funny you should say that... It was a customers computer that I was working on and he told me that there was none... he wanted his children's pictures recovered so we determined that they were all either Jpeg or Bmp files so I set those as the parameters... It searched and searched and found and found and we were up to about 2 gigs, he was like, "what the hell is all that I did not have that many pictures"... well it recovers in program graphics like logos and such so there was a ton of that, and then it also recovered some other stuff...
We were going though and filing the pictures and then I come across this somewhat dim photo and it is a picture of a woman bent over performing some mouthy services and we both kind of laugh and I made some comment about his taste in porn... I look at the guy and he is beat red and all of the sudden wishes he was on a southwest flight... I look back at the picture and it was HIM!!!!.... Not what I wanted to see... he had a ton of them on there....
Don't ask to see the pictures though, ass face paid me extra to delete them...