Quick Hits: Preseason Game #3 & Coach Muffin's Final 53


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
I will go about this installment of quick hits (LOL, "installment") of quick hits by dividing the roster into who I think will be on the final 53, the practice squad, and cut list.

**** As usual, I can only comment of what I saw, if I missed something please add it, and feel free to disagree with Coach Muffin. He can be stubborn, and drunk. ****


First Half: Running the Ball Well, it was very very nice to see Tim Hightower, and Beanie Wells take chunks of yards at a time. Coach Whiz's system thrives when using two backs, and Wells' speed, and Hightower's power are going to work nicely together. Passing the Ball: Our passing game looked horrible. Whether it be the protection in the OL, lack of concentration of the WR, lack of ball security by the QB (THROW IT AWAY!!!), or just poor throws by our starting QB it looks pathetic. There is no other way it can be looked at, very VERY concerning even for the preseason.

Second Half: There is no denying Leinart had a very very good game, almost great. He lead a comeback that we very entertaining to watch. And with first team WR's he would have completed the comeback. Most of the second half was passing but the running game was very solid in the second half as well. It was very good to see our back up, Heisman winning, first round pick, QOF play such a good game. He definately had his rusty moments but he also had some moments that shows he is up Kurt's butt for the starting job. He is just waiting for the oppourtunity.

Final 53:


1.Kurt Warner:
There is cause for concern. I don't care how serious Warner takes the preseason cause he sucked in this game. Ball security problems, and stupid decisions. Warner has the ability to throw a TD pass at any time, so I do not know why he just doesn't throw the ball away. JUST THROW IT AWAY! You can't come back and throw a TD pass on 2nd down, if you fumble it away, or throw a stupid forced pick on 1st down. Not to mention both fumbles were when he only had one hand on the ball, and he didn't seem want to, or try and lead this team out from the defeceit. I understand he could care less about a pre-season game, but still it makes me nervous. Yes, he he a few nice passes, but it was too little against the mistakes. What is even worse ? We will see him for 3 passes next game and then it will be against the Niners, who are chomping at the bit right now. After this offseason he is no longer the Cinderella story of an old man who beat out his young incumbent. He has a starter salary, starter roster spot, starter respect, and every thing that goes with it. Like the responsibility of this team, this IS Warner's team, he should be leading it better than this.

2.Matt Leinart:
Leinart is the feel good story of the preseason. He looked very very good against the Packers. He did what a QOF is supposed to do, and made 2nd, 3rd, and 4th teamers look lost. Regardless of the situation, he lead a comeback of 28 pts. He really nice throws that were accurate, and played with a mental toughness. I think Leinart looks good, healthy, strong physically, and mentally. While there is no doubt in my mind that Warner should be starting, and Leinart the backup, I would be lying if I didn't say that it will be interesting to see what happens if Leinart is given an oppourtunity to start for one reason or another.

3. Brian St.Pierre:
BSP had the best thing happen to him last night. He couldn't play because of injury, and Leinart go hot enough that it forced Palko to never see the field. BSP will be our 3rd string QB because of the fact he was promised a competition for the back up spot when he re-signed with the club. Hind sight being 20/20 - it would have been more interesting and fair to have BSP compete with Tyler Palko for the 3rd string spot. Yet, BSP knows the offense and while he is far from consistent, is able to make the throws from time to time.


4. Chris Wells:
Finally, we get to see Chris "Beanie" Wells play football in a NFL setting. He reminds me of Eddie George in the way he runs. Great coordination, body control, feet, quickness, size, etc., etc. It is hard not to get excited about this kid. That 20 yard TD run was a thing of beauty and if the same run happened at our own 20 yards he would have taken it to the house. Hightower and Wells are going to thrive TOGETHER in Whiz's system.

5. Tim Hightower:
Last week was Hightower's coming out party, and this week was Wells'. Hightower look very good once again. Running with power and determination. I love that this kid is looking for contact. While Hightower might be "smaller" then Wells, Tim is going to be the power, to Wells' lightning.

6. LaRod Stephens-Howling:
Remember it is Coach Muffin making the cuts today. LSH is on the team, and I don't even have to think twice about it. His special teams, change of pace, small quick, and fast style rounds out the Cardinal running back core. The Cardinals entered the preseason with A LOT of questions about what the will do about the running back situation, and have found the answers. A core of Wells, Hightower, and LSH ("Hyphen") has the potential to carry this team all by itself. IMO. *Just hope LSH head it OK, from that nasty hit he took. Somebody has to tell the kid that at his side, it is OK to try and avoid hits and forget about "pushing" for the extra yard.

50. Jason Wright:
Saved his butt during the Green Bay game. Showed some ability catching the ball out of the backfield. Blocked much better this game then in games past, and ran hard once the ball was in his hands. Not to mention he can play special teams very well. He barely makes the cut, but he is in. Especially, with LSH getting that nasty concussion.


7. Dan Kreider:
He is in. He is a good blocker, and can catch out of the backfield need be. I did not see to much of him in the Packer game to comment, but he is on the 53.

8. Dominique Byrd:
If I am running the show, I call Byrd an H-Back and make a space for him on the final roster. His catch and run against the Packers shows his good hands, and he ability to run after the catch (which none of our TE's, or FB's are able to do). He has pretty decent size as well, so he can line up at FB or TE need be. Not to mention his speed will help on special teams.

Wide Reciever #1:

9. Larry Fitzgerald:
The guy is a stud. Not problems with Fitzgerald going into the season, and I wouldn't even him suit him up for the 4th preseason game.

10. Jerheme Urban;
No less than a week after saying that I no longer would rip into this guy, and start trusting him does he play one of the worst halves of football I have ever seen from a Cardinal (and that is saying a lot). Urban is still in the running for the 4th WR spot, and should make the roster. The only thing that made his game look "better" was the ineptitude of the rest of the recievers below him. Urban is once again on my "S-List" even though he is in my final 53. If hating him will make him play better then so be it, cause I don't need to see Urban fail so mightily in his few oppourtunities that it "loses a game" for us. Final point: A 4th WR shouldn't feel so comfortable with his job that he plays like he did against the Packers.

11. Sean Morey:
Consistancy. The Cardinals are keeping, at least, five WR's. After this preseason, Morey is the 5th guy. He is consistant, he is as reliable as a Doucet or Long in catching a pass, and is an ALL-PRO special teams guy. Leaving Doucet, and Long on the outside looking in. Morey had some nice, tough catches, in the second half. While other WR's were dropping their oppourtunities Morey, quietly, had a solid night. While he wasn't a highlight reel this offseason, his consistancy, and special teams play should put him in the lead for a roster spot.

Wide Reciever #2:

12. Anquan Boldin
DNP, Injured - I don't care what the conspirators say. If he is dinged then sit him. He is primed to have a huge year.

13. Steve Breaston: - DNP, Injured. See above. Same as Q, and will be needed on special teams as well. He was SORELY missed in the Packers game. He is Warner's safety blanket.

Tight End:

14. Anthony Becht:
Finally, I have been waiting for this moment! Watch the Beanie Wells run again, and listen to the commentators. They point out Becht's block to seal the edge. Take a picture of that still, and staple it to Pope's, Patrick's, Byrd's, and Spach's heads. THAT is how it is done. Becht sets his feet and locks down a guy that is 20 to 30 lbs bigger than him. Becht didn't even move and inch. It would be great to have a guy like Heath Miller who can do this AND catch passes, but they are one in a million. I will happily take Anthony Becht (who can catch a little 5 yd out here and there) and this kind of blocking any day. Seriously, you HAVE TO NOTICE how our TE starts to block well, and all of a sudden those 3 yd runs of yester year turn into 20 yard runs because there is actually a hole to run through or an edge to run around. HUGE pick up for the Cardinals this year.

15A. Ben Patrick:
It is hard to get excited about Ben Patrick. While he shows flashes of great talent catching the ball, and an improved ability in the blocking game, he then frustrates you be being out of sync on a timing play. Patrick needs time and reps to gell with the offense, but he cannot do that when constantly injured or suspended. <--- I wrote this last week, and echo these thoughts again for this week. Patrick is going to lose the ability to control his destiny in a week. He will have a 4 week suspension where if Pope or Spach out plays his pontial the Patrick will be let go, or put on the practice squad. He was a ghost in the GB game.

15B.Stephen Spach:
He dropped the first pass thrown to him since coming back from his injury, and Becht is a better blocker. Congrats to Spach for coming back from his injury, but it is time to earn your spot. He will be given an extra 4 weeks to prove his worth or Patrick may take his spot.

16. Leonard Pope:
Pope reminds me of a 6'8" version of Freddie Jones. It is like he has cement in his shoes or something. He has the physical gifts to be a threat in the passing game, but he lacks the coordination to use said gifts. <--- Again I wrote this last week and echo these thoughts this week. I don't remember Pope doing much of anything in the Green Bay game. Pope is also being given an extra 4 weeks of evaluation. IMO, he would be the odd man out if Patrick wasn't suspended. Pope has a LOT of work to do, to prove his worth with this team.

Left Offensive Tackle:

17. Mike Gandy:
Mike Gandy has looked solid all preseason. No concerns about Gandy at LT for this up coming season. As for the Green Bay game, it seemed to me a lot of the pressure on our QB was because of the WR, or QB not seeing what was going on.

18. Herman Johnson:
Rebounded from the Charger game, and looked dominant again. He really locks down his man once he gets a hold of him, and plays with emotion. There is no way he doesn't make the final 53. Too much talent and promise from what looks to be a 5th round steal.

Left Guard:

19. Reggie Wells:
Wells has played very well all offseason. I believe Hightower and more so Beanie will allow Reggie Wells to be more effective this year, and allow him to pull and use his atheletic abilities more.


20. Lyle Sendlein:
Sendlien finally looks "stronger" this year. Only the coaches know how well he is calling out the coverages and blocking schemes. As I said, a lot of the pressure seen from Green Bay seemed to be on QB/WR confusion and not the line letting guys through untouched/barely touched. I feel better about Sendlien at center this year.

21. Melvin Fowler:
Melvin Fowler is a veteran, and understood what this game meant. He blew away the competition for backup center just by his supurb play in this game. Rarely does a offensive linemen get called out for something good and he did just that. He made me want to keep a backup center, instead of conceding to the fact that we need a back up center. Having Fowler on the roster helps Sendlien and really helps our depth.

Right Guard:

22. Duece Lutui:
Lutui has had a solid offseason. There hasn't been much talk about him, and for Lutui that is a great thing. Doesn't hurt that three of Beanie Wells' best runs came off the right side of the line.

23. Brandon Keith:
Brandon Keith has caught my interest. Enough that I watched the Charger game again, and the Packer game again when he was in. I must say he seemed to take a step back from the Steeler game, and played pretty average in both the Charger game, and Green Bay game. Against the Green Bay 2nd teamers he looked awfully slow off the line. He will still make my final 53 because the ability is there, and it is only the second year of this project player.

Right Offensive Tackle:

24. Levi Brown:
Painful. Levi Brown is painfull to watch. Brown was the 5th overall pick in his draft, and was chosen because of his potential. The problem has been he has never "gotten better". Maybe he has gotten just a little better each year that he has been in the league, but that amount of improvement has not added up to enough. It is hard for a Cardinal fan to listen to "False Start number 75.". It has been a decade of listening to that, and I for one am tired of it. Stupid holding calls, beaten time and time again on a fast edge rush, and he never showed the "Heart and Intentsity" that he was drafted for. Is he a, at best, average NFL tackle ? Sure. But if the Cardinals even have to talk about "upgrading" the right tackle position then Levi Brown is a bust. He played OK against the Packers, and again Beanie Wells ran very well to Levi Brown's size. But Brown has ran out of time to be talked about in terms of potential. He is a huge concern this year, and for years going foward.

25. Elton Brown:
"Cheese" barely makes the cut. He knows our system, and can play guard or tackle. If he every took this profession seriously he could be a NFL starter, but his wieght hinders his ability and that is what holds him back. BUT, for depth he is a good guy to have, and I for one have confidence in his abilities when he is playing.


WOW! That was a horrific showing of most magnificient proportions. Rolle, DRC, and others should be ashamed of that showing. Bill Davis ? You better be sweating bullets, and be putting in 18 hour days. Did I mention how piss poor our defense looked ? Preason, scrimmage, back yard football with friends, WHATEVER!!! That looked horrible. I don't know what to say to anyone who thinks this is acceptable, and how one could be "alright" with this display right before our first regular season game. Blow coverages, fighting between defensive players on the sidelines, players being called out for not trying, etc., etc., etc.

Note to Cardinals defense: Get your heads on straight. You are the scapegoat for losing the Super Bowl, you are the reason for concern amongst all NFL land in concerns to the Cardinals getting back to the playoffs, and as of right now you are the weakest link. All those defensive players looking for the big buck !??!?! Prove it.

Nose Tackle (NT in 4-3):

26. Bryan Robinson:
I will say it again. Thank goodness for Bryan Robinson because without Robinson this team wouldn't have an NFL quality nose tackle on the roster. In his thirteenth year in the league he is easily outplaying Gabe Watson, and the worthless fat ass. He did have the best of games against Green Bay but he is the best we have. I hope he can do it again for another season.

27.Gabe Watson:
Unitl Watson recovers from his injury from last year, IF he ever does he is worthless. How can he can pushed back like he has been ? He is not the same player he was before the injury, and that leaves the Cardinals in a bad depth situation at nose tackle. Hopefully Watson re-gains his past abilities but as of right now he is not looking to good. He makes the roster out of need.

Right Defensive End (RDE in 4-3)

28.Calais Campbell:
Campbell had a very average first half. Somebody said something to him at halftime because he come out at the beginning of the second half and almost literally killed Brian Brohm. The only concern here is maturity. Did he learn his lesson from this Green Bay game ? Does he see how quickly things get out of hand if you slack off for one play ? Hopefully, because consistancy is what Campbell has to work on. A great preseason means jack squat if he doesn't do it in the regular season. I think he will rise to the occasion this season, and I really don't have too much of concern.

29. Kellen Dykes: ***
DNP, injured - Alan Branch is so bad that Dykes is a better NT when hurt, and not playing. What to do with Kellen Dykes ? I would keep him. Cheaper than Alan Branch, and probably just as effective or better. Dykes being injured this offseason sucks. It really has put our DL depth at a point where we don't know who is best where.

30. Left Defensive End (UT in 4-3):
Darnell Dockett:
Mark it down. He is going to have a monster year. Looked real good in this game against Green Bay, which GB noticed and then doube teamed him and ran away from him for the rest of the game. Very excited about Dockett this year.

31. Kenny Iwebema:
Iwebema had an average game. I don't think his strength is back since he got blasted off the line a couple of times. Again, his size, and speed allows for him to play special teams, and thus there is room on the roster for him over other depth guys on the DL. Iwembema might bring more to the table on the DL once he recovers from his offseason surgery.

Left Outside Linebacker (RDE in 4-3):

32. Clark Haggans:
I expect to get a solid year from Clark Haggans. He played solid in this game, and all preseason. He is not going to be the big play maker, or the sack master. He will hold down the OLB position, and play within the scheme. That is all I can ask from this veteran.

33. Will Davis:
This kid will contribute to this team, this year. Bank on it. He has the drive, power, quickness, and instincts to play in this league. With that in mind I expect him to hit the rookie wall and fade out at the end of the year. But he had some good pressure, and plays in general in this game. Not to mention he can play special teams. <--- I stated this last week and stick by it. Davis is looking better by the week. He is intense, and has the drive to get to the QB. I am still very excited to see Davis against first string NFL players.

Right Outside Linebacker (OLB in 4-3):

34. Chike Okeafor:
You can almost copy down, word for word, what I said about Clark Haggans in regards to Okeafor. This offseason, you can see his back is not right. He is looking slow, but he is playing the scheme well, and holding down the position. If Okeafor gets healthy, I would expect to see him pressure the QB better.

35. Bertrand Berry:
Berry has not had the best offseason. Questions about him missing the voluntary workouts. He has been a ghost in each preseason game this year, and then gets in a shouting match on the sideline. Not good. My advice, enjoy that you make the squad because of lack of depth, shut your mouth, and sack the QB.

Strong Inside Linebacker (MLB in 4-3):

36. Gerald Hayes:
Has had a solid offseason, and preseason. No complaints about Hayes and am confident with him going into the season. Yet, didn't have the best game against Green Bay.

37. Victor Hobson:
This is very hard to do. I don't think Hobson is really worthy of this roster spot. I didn't see anything from him in the Green Bay game. He gets on the final 53, barely, for the fact he can play ILB, and OLB. He pushes Reggie Walker onto the practice squad because of experience, and versatility.

Weak Inside Linebacker (OLB in 4-3):

38. Karlos Dansby:
Took a HUGE step back in this game. Didn't want to play, didn't want to be there and that has been the blemesh on Dansby every since he has been here. You can't talk like a leader if you don't walk like a leader. If he shows up ready to go, like he does 90% of the time we are fine. Hopefully this game is all he needs in order to get his head on straight.

39. Ali Highsmith
DNP, injured. - Highsmith didn't play a lot this preseason because he is still nursing his knee injury from last year. That is fine. There is a lot of potential with Highsmith and his value on special teams is enormous. I have no problem using a roster spot on Highsmith.

Left Cornerback:

40. Domonique Rogers-Cromartie:
Nothing much needs to be said that has already not been said. He had a "wake-up" game. Hopefully Adrian Wilson, or one of the coaches said something to DRC, and told him that potential doesn't make squat if you never get production out of it. Hopefully DRC watches that tape and is embarrassed because he should be. Getting beat by second string WR's, and even worse 3rd string TE's on TV is horrific. All the speed and ability in the world doesn't amount to anything if you are an idiot. The best thing DRC did in this game was dance and show off that ugly grill that he now is showing off. Bad signs from some one we are expecting a lot out of. You are not THAT good yet.

41. Michael Adams:
Adams has shown enough over the preseason to keep his job on the final 53. Is there really anyone that I have left off the roster that will be more useful. He can cut it as a cornerback, for depth and as a backup. He is a beast on special teams as well. That combo keeps him onthe team.

42. Greg Toler:
Toler has too much talent and potential to let him see the waiver wire, because another team will pick him up. The minute he can stop thinking and just react he will show his worth. His steady improvement during this preseason has been promising, and I expect to see him rise up the depth chart as he learns the position.

Right Cornerback:

43. Bryant McFadden:
I didn't see too much of McFadden in this game, because the Packers were all about making DRC look foolish in this game. We haven't seen much of McFadden this whole offseason. We know he is physical, knows the system we are running, and has started in the league before. The book is still out on the guy, but if the coaches are confident then I am.

44. Ralph Brown:
He looked horrible out there as a starter. Keep him on the inside in nickel and dime situation cause he can't go one on one with anyone anymore. He is a vet that is know to make a big play, when one is needed. If we can keep him at the NB positioni then I am OK, but the second he is put on the outside I get really nervous, really quick.

Free Safety:

45. Antrell Rolle:
There are problems here. No doubt in anyone's mind. Does Rolle have the study skills to be a safety ? Doesn't look like it yet. He still is getting beat like a drum, mentally. It is only year two in the transformation to safety. He needs to continue to improve, and get his mental game up to his superior and awe inspiring physical gifts. Big year for Rolle, and Rashad Johnson is right down his neck.

46. Rashad Johnson:
The more he plays, the more he learns, the more excited I get about having this guy on my team. If Rolle does not improve mentally, Johnson will be out there by the end of the year. He has better size than I thought, and a couple of times during the Packers game he made a tackle where I am used to Rolle being caught going at the wrong angle. I am very happy that he is on the team and seems to be, already, finding his nitch as a player.

47. Matt Ware:
Had a phenominal game against the Chargers, and looked pretty good against the Packers. I think it would be a mistake to let Ware go. He can play safety, corner back, and special teams. He is good for the depth of this ball club and is playing better than others this preseason.

Strong Safety:

48. Adrian Wilson:
I don't like seeing him arguing on the field. But if a fire needs to be put out, then so be it. A-Dub gets a pass, and hopefully can wait till in the locker room next time. Intense the entire game, and obviously is upset as Whiz, and the fans at the showing against the Packers. Not to mention he almost killed someone at the beginning of the second half.

49. Aaron Fransisco
I hate to say but, Fransisco has beat out Keith Lewis fair and square. Keep him out of coverage in the open field. Use him like Wilson, and on special teams. With Rashad Johnson on the club the reduction of what we ask of Fransisco could make him more valuable by not asking him to do things we know he can't.

Special Teams:

51.Neil Rackers:
What a great play on the onsides kick, and has kicked well. Another year and a couple of game winning field goals, and MAYBE I can forgive him.

52. Ben Graham:
Has looked fine all offseason, and preseason.

53. Mike Leach:
Looked fine snapping the ball, and is such an upgrade over Nathan Hodel it is almost not even funny. Had another impressive tackle in a punt situation. <-- I echo my statements from last week.

Practice Squad:

1. Tyler Palko:
Did Not Play against Packers. Kinda screwed up he doesn't get a shot to play and compete for the second week in a row. I thought Palko should have been allowed to compete against BSP for a roster spot. I think he showed enough competitive spirit to earn a practice squad spot, and it is justified with BSP bad back.

2. *** Open. If Alan Branch is kept, I expect to see Kellen Dykes here. If not, BPA on the waiver wire will take this spot. Probably a CB or DB.

3. Michael Ray Garvin:
If he comes back from his injury and is not put on IR then Garvin will be hard pressed not to get signed off waivers. But if the Cardinals can keep him here, then it will be to our benefit later. There is a lot of promise and potential for this guy. But with LSH showing off his skills, it makes keeping a roster spot for Garvin impossible.

4. Early Doucet:
Jason Wright or Early Doucet ? I think a RB who plays special teams, blocks well, and has showed some effectiveness recieving out of the back field is more important that a WR who doesn't play special teams. Not to mention Doucet didn't take advantage of his oppourtunities this preseason. Morey was more consistant, and has a bigger role than Doucet. If you can keep 54 guys then he is the 54th. Does he clear waivers ? Doubtful, but he might based on his injury, and his lack of consistancy.

5.Reggie Walker:
Maybe he was star struck against the Steelers where he was a ghost. But against the Chargers, and Green Bay he was front and center. He is aggressive, and always around the ball. He is small for his position, but his mentality is exactly what you want. Sam Mills was only 5'9" and about 230 lbs. Reggie Walker blew away any competition for the back up ILB position. Happy to see this guy play well, and hope he helps out in the regular season. Hopefully his UDFA status keeps him under the radar until we need him. Hobson should watch his back. It is very hard to put this player here and not on the final 53.

6.Onrea Jones:
He really showed why the Cardinals keep this kid around. He makes losing Lance Long nothing but a fart in the wind. Onrea Jones showed some skils, size, ability, and competitiveness all preason long. If he played special team better, he could give Morey a run for his money.

7. Carlton Medder/Brandon Pearce:
These are the two best offensive lineman of "who is left". I would LOVE to see Elloit Vallejo come back from his injury and take this spot, but he is not currently on the roster. I would lean towards Pearce since he is listed as a tackle and we need one for depth purposes. While Medder is a little better skill wise, but is a guard.

8. David Holloway:
We need him for depth with the OLB'ers. He was in consideration for a practice squad spot last year, and was surprisingly cut. He might not even make ths squad if something better comes down the waiver wire.

Injured Reserve:

1. Cody Brown
This is just a shame. The guy needs reps, and time to learn his new position. He looked lost all offseason, but he is a rookie and never played anywhere except DE with his hand in the dirt. Hopefully he can improve enough to where next year he look solid, and contribute more.

2. Jason Banks:
This sucked. This was a time that Banks could have had the oppourtunity to show what he can do. Hopefully next offseason, and preseason he can show some promise, and helph the squad.

3. Justin Green:
He could have been our practice squad, backup full back. Who knows.

Will be Signed off Waivers:

Tim Castille:
Too bad. Had a really nice block on Beanie Wells' run. But he is the odd man out. As much as it would be great to have Castille on the practice squad, you can bet Haley/Carthon will sign him in KC.

Lance Long:
I know I am in the minority but I will be happy to see Long leave for KC. He is a solid WR, and there is no denying his competitiveness. But he may not even be the best WR on the practice squad from last year. He is constatnly talked about but this offseason he has showed he is not a big play WR, and why he couldn't crack the final 53.


Keith Lewis
Nothing much to say here. He got beat out by Fransisco, fair and square.

Chris Vincent:
Has already spent a lot of time on our practice squad, and has been cut before. Unless NOTHING comes along the waiver wire, and IF the Cardinals even want a running back on the practice squad he might be put on the squad again.

Edward Gant:
Didn't show too much this offseason, and with the recievers that Arizona has there is no place for him.

Steve Sanders
Did he ever see the field as a Cardinal ?

Oliver Ross:
Cut. Cause he sucks.

Trevor Canfield:
Cut. Got beat out be Pearce and Medder. He might find his way back to the practice squad later in the year IF needed.

Ben Claxton
Got beat out by Fowler.

Alan Branch: ***
See you later, it is time to go. If he is kept and Kellen Dykes goes to the practice squad then I will be appalled. Remember these are Coach Muffin's picks and I don't let Branch cheat me out of a needed roster spot. Branch has shown nothing to justify his salary, and even worse his roster spot. If the best player stays, then Branch goes.

Rodney Leisle:
Had a few tackles, and played solid, but is not going to make the final 53.

Alex Field:
Cut. Pure Camp Fodder.

Pago Togafau:
Was playing well until he got hurt. Reggie Walker outplayed him, and Highsmith is a proven player. I see an injury settlement given out in this circumstance. He may be back later in the year IF the oppourtunity arises.

Chase Bullock:
For a guy his size, he moves well. But was beat out by Reggie Walker.

Jameel Dowling:
A guy his size is kept around for that reason, but there is no place to put him.

Wilrey Fontenot:
Played bad enough to play himself out of the practice squad.

Reagan Maui'a:
Byrd makes Maui'a expendable, and he doesn't need to be on the practice squad, since he will probably be available during the season.
Last edited:


Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
You're going to cut Doucet and keep 5 tight ends? I can't see that happening.

Crazy Canuck

May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Alan Branch: ***
See you later, it is time to go. If he is kept and Kellen Dykes goes to the practice squad then I will be appalled. Remember these are Coach Muffin's picks and I don't let Branch cheat me out of a needed roster spot. Branch has shown nothing to justify his salary, and even worse his roster spot. If the best player stays, then Branch goes.

Well, Coach - Where do you find the $1.6M + against the cap when you cut Branch?

(Where did you see all of this fine play by Dykes?)

The chance of Doucet being cut at this point: Slim and none - IMO


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Excellent effort on this thread, Coach Rugby! Like your format too.

Very good concept of Byrd as H-back/TE. And I am in full agreement with almost all of your picks...save a couple.

But like the others, can't see Doucet getting waived.

I also think Herman Johnson is the backup RT and, whether this is the best move or not, I think they are going to keep Oliver Ross as the backup LT.

Anyway, thanks for the great thread. Much appreciated.:raccoon:


Apr 30, 2003
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I guess my staff (LOL) has convinced my of at least one change:

If we keep Doucet then one of the TE's have got to go, and that would be Leonard Pope. Thus leaving us with Becht, Spach, and Byrd going into the season.

As for Alan Branch ?

I am sticking by that decision. Dykes can play both NT and DE, where Branch can just barely play NT.

Find a way to cut Branch.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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I guess my staff (LOL) has convinced my of at least one change:

If we keep Doucet then one of the TE's have got to go, and that would be Leonard Pope. Thus leaving us with Becht, Spach, and Byrd going into the season.

As for Alan Branch ?

I am sticking by that decision. Dykes can play both NT and DE, where Branch can just barely play NT.

Find a way to cut Branch.

Both Branch and Doucet stays. I think we keep with Pope/Patrick/Spach/Becht and Byrd goes.

I'll have to put together a 53 because I'm sure there are a couple players too many in my projections.
Nov 15, 2002
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SE Valley
Props to your effort on the post, Coach Muffin! You show more enthusiasm than the Cardinals starters did Friday night! Nice job.

One thing is going to be certain on the cuts to 53 - the Cardinals will be cutting some players that they would like to keep around; guys that will get a shot for some other NFL team.

Echoing others - they will keep at least 6 WR's - Doucet makes the 53. I agree with Byrd in a dual TE/H-back role but one of the TE's will be cut. Branch will make the squad simply because Watson doesn't look like he has come back from the knee injury, and may never recover the potential he showed prior.

And finally, I agree with your assesment of keeping Jones over Long. Have to love Long's desire and grit, though! He will be one of the Cardinals cuts that will be given a shot elsewhere.


Jun 10, 2002
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Both Branch and Doucet stays. I think we keep with Pope/Patrick/Spach/Becht and Byrd goes.

I'll have to put together a 53 because I'm sure there are a couple players too many in my projections.

Boy I would hate to see that. Byrd is a better weapon and blocker than any of those other guys. I say he stays and becomes the Cardinals version of the Titans Bo Scaife.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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Boy I would hate to see that. Byrd is a better weapon and blocker than any of those other guys. I say he stays and becomes the Cardinals version of the Titans Bo Scaife.

I think that is just one of the sacrifices this team has to make. We just can't logically keep 5 TE's and 6 WR's can we? Pope is staying whether most of us like it or not. Patrick is staying too, or we would have cut him. (There isn't anything in the NFLPA that would prevent you from cutting a player on/because of a drug suspension is there) The Cards really liked Spach last year before the injury so that's 3 right there. They signed Becht in the off season and Byrd was signed much later if I remember correctly. So it looks like Becht or Byrd will be the odd man out.


Aug 14, 2006
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Re DRC, "All the speed and ability in the world doesn't mean a darn thing if you are an idiot". (Ths has to be the best quote of the year so far). This is a VERY bad time for this kid to get stupid on us!!!

I agree with your call of sending Doucette to the PS. Like you, I keep THT, Wells, Wright, and The Hyphen for RB's, and use Byrd as an H-back to back-up Krieder. Lets us get maximum use of personnel with the fewest roster spots, PLUS puts the best talent and (desire or want-to) on the field. I like the way you think Coach Rugby.;)

I hope they lose O. Ross, and keep Brandon Keith as a back-up on the O-line.
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2003
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I think that is just one of the sacrifices this team has to make. We just can't logically keep 5 TE's and 6 WR's can we? Pope is staying whether most of us like it or not. Patrick is staying too, or we would have cut him. (There isn't anything in the NFLPA that would prevent you from cutting a player on/because of a drug suspension is there) The Cards really liked Spach last year before the injury so that's 3 right there. They signed Becht in the off season and Byrd was signed much later if I remember correctly. So it looks like Becht or Byrd will be the odd man out.

There is no way Becht is being cut. That would be a huge mistake. He is the only TE that can block.

If Pope isn't cut then Spach will be cut, for the sake of Early Doucet and his "potential".


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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Re DRC, "All the speed and ability in the world doesn't mean a darn thing if you are an idiot". (Ths has to be the best quote of the year so far). This is a VERY bad time for this kid to get stupid on us!!!

I agree with your call of sending Doucette to the PS. Like you, I keep THT, Wells, Wright, and The Hyphen for RB's, and use Byrd as an H-back to back-up Krieder. Lets us get maximum use of personnel with the fewest roster spots, PLUS puts the best talent and (desire or want-to) on the field. I like the way you think Coach Rugby.;)

I hope they lose O. Ross, and keep Brandon Keith as a back-up on the O-line.

No way Doucet lasts on the practice squad though. None. Onrea should be able to stay there without getting picked up. Lance with his added exposure will probably get an opportunity elsewhere and good luck to him if he does.
There is no way Becht is being cut. That would be a huge mistake. He is the only TE that can block.

If Pope isn't cut then Spach will be cut, for the sake of Early Doucet and his "potential".

Coaches already like what they see in Spach. He stays as well unless his injury status is keeping him from being on the team.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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To add more. It would be great if we drafted a TE that we liked so we could free up 2 or maybe even 3 rosters spots. We shouldn't need to keep 5 TE's. 3 should be plenty.


Apr 30, 2003
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To add more. It would be great if we drafted a TE that we liked so we could free up 2 or maybe even 3 rosters spots. We shouldn't need to keep 5 TE's. 3 should be plenty.

Agreed. I would love to have Heath Miller on this team. That guy is the best all around TE in football.


Jun 10, 2002
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I think that is just one of the sacrifices this team has to make. We just can't logically keep 5 TE's and 6 WR's can we? Pope is staying whether most of us like it or not. Patrick is staying too, or we would have cut him. (There isn't anything in the NFLPA that would prevent you from cutting a player on/because of a drug suspension is there) The Cards really liked Spach last year before the injury so that's 3 right there. They signed Becht in the off season and Byrd was signed much later if I remember correctly. So it looks like Becht or Byrd will be the odd man out.

Pope needs to go. Dallas can sign him and have him line up with Flozell Adams and LDavis.


Chopped Liver Moderator
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Aug 19, 2005
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Agreed. I would love to have Heath Miller on this team. That guy is the best all around TE in football.

I'll take Witten first, but Heath is a close 2nd.

Pope needs to go. Dallas can sign him and have him line up with Flozell Adams and LDavis.

He'll get one more year on the roster, along with Branch.


Have a Nice Day!
Mar 14, 2003
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Monroe NC
In order to be Pope you have to be a Cardinal first. Leonard Pope has been both so its time to cut him.

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