Thank You Jerry - "Reach For The Stars"

Sir Donald

Jul 24, 2007
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Thank You Jerry Colangelo - "Reach For The Stars"

How do you celebrate a 40 year star-studded career in a 25 minute half-time ceremony during an NBA game. You don't. You just give it your best shot and go on faith. That is what a 28 year old budding executive, his wife, and three kids did when they moved to Phoenix from Chicago in 1968 to chase a a distant dream. They had one car, nine suitcases, $300, and a lot of courage. He said he had no big dream but he was very hungry, this man from a place called Hungry Hill.

He tells a story about an old Italian man in his neighborhood who he calls a philosopher and who spoke only broken English. He used to say to him "Look up at the brightest stars Jerry. Better to reach up for them and spend one day there than to never try to reach them at all”. He learned that lesson well. Who knew he would spend four decades there amongst those stars.

Jerry Colangelo, Chairman of the Phoenix Suns and Managing Director of Team USA, was inducted into the Phoenix Suns Ring of Honor this evening in the city where he built his legend. Suns Announcer Al McCoy was the MC and former Players Kevin (KJ) Johnson and Dan “Thunder” Marjele spoke. As the ex-Suns were introduced one by one Charles Barkely hugged the widow of former Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons. Suns owner Robert Sarver then thanked him and unveiled Colangelo's name in the center of the US Airways Arena Ring of Honor.

Long time Suns fan, Dr. Jesse McGuire, blew his trumpet to an instrumental version of "My Way" by Frank Sinatra as the video monitor flashed images of Jerry as a high school and college athlete as well as his early days in Phoenix.

Marjele said "Sports would not be anything like it is today in Arizona were it not for him..... I would not be here or be the man I am today were it not for you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you."

Johnson read a poem in Italian by Horace that said "Life is largely a matter of expectations". He also said that he was his role model as a familyman and businessman. He reminded everyone that Mr. Colangelo was not just a business leader but a civic minded community leader who always thought that just came with the job. Most of the 40 or so ex-players and coaches seated with him on the court nodded their heads in agreement.

Jerry wiped his eyes and got up slowly to speak. "I just want you to know that I love all of you, and all of you, and all of you" he said his voice shaking as he pointed to his personal family (including his son Bryan, GM of the Tornto Raptors, all the current and ex-Suns, and the fans. "Family, faith, and community" he said. "I would like to thank my wife Joan who really is the one who should be up there" he said as Joan wept and he pointed to the Ring Of Honor.

He explained how he moved to Phoenix on a hunch to try something great even when everyone said he was crazy. "I can only tell you that my life has been like a movie script" he added. "I will never forget you".
After the event they showed scenes on television from the parade in Phoenix after the Suns, led by Charles Barkley, lost the 1993 NBA Finals against the Chicago Bulls. To this day that was the closest the Suns have come to winning it all. 300,000 hardy Phoenicians showed up in 112 degree heat even though their team fell short. Jerry said "Those are some great memories.... I tried to hold it together out there tonight but boy was it hard."

Suns Captain and 2-time league MVP Steve Nash stood in the background, almost as if at attention, throughout his halftime speech. Colangelo came over and gave the struggling team a little pep talk after his ceremony. The vaunted Suns had been blown out the night before at home against longtime archrival Los Angeles Lakers and also got bad news on star Amare Stoudamire's knee. Stoudamire was in street clothes for the game. We don't know what he said to the team.... but it worked.

As the Suns struggled against the Eastern Conference Champion Cleveland Cavaliers, Jerry joked with the broadcast team and said he would like to get out there and make a few shots for his team as most of them were missing theirs. Suddenly, as the game moved into the fourth quarter, the Suns starting hitting their shots. Within a few minutes they pulled ahead almost as if on cue.

They began to pull away late in the game. They were not to be denied on this very special night in a glittering city of dreams. It was almost like there was a director on the set of his life shooting one last scene..... The Suns beat Cleveland by 11 points. Crowds of people lined up outside after the game with big signs that said “Thanks” and chanted “Jerry, Jerry, Jerry”. He’s come a long way from that little place called Hungry Hill where he reached for the stars and created a team called the Suns.