Open the Roof!
Urban says it should be released tomorrow. Not a big news item, but at least it is something.
We got Denver @ Home as one of them.
Yes for Denver not us. Some Cardinal fan you are...!!! NOT...!!!loss
We got Denver @ Home as one of them.
Yes for Denver not us. Some Cardinal fan you are...!!! NOT...!!!
Ha. It's a preseason game. Did you forget that the Cardinals historically look like a real NFL team during the preseason only to disappoint once the regular season starts?
Ha. It's a preseason game. Did you forget that the Cardinals historically look like a real NFL team during the preseason only to disappoint once the regular season starts?
I seem to recall a preseason victory over the Bears in week three of 2006. It let us know who the Bears were, so to speak.
Ha. It's a preseason game. Did you forget that the Cardinals historically look like a real NFL team during the preseason only to disappoint once the regular season starts?
And they were...?
We lost all 4 games this year.
Yea and had our best season record-wise in a decade and our first year with a positive points differential since 1993. We went 4-0 in preseason McGinnis' last year. I guess the Cardinals should hope to go 0-4 in preseason
THe only thing that matters in pre season games...Is injuries!
I can't remember us ever looking good against Denver. Preseason or regular season. I hate playing them every preseason, with their cut-blocking linemen.
Cutler lit us up with the play action over and over again.
Who we thought they were. 'Course, we let 'em off the hook.
in preseason and regular season....or was that last year? one of the years they beat us for tds on the exact same play during the season as they did in preseason
I forgot Rule 124b of the Cardinal fan rulebook.
One must believe that you will win every game. If one does not believe this, they must never speak those words, or you will be called less of a fan.