Oh, the good old days when men were men. Players smoked at halftime, got plastered the night before a game, and went out and played like true barbarians trying to take each other's head off, without the need of all the rules to protect them like we have today.
Some of us played the same way at different parks either after school and on weekends, but without the pads and helmet. Those were the days! Showing up to school or work on Mondays barely being able to walk, and all bruised and bloodied. I suppose that was our 1960's Fight Club. I can still 'feel' the times when at QB I was cloths-lined or picked up and slammed head first into the ground. And oh those body blocks we laid on each other. I only remember the one brawl we ever got into with an opposing team. Usually, we popped open beers to share with each other while we laughed about the hits we delivered to one another.