I agree, Shane.
From the article ...
"Of everyone surveyed, 27 percent strongly favor or somewhat favor adding two regular-season games and dropping two preseason games. When the group is narrowed to those identifying themselves as NFL fans, support for the change rises to a total of 45 percent—yet only 18 percent who strongly favor it."
And, I doubt these people that identify themselves as NFL fans really ARE NFL fans because of the following, again from the article ...
"Yet 31 percent of fans, and more than half of all the people polled, said they have heard nothing at all about the labor dispute between NFL owners and players, whose collective bargaining agreement expires in early March. There will be a formal bargaining session in the Dallas area on Saturday."
I don't know ANY NFL fans that have NOT heard about the labor dispute and possible lockout.
And, a final reason to call the results suspect ...
"The survey has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.6 percentage points for all adults, 5.5 percentage points for football fans."