State of the Suns


Jun 24, 2005
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There's a lot of info that's scattered over 20 threads, and I thought I would post a quick synopsis:

Known (confirmed by ESPN, Ash, Coro):

JJ sign-n-trade for Diaw, 2 lotto-protected picks

Unknown: the level of lotto protection (1 has to be the Lakers' pick)

Roster as it stands (minutes)

PG: Nash, Barbosa
SG/SF: Marion, Raja, JJax, Diaw, Dijon
PF/C: Amare, KT, Tischer


(1) Starting/6th man SG
(2) Backup point
(3) Backup PF/C


(1) ~5 mil trade exemption usable for signing FAs
(2) 1.7 mil MLE
(3) Tradable assets include 3 first rounders (2 from Atl, the Suns' own)

Options: (short term)

(1) Coro possibly drops a hint that Finley is headed here (not like we didn't know this already, but nice to see an insider possibly verifying this)
(2) Given this, the biggest short-term holes exist at backup PG and PF/C. The Suns have a number of nice assets to plug the PG hole with a player like Jason Williams, Dan Dickau, or someone along these lines. If they can grab a player like this with the 1.7 exception, they can give Hunter something like 2.5 mil per year to plug the front line hole.
(3) From what Atl fans say, Diaw might be the perfect backcourt partner for a Barbosa. The new situation makes Barbosa an integral part of the Suns' long-term plans. If Diaw and Barbosa learn how to play together, the JJ loss will become more palatable long-term. If they fail, then the Suns have taken a terrible long-term hit.

The short term roster, IMHO, looks something like:

PG: Nash (30), Williams/Dickau/???? (12), Diaw (6)
SG: Fins (20), Raja (15), JJax (8), Barbosa (5)
SF: Marion (25), Raja (10), JJax (8), Fins (5)
PF: Amare (30), Marion (10), Thomas (8)
C: Thomas (22), Amare (8), Hunter/??? (18)

That's a veteran, stacked lineup that has a 2-year window to win it all. Whether or not that window remains open depends on the development of several young players (Diaw, Barbosa, Hunter, Tischer, etc) and the Suns' drafting/trading acumen with their new resources.

It may be that the Suns believe in Diaw's abilities at PG enough to give him backup PG minutes without bringing in someone else. If he does well, it will make the trade look a lot better than it currently does, especially long-term as Nash slows down.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
Wow, it's the Phoenix Mavericks...err...Dallas Suns...

Nash, Jackson, Bell, (possibly) Finley...

You guys just need to make a move for Dirk. :D


Registered User
Nov 19, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
Good idea on the thread. Make 1 change though:

(1) ~5 mil trade exemption usable for signing FAs

Trade exceptions cannot be used to sign FAs. They can only be used in a trade, and can be the only excpetion used. In other words, if you use a trade exception you cannot use the within 25% rule.


Selfless Service
Feb 23, 2004
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Bay Area
i'll say this: i'm very interested to see what the suns do from now till the end of the off-season. people WILL be calling for sarver's head tomorrow morning, but they will calm down. the uproar won't begin again unless its apparent that the team we ended last year with was superior to this years team.

the only way to prevent that would be some rediculous rabbit out of a hat trick. its like 'i love lucy': right about now sarver's saying 'i can explain', and i'm sitting here sayin "start splainin"

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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lol, I am still so angry right now, I have been pacing around for hours about this. Boris Diaw /sigh...okay I agree the masses will be pissed and I hope Sarver loses some ticket holders. when I go to bed and pray tonight I will pray for Sarver to sell the team to bill bidwill.

The thing is our team was relativelty balanced with JJ. I keep hearing how good of a ball handler Diaw is, boy that makes me feel better YIPPIE he handles the ball well, hell trade STAT Diaw handles the ball well.

Now we need a shooter bad if finley falls through who do the Suns get? Person, another retred,

Jacobsen (hasn't been away long enough to meet the Suns requirements for resigning)

Trade? what shooter can we get in here now?

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
Super Moderator
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May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
thegrahamcrackr said:
And you guys just need to make a run for the playoffs :p

(it feels good to say that to a lakers fan!)

Enjoy the smack talking while you can. At this rate, we'll win ANOTHER title before you guys get your first. :D




Say Vandelay!
Oct 21, 2002
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Brian in Mesa said:
Enjoy the smack talking while you can. At this rate, we'll win ANOTHER title before you guys get your first. :D





Registered User
Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city
the suns may think of bring in jay williams but never ever will this team with JC still having a vote on it bring in jason williams.

want to get to get traded from the suns? it is simple get pulled over or busted for drugs and you will be on the way out faster then you can say hold that cab.


Jan 10, 2005
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Brian in Mesa said:
Wow, it's the Phoenix Mavericks...err...Dallas Suns...

Nash, Jackson, Bell, (possibly) Finley...

You guys just need to make a move for Dirk. :D

2 Big differences....Amare and Marion!!


Better off silent
May 13, 2002
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Round Rock, TX
scotsman13 said:
the suns may think of bring in jay williams but never ever will this team with JC still having a vote on it bring in jason williams.

want to get to get traded from the suns? it is simple get pulled over or busted for drugs and you will be on the way out faster then you can say hold that cab.

I thought they were talking about Jay Williams all along.

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
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Brian in Mesa said:
Enjoy the smack talking while you can. At this rate, we'll win ANOTHER title before you guys get your first. :D



yeah brian i wish i had that Lakers roster right now;)


Jun 23, 2005
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1. Nash
2. Bell
3. Marion
4. Stoudemire
5. Thomas
6. JJ
7. Padgett
8. Diaw
9. Barbosa
10. Thompson
11. Burke (DNP)
12. Tischer (DNP)

I think this is a fairly accurate depth chart. JJ will be the first off the bench. Padgett will be second to spell KT or Stoudemire. Diaw will spell the 2 & 3 Barbosa is the BIG question mark. Can he spell Nash, or will they use one of our two guards. Maybe they think Diaw can do it.

Who will be 13. Hopefully they pick up a guy that will push Burke and Tischer down to the bottom.

Finley is a real possibility, but the Suns don't need another 2 guard.


Suns are my Kryptonite!
Jan 3, 2003
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Laveen, AZ
Folster said:
1. Nash
2. Bell
3. Marion
4. Stoudemire
5. Thomas
6. JJ
7. Padgett
8. Diaw
9. Barbosa
10. Thompson
11. Burke (DNP)
12. Tischer (DNP)

I think this is a fairly accurate depth chart. JJ will be the first off the bench. Padgett will be second to spell KT or Stoudemire. Diaw will spell the 2 & 3 Barbosa is the BIG question mark. Can he spell Nash, or will they use one of our two guards. Maybe they think Diaw can do it.

Who will be 13. Hopefully they pick up a guy that will push Burke and Tischer down to the bottom.

Finley is a real possibility, but the Suns don't need another 2 guard.

I haven't looked to see what big men are out there, but I don't think we need Finley either. We have enough at the guard spot now, unless a true b/u PG becomes available. I'd rather get a better big guy on the bench to come in for Amare/KT along with Padgett. :cool:


Jul 27, 2005
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Tucson, AZ
Folster said:
Finley is a real possibility, but the Suns don't need another 2 guard.

Heard today that he might be going to New York for either Hardaway or Thomas.


Jun 23, 2005
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SunsPride said:
Heard today that he might be going to New York for either Hardaway or Thomas.

I can't imagine any GM doing that... Even Isiah. He has enough guards. The expiring contracts of Penny and Thomas have real value, especially around the trade deadline. The Knicks would be waving one amnesty player in Houston just to pick-up another one in Finley.

I don't care if Finley comes here or not, but I don't want Cuban to get out this mess that easily.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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(My take kind of long )
24 hours and a lot info info has come in since then. I see the arguments from both sides and whether the Suns should have or should'nt have is truely a great debate, but I do not see the blind optimism though for this organzations future.

Why? Becuase I have seen this before many times infact. My biggest fear about the Suns organization still stands the willingness to over pay for aging has been talent getting themselves in cap trouble while letting younger players leave and succeed in other cities before overpaying for them when they are pretty much at the end of their careers. This is the true face of the Phoenix Suns. A team that wants to pretend to play with the big boys with above average overpaid OLD players.

Why do you think they are going to try for Finley? think about it it's perfect way to soften the blow, the Suns fans think he is a proven commodity but the truth is he is an injury prone aged player with little left in the tank, but the Suns fans (masses) will remember the younger talented Finley with Dallas and will accept him with open arms thinking hey this is the 27 yo finley and we are going to the finals!, wrong so wrong.

With Sarver I expect more of the same to come, sure he will spend and probably vastly over spend for middle of the road talent to save his now badly damaged public image. Like Cliff Robinson, like AC Green, like Manning, like Tisdale, like Hot Rod, like Penny, like Googs, like Longley, it provides the illusion that the Suns are trying to build a winner doing what they can to bring the ring to Phoenix, but in reality are just trying to have a team that wins enough to get by.

The Suns truely had the unique chance to win it all and they are effectively rebuilding the team again and with older players. I look forward to players like Juan Howard, Joe Smith, Antone Walker sucking up our cap space for a few years until we can unload them with our drafts picks to someone else. Funny because just 5 months ago I was thinking hey this team is one of the youngest in the NBA we are going to be awesome for years to come. Now I am just hoping they extend Amare so I have a reason to watch a team that will probably lose in the first round every year. think that is crazy? well we will see and I will be here after the Suns fire coach after coach unload bad deal after bad deal then tear it up after Amare either forces a trade or retires. You can bash me if I am wrong and I will gladly admit I was.

In the end it's the same old story.The state of the Suns is exactly the same as it has always been slightly above average.


Jul 27, 2005
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Tucson, AZ
Treesquid said:
(My take kind of long )
24 hours and a lot info info has come in since then. I see the arguments from both sides and whether the Suns should have or should'nt have is truely a great debate, but I do not see the blind optimism though for this organzations future.

Why? Becuase I have seen this before many times infact. My biggest fear about the Suns organization still stands the willingness to over pay for aging has been talent getting themselves in cap trouble while letting younger players leave and succeed in other cities before overpaying for them when they are pretty much at the end of their careers. This is the true face of the Phoenix Suns. A team that wants to pretend to play with the big boys with above average overpaid OLD players.

Why do you think they are going to try for Finley? think about it it's perfect way to soften the blow, the Suns fans think he is a proven commodity but the truth is he is an injury prone aged player with little left in the tank, but the Suns fans (masses) will remember the younger talented Finley with Dallas and will accept him with open arms thinking hey this is the 27 yo finley and we are going to the finals!, wrong so wrong.

With Sarver I expect more of the same to come, sure he will spend and probably vastly over spend for middle of the road talent to save his now badly damaged public image. Like Cliff Robinson, like AC Green, like Manning, like Tisdale, like Hot Rod, like Penny, like Googs, like Longley, it provides the illusion that the Suns are trying to build a winner doing what they can to bring the ring to Phoenix, but in reality are just trying to have a team that wins enough to get by.

The Suns truely had the unique chance to win it all and they are effectively rebuilding the team again and with older players. I look forward to players like Juan Howard, Joe Smith, Antone Walker sucking up our cap space for a few years until we can unload them with our drafts picks to someone else. Funny because just 5 months ago I was thinking hey this team is one of the youngest in the NBA we are going to be awesome for years to come. Now I am just hoping they extend Amare so I have a reason to watch a team that will probably lose in the first round every year. think that is crazy? well we will see and I will be here after the Suns fire coach after coach unload bad deal after bad deal then tear it up after Amare either forces a trade or retires. You can bash me if I am wrong and I will gladly admit I was.

In the end it's the same old story.The state of the Suns is exactly the same as it has always been slightly above average.

Sounds like the T-Wolves/KG

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