leach is the guy SC should hire. He's quirky, goofy and aloof. Also the best offensive mind in college OR pro football.
Leach is a winner, He had a winning season every year during his tenure at Tech. Thats like a basketball coach taking the Clippers to the playoffs every year.
The Red Raiders had more than 150 NCAA, Big 12 and school records broken with Leach coaching.
He's also got some ties to Southern California. Leach earned a Law degree from Pepperdine University in 1986.
Leach won't win any PR contests with the media, but his offensive system is the best in college football. Fans love offense, he brings offense and excitement to the game. He'd be a huge winner at S.C.
I've Heard a couple of different theories going around LA on why Carroll's name came up for the Seahawks job.
- He's tired of AD Mike Garrett, feels the program is going the wrong way, wants to get out before a string of disappointing seasons.
- This is a power play. Carroll wants more money from USC. He's also like to force Mike Garrett out and gain extra power at the University.
- That deal the school made with the NCAA to throw the basketball program in the toilet to save the football team wasn't accepted. USC's football program is going to be hit hard with sanctions.