April 17, 2003
Amare Stoudemire
c/o The Phoenix Suns
1 page via fax: 602-379-7990
Dear Mr. Stoudemire:
I am writing on behalf of the more than 750,000 members and supporters of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) and animal-friendly basketball fans across the world, not because of your artful play on the court, but to appeal to your better nature. As the season ends, you are clearly a top contender for this year’s "Got milk?" Rookie of the Year Award. We would like to ask that you decline the award in order to avoid association with the cruelty to animals and human health hazards that are part of the dairy industry’s game plan.
Dairy cows lead miserable lives and die violent, bloody deaths. In order for humans to drink the milk that is intended for baby calves, they are taken from their mothers as soon as they’re born, and the male calves are sold to the veal industry, where they spend their short lives tethered inside crates so small that they can hardly move. Their mothers are kept constantly pregnant and drugged so that they produce up to 10 times as much milk as they naturally should, causing their udders to become swollen and distended and develop painful infections. When they can no longer produce enough milk to be profitable, usually at the age of 4 or 5 years out of a natural life span of around 20 or 25, they are sent off to the slaughterhouse, where they are hung upside-down by their hind legs and have their throats slit, and are sometimes skinned alive and dismembered while still fully conscious. If you accept the "Got milk?" Award, you will be condoning, and indeed endorsing, this sort of hideous abuse—something that I’m sure you do not want to do.
It may also be of concern to you that there is a very high prevalence of lactose-intolerance among African-Americans, as well as other ethnic groups. As you probably know from your own life experience, more than 70 percent of African-Americans cannot digest milk or other dairy products—trying to do so causes them stomach cramps, severe gas, and other painful side effects. Many millions of your African-American fans, particularly children, look up to and emulate you. By accepting this award and becoming a de facto advocate for the dairy industry, you are encouraging these kids to drink a product that will most likely cause them severe health problems. Surely no award is worth that.
We are hoping very much that you will follow your heart and decline the "Got milk?" Rookie of the Year Award and send a message to the world that you do not support the cruel and unhealthy dairy industry.
Please call me at your earliest convenience should you wish to discuss PETA’s concerns further. I can be reached at 508-878-2477.
Dan Shannon
Vegan Outreach Coordinator