Could have easily been avoided by actually plotting out a cohesive trilogy of films rather than making three disjointed films with the same characters in them. Never flowed at all, IMHO. Then the final film was just throwing stuff at the wall to see what would stick and trying to wrap everything up as if it had been "the plan" all along. Just awful filmmaking.
Hilarious how many people are triggered right now about a new Rey movie and the other movie announcements. Different writers, different directors.
However, this part I actually agree with. TFA has so much potential and then came TLJ. It split fans down the middle. The third film no matter how good or how bad was never going to avoid the fans being split from TLJ. Not having a cohesive plan was so dumb.
There are some fantastic things happening in Star Wars and Iger seems determined to focus more on few projects with higher quality which is good news for fans. Bring on these new films. Can't wait to see what they come up with. Bottom line as long as it's profitable it's going to keep coming.