Hi everyone. I'm a new poster here, and really enjoy the site.
Anyway, the Brevin Knight scenario had me thinking about a deal that would save the Suns money without giving away anything significant, and I'm wondering if this idea would work under the CBA.
The Suns send Knight, a minimum wage cap filler, 2 seconds, and 3 million in cash to Utah, in exchange for their Minimum wage cap filler, at the midway point of the season. Knights salary would have no cap implications for Utah, since they're so far below it. However, since they'd only be responsible for half of Knights salary (2.5 million), they would technically make $500,000 on the deal, considering the 3 million in cash. So it would literally be a no lose deal for them ... make half a million, and get a couple of seconds for the trouble.
From the Suns side, they would save the other half of Knights salary (2.5 million) plus 5 million in luxury taxes, totaling 7.5 million. Subtract the 3 million in cash, and they still save 4.5 million this season, and wouldn't have to trade away anything significant.
I'm sure I'm leaving out something technical, or maybe there are rules against this I'm not aware of. I'm sure someone here can set me straight. Anyway, just thought I'd post the idea. Thanks.
Anyway, the Brevin Knight scenario had me thinking about a deal that would save the Suns money without giving away anything significant, and I'm wondering if this idea would work under the CBA.
The Suns send Knight, a minimum wage cap filler, 2 seconds, and 3 million in cash to Utah, in exchange for their Minimum wage cap filler, at the midway point of the season. Knights salary would have no cap implications for Utah, since they're so far below it. However, since they'd only be responsible for half of Knights salary (2.5 million), they would technically make $500,000 on the deal, considering the 3 million in cash. So it would literally be a no lose deal for them ... make half a million, and get a couple of seconds for the trouble.
From the Suns side, they would save the other half of Knights salary (2.5 million) plus 5 million in luxury taxes, totaling 7.5 million. Subtract the 3 million in cash, and they still save 4.5 million this season, and wouldn't have to trade away anything significant.
I'm sure I'm leaving out something technical, or maybe there are rules against this I'm not aware of. I'm sure someone here can set me straight. Anyway, just thought I'd post the idea. Thanks.