I found something interesting in going over the Suns plusminus data on 82games.com.
One of the things you can look at there are the top 20 floor-time lineups. Those 20 lineups account for 1212 minutes of the teams approx 2182 or 55%. The teams net +- for the 45 games they have included (last update to the site is 1/23/15) is 117 but the net +- for those 20 lineups is 222 which means that all our other lineups have a net +- of -105. Not surprisingly when you calculate the individuals +- just on those 20 lineups everyone has a much higher +-/48 result, except for Markieff Morris - his is higher but only modestly so 9.8 vs 8.4.
Gerald Green on the other hand has +- of 14.4 vs 0.2, and Thomas has 16.8 vs 4.1 The reason is fairly clear - 83% of Markieff minutes occur within those 20 lineups while Gerald and Isaiah get only 37% & 32% of their minutes in those lineups.
There is a chicken and egg thing going on, of course - Markieff is a good part of the reason those lineups get floor time. Dragic and Bledsoe are more like Markieff than Green and Thomas with 69% & 67%, resp., of their minutes occuring in the top 20 lineups. Their +- rating don't change so dramatically either, 7.7 vs 3.4 for Goran and 8.8 vs 3.7 for Eric.
Remember these lineups were not selected for having high +- scores but on the amount PT they have received. Naturally Hornacek plays lineups that do well in his estimation so there indirectly they are selected for good +-.
But Thomas' and Green's +- ratings are so high they can't be riding on other guys coattails. Lets compare them in this manner with Marcus Morris who gets 48% of his minutes in there lineups and his +- in them is 2.8 vs 1.2 overall. The average +- for all 20 lineups is 8.8/48 so Marcus is dragging them down, while Green and Thomas are pulling them up.
I will spare you the gory details but Markieff remarkable -7/48 OFFfloor +- also follows from the fact that 83% of his PT comes from the top 20 lineups.
What are the lineups like that cover the remaining 970 or 45% of the team's minutes wherein we are outscored by 105 points? For starters none of those lineups play more than 18 minutes, so there at least 53 such lineups (970/18 = 53.9.) The average PT won't be as high as 18 so figure 12-13 minutes per, which gives 75-80 other lineups for a total of around a 100. That is quite a ridiculous number of lineups to juggle, especially with the total PT of most of them being so small you have almost no information about how worthwhile they are.
A quick look at 10 other teams show quite similar patterns - so NBA coaches all seem to be micro-managers. I'm going to have to look deeper but the way we fans talk about a second unit, as though was a reasonably well defined entity, seems not to exist on any team.
The funny thing is that I wrote the program I used to extract the info I used above when 82games.com first showed up, with the mistaken idea that the top 20 lineups would cover 90% of the teams minutes if not 100% - why would a coach need more than 20 lineups for crying out loud. When it turned the number was around 50% I didn't see much value in analyzing it. What sparked my interest today was that I was sure there had to be some explanation for Markieff's seeming pre-eminece in the +- stats when he clearly isn't a dominant force on the floor. And I wondered about Thomas and Green looking so bad in those stats, too.
My interpretation of why Markieff looks so good is, that first of all he's our best big. Secondly Jeff doesn't play him the heavy minutes you'd expect at only 30.5/game. He keeps him relatively fresh and only puts him on the floor with our other good players - and that may well be the best way to use him.
So here's a little bonus for those of you who read this far. How well do the twins work together? Not well at all, based on the top 20 lineups - when they're both on the floor their +- is 2.4/48; Markieff but no twin 13.5; Marcus untwinned 3.4. I looked at all pairs of players and there is no player that plays better with Marcus on the floor than he does without him. (Remember this is just based on the top 20 lineups so that could change if all the lineups were available.)