As far as I can tell,this rumor is dubious at best.
I was on Twitter a lot yesterday watching for basketball rumors. The Chicago Tribune, listed as the source, had an article that essentially said (and I'm paraphrasing to the best of my ability) "The Suns are trying to unload Eric Bledsoe's unwieldy contract of 2 years, $29.5 million."
It stood out to me as a patently absurd statement.
Minutes later, articles like this Realgm came out.
Since then, the cited Tribune article says only the following, making me think they changed the original sentence once an editor with some sense got ahold of it:
"The Suns, who own the fourth pick, are trying to offload some unwieldy longterm, deals as part of any trade package, sources said."
(The comma usage is not my own!)
A lot of these rumors get started with a writer from a "credible source" saying something without credibility and then writers with no credibility at all writing sensationalized reports based solely off a sentence of rampant speculation.
Most of them are easy to discredit if you just go back and read the source article.