the black game vs. the white game.


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Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city

Charley Rosen / Special to
Posted: 13 days ago

Darryl Dawkins has never worried about being politically correct. Ever since he made headlines in 1975 when he became the first schoolboy to be drafted into the NBA (Philadelphia — fifth pick overall), Dawkins was never shy about speaking his mind.

According to Dawkins, the outcome of the upcoming Olympic basketball tournament hinges on a subject no one else dares to fully address — the racial components that define basketball as we know it.
"The game is the same," says Dawkins. "The object is for the good guys to score and to keep the bad guys from scoring. But there's a big difference between black basketball and white basketball."

Darryl Dawkins isn't afraid to sound off on the "big difference between black basketball and white basketball." (NBA Photos / GettyImages)

Growing up poor (but happy) near Orlando, Fla., Dawkins learned the former before he learned the latter. "Black basketball is much more individualistic," he says. "With so many other opportunities closed to young black kids, the basketball court in the playground or the schoolyard is one of the few places where they can assert themselves in a positive way. So if somebody makes you look bad with a shake-and-bake move, then you've got to come right back at him with something better, something more stylish. And if someone fouls you hard, you've got to foul him even harder. It's all about honor, pride, and establishing yourself as a man."

Once the black game moves indoors and becomes more organized, the pressure to establish bona fides increases. "Now you're talking about high school hoops," says Dawkins. "So if you're not scoring beaucoup points, if your picture isn't in the papers, if you don't have a trophy, then you ain't the man and you ain't nothing. Being second-best is just as bad as being last. And if a teammate hits nine shots in a row, the black attitude is, 'Screw him. Now it's my turn to get it on.'"

If young black players usually cherish untrammeled creativity, white hooplings mostly value more team-oriented concepts. "White basketball means passing the hell out of the ball," says Dawkins. "White guys are more willing to do something when somebody else has the ball — setting picks, boxing out, cutting just to clear a space for a teammate, making the pass that leads to an assist pass. In white basketball, there's a more of a sense of discipline, of running set plays and only taking wide open shots. If a guy gets hot, he'll get the ball until he cools off."

Why is white basketball so structured and team-oriented?

"Because the white culture places more of a premium on winning," Dawkins believes, "and less on self-indulgent preening and chest-beating. That's because there are so many other situations in the white culture where a young kid can express himself."

As the twig is bent, so grows the tree. When Dawkins and the Sixers squared off against the Portland Trail Blazers for the NBA championship in 1977, Philadelphia's most dynamic players were Julius Erving, George McGinnis, World B. Free, and Dawkins.

"They beat us in six games," Dawkins recalls, "and the series marked the most blatant example of the racial difference in NBA game plans. We were much more flamboyant than Portland, and certainly more talented. We had more individual moves, more off-balance shots, more fancy passes, more dunks, and more entertaining stuff. But everybody wanted to shoot and be a star (including me), and nobody was willing to do the behind-the-scenes dirty work."

Meanwhile, the white players at the core of Portland's eventual success were Dave Twardzik, Bobby Gross, Larry Steele and Bill Walton. Dawkins notes that "Even the black guys like Lionel Hollins, Mo Lucas, Johnny Davis, Lloyd Neal played disciplined, unselfish white basketball. Credit their coach, Jack Ramsay, for getting everybody on the same page."

As much as Dawkins respected Portland's game plan, however, he was never crazy about Walton. "The guy was a good player who could really pass and had a nice jump hook," Dawkins opines. "What made Walton so effective was that he was surrounded by talented players who wanted to win and weren't concerned with being stars. Personally, I think that Walton was, and still is, full of baloney. Back then, he had this mountain-man image, he smoked lots of pot, and I don't think he bathed regularly. And the league let him play with a red bandana tied around his head. To say nothing of his involvement with Patty Hearst.

"If a black player ever tried any of that kind of stuff he would've been banished from the NBA in a heartbeat. Yet in spite of all the messed up things Walton did as a player, now that he's a TV announcer all he does is tear down everybody else. The guy still ticks me off."

During his 15-year tenure in the NBA, Dawkins' signature move was bulldozing to the basket and smashing the Plexiglas backboard to smithereens. He was brash, outlandish, funny, and irresistible. He called himself "Chocolate Thunder," claimed to be from the planet Lovetron, and devised names for his more awesome dunks — among the most noteworthy were In Your Face Disgrace, Cover Yo Damn Head, Sexophonic Turbo Delight, and his classic If You Ain't Groovin' Best Get Movin'-Chocolate Thunder Flyin'-Robinzine Cryin'-Teeth Shakin'-Glass Breakin'-Rump Roastin'-Bun Toastin'-Glass Still Flyin' Wham-Bam-I-Am Jam!

For the past four years, the 6-foot-11, 285-pound Dawkins has been coaching the Pennsylvania Valley Dawgs in the summertime United States Basketball League. In so doing, he's won two championships (2002 and 2004) and distinguished himself as a superior motivator and big man coach, as well as the kind of on- and off-court teacher who can help transform wild young hooplings into mature gamers. As a by-product of his own maturation, Dawkins can also see the pluses and minuses of both black and white basketball.

"The black game by itself," he says, "is too chaotic and much too selfish. No one player is good enough to beat five opponents on a consistent basis. The black style also creates animosities among the players because everybody ends up arguing about who's shooting too much and who's not shooting enough."

But the white game also has its drawbacks: "It can get too predictable and even too cautious because guys can be afraid to take risks and make mistakes."

Dawkins believes that the best NBA teams combine the best of both. "In basketball and in civilian life," Dawkins says, "freedom without structure winds up being chaotic and destructive. Only when it operates within a system can freedom create something worthwhile."

And, according to Dawkins, this is the most difficult task at hand for Larry Brown. "Only Tim Duncan and Carlos Boozer are willing to play white basketball. All the other guys on Team USA really want to go off on their own.

"Unless Brown can bleach some of the selfish funk from their game, they'll be lucky to win the bronze."


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Personally, I think that Walton was, and still is, full of baloney. Back then, he had this mountain-man image, he smoked lots of pot, and I don't think he bathed regularly.

LOL, that's great!

Dawkins is right, and it's the same point I alluded to before when discussing "street ball." His decision to frame the difference in racial terms is questionable -- not because of the political incorrectness, but because (as he says) there are black players who "play white" and white players who "play black." But the basic divide between playing for status and playing for wins is the same.


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Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city
jbeecham said:
well that would be racist!!!! :)

his name was larry bird, and yea it raised a big stink earlier this year when he talked about that he thought it was an insult to have a white player guard him.


Heavily Redacted
Jul 30, 2002
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SunCardfan said:
Yeah I'd like to see a white player mention white basketball and black basketball....

This has always been a double standard.

In 10 years when anglos are outnumbered by latinos and blacks will they be able to speak their mind without fear of being persecuted? :shrug:


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Oct 21, 2002
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salt lake city
devilalum said:
In 10 years when anglos are outnumbered by latinos and blacks will they be able to speak their mind without fear of being persecuted? :shrug:

today women make up 52% of the population. but women are still thought of as a minority, why is that?

George O'Brien

Nov 22, 2003
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Sun City
Someone once said, "Every generalization is wrong, including this one". :D

Talking about black versus white basketball, inner city versus suburban style, American style versus European style, etc. are all generalizations which have innumerable exceptions. It is unfortunate that this discussion of style takes on suggestions of racism, but I guess it is hard to escape. I would rather use other terms instead of dragging race into what is essentially a style issue.

If it is a "race" issue, it is a recent one. During the 1960's the great Celtics teams had guys like Bill Russell, Sam Jones, Casey Jones and others who were great "team" players. Oscar Robertson was a great team player and the list goes on and on. The idea that individual players could simply take over the game was hardly limited to blacks - Pete Marivich (sp) was one of the greatest "one man teams" ever.

The style issue is real. Describing it in racial terms may just be distracting.

Lars the Red

aka Thor, God of Thunder
May 14, 2002
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The wrong end of a Tequila bottle.
George O'Brien said:
Someone once said, "Every generalization is wrong, including this one". :D

Talking about black versus white basketball, inner city versus suburban style, American style versus European style, etc. are all generalizations which have innumerable exceptions. It is unfortunate that this discussion of style takes on suggestions of racism, but I guess it is hard to escape. I would rather use other terms instead of dragging race into what is essentially a style issue.

If it is a "race" issue, it is a recent one. During the 1960's the great Celtics teams had guys like Bill Russell, Sam Jones, Casey Jones and others who were great "team" players. Oscar Robertson was a great team player and the list goes on and on. The idea that individual players could simply take over the game was hardly limited to blacks - Pete Marivich (sp) was one of the greatest "one man teams" ever.

The style issue is real. Describing it in racial terms may just be distracting.
Dawkins clearly states that there are black players that play a white game, and as you mentioned there are white players who play a black game, Pistol and Jason Williams come to mind. And it isn't a recent issue. Remember a pretty racially tense game for the NCAA Championship between Kentucky and what is now UTEP? The Kentucky team was a rigid, bland squad that lacked any flair. The UTEP squad was a creative, sometimes undisciplined group. The outcome opened the door for black athletes in many respects.

The difference in todays game is the guys from years ago realized that they could still have a team concept while being creative. Look at a guy like Magic. Plenty of personality and individualism, but a team player first and foremost. As great as Wilt was, keep in mind that with all the rebounding and scoring titles he received, he also lead the league in assists one year. Oscar averaged triple doubles, doesn't that appear more team oriented than most of the players today?

Guys don't feel comfortable talking about it being a racial issue, but frankly it is. They don't like making statements like 'blacks spend more on clothes and are flashier dressers', or 'blacks are better dancers', or 'blacks commit more violent crimes', but it's obviously pretty accurate in most situations. Question: If something is more often the norm than not, does that make it a trait? I hate the word stereotype. It's poorly used and used in a defensive manner when actually one could use the word trait in many of the same cases.

Hey, I don't want to go back to the days of stiff, boring basketball. I just want the game to keep many of the facets that made it skillful and entertaining. The parts of the game that built the team aspect are what are sorely lacking. The players currently coming into the league with the street ball mentality will have to eventually be weeded out. I doubt they could change their mindset to the point were they would embrace the team aspect. The Euro's will hopefully help change the way coaches teach and recruit players, recognizing that that particular brand of basketball is really superior to the individual streetball style.
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Last of a Dying Breed
Oct 14, 2002
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New York
I play "white basketball" and I'm black. I used to get into problems wih people at the parks sometimes because they except me to pull off a crossover and create my own shot but instead i would set a pick and roll out to get open. However as time went by they got used to the way i played and started characterizing it as being "smart" basketball or fundamental. So I think "black" and "white" basketball is a really pooor choice of words and it does sound ignorant no matter what race its comming from. If Larry Bird gets more flack for using the term it should only be for the fact that he is a more famous and superior basketball player.

Lars the Red

aka Thor, God of Thunder
May 14, 2002
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The wrong end of a Tequila bottle.
PhiLLmattiC said:
I play "white basketball" and I'm black. I used to get into problems wih people at the parks sometimes because they except me to pull off a crossover and create my own shot but instead i would set a pick and roll out to get open. However as time went by they got used to the way i played and started characterizing it as being "smart" basketball or fundamental. So I think "black" and "white" basketball is a really pooor choice of words and it does sound ignorant no matter what race its comming from. If Larry Bird gets more flack for using the term it should only be for the fact that he is a more famous and superior basketball player.
I don't see the problem with pointing out things and refering them to race. Is it always true that a certain race does something a particular way? Nope. It is perhaps done a larger percentage of the time and the discription of something using race is usually well understood by the population. 'He dances like a white guy'. Anyone not understand that? What's the problem? Are we forever going to be so completely oversensitive that we can't even mention a race without causing eyebrows to raise? We need to get over this kind of thing. We aren't all going to be the same. We will do things differently. I don't see the issue with saying he has a 'black game' or 'white game'. If you say he plays like a (insert N word here), then your an ass.


Last of a Dying Breed
Oct 14, 2002
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New York
By using "black game" and "white game" you are saying that a certain race does something a particular way. Why limit ourselves to those two words. I don't even think Europeans play a "white game." At times they can be individualistic themselves. What game do the chinese have? A "yellow game?"

Lars the Red

aka Thor, God of Thunder
May 14, 2002
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The wrong end of a Tequila bottle.
PhiLLmattiC said:
By using "black game" and "white game" you are saying that a certain race does something a particular way. Why limit ourselves to those two words. I don't even think Europeans play a "white game." At times they can be individualistic themselves. What game do the chinese have? A "yellow game?"
I'm saying a large percentage of a particular race plays the game in a certain way. When I go to a basketball game in Beatrice, Nebraska and every kid on the floor is white, do you think I see a great deal of rockerstep, crossover dribbling? Do you think that when there is a dunk, the kid swings from the rim and slaps the board? Would you maybe think that we would see a somewhat more conservative game that had more parimeter shooting than slashes to the basket? If the same situation of watching a basketball game in Carson, California were the same, would we likely see a completely different style?

There's really nothing wrong with describing a style based on the players that utilize it most. No one says that you have to be black or white to play a certain way, their just using the players that use it more to describe the style.