Trib story on M Bidwill


Dec 11, 2003
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Cardinal knowledge


Michael Bidwill is focused on reshaping the Arizona franchise, even if his aggressive style rubs some the wrong way

You spend weeks interviewing people about Michael Bidwill.
You are told he’s intelligent, driven, ambitious and insanely competitive.
You hear he’s pushy, arrogant and condescending, a tyrant who bullies his way through life.
There are numerous stories about his charity work and sense of humor and just as many about his ruthlessness and vindictiveness.
It’s difficult to sift the truth from perception, but one thing’s certain: He’s not his dad, and these aren’t his father’s Cardinals anymore.
****Make no mistake: Michael Bidwill is calling the shots for the Cardinals. Bill Bidwill still has the title — chairman and president — but he has stepped aside to let his second-oldest son run the show.
****"I went to him a couple of years ago and asked him to consider allowing me to lead some change around this organization in different areas," said Michael, officially the club’s vice president and general counsel. "He told me that was something he approved."
****Since then, Michael Bidwill has tried to tow the backwardthinking organization into the 21st century.
****Department heads who talked only when they bumped into each other in the hallway now meet at least twice a month.
****The Cardinals have dropped their long-held philosophical objection to contract incentives such as voidable years and twotiered signing bonuses. The result: In the past two years, all of their rookies have been signed within a week after training camp started.
****Coach Dennis Green is being paid $2.5 million per year, a significant upgrade for an organization that often hired its coaches wholesale.
****The football people are making football decisions, an obvious business practice, yet a departure from how the Cardinals operated in the past.
****The changes have yet to produce victories — Arizona was 4-12 last season and may be hard-pressed to match that record this year — but decades of incompetence and intransigence aren’t changed overnight.
****"Either he’s going to turn things around or he’ll go insane," said Kerry Dunne, a close friend of Bidwill’s and former executive director of the East Valley Partnership. "He’s not going to take this. I can tell you that much."
****Although he left the nest and built a life of his own, Michael Bidwill, 39, was born for the job.
****He was a ballboy for the St. Louis Cardinals when he was 9 years old, earning $9 per game and saving enough money to buy a BMX bicycle.
****"The first time I worked a game they made me stand behind the bench in case somebody came off (the field) and I’m lost and get clobbered," Bidwill said. "Don’t tell the labor department."
****His competitiveness was born at Georgetown Prep, a Jesuit boarding school near Washington, D.C. He played football and wrestled as a 165-pounder.
****It was at Catholic University in Washington D.C., however, that Bidwill began to shape himself as the man who would reshape the Cardinals.
****A friend suggested he would be a good lawyer and recommended he take a job as a clerk with the U.S. Attorney’s office. Much to his surprise, Bidwill was assigned to the homicide unit.
****"I realized pretty quick I had grown up in a special place," Bidwill said. "I was there for six months before I saw anybody die for more than a $25 rock of crack cocaine."
****The courtroom trials hooked Bidwill and after graduating, he became a federal prosecutor in Phoenix.
****"I felt like I wanted to go out and do my own thing and prove to myself and others I could be successful," he said.
****Bidwill specialized in prosecuting homicides and violent crimes. In one case, he convicted two brothers of kicking a man to death on the Navajo Reservation.
****"He obviously didn’t need that job, but he put his heart and soul into it very quickly," said Joe Lodge, an assistant U.S. Attorney based in Flagstaff. "He relished the courtroom battles."
****After six years on the job, however, Bidwill felt as if his career had plateaued. He also felt a tug to come back home. The Cardinals’ efforts to get a new stadium built were going nowhere, and Bidwill believed his experience trying cases — and the contacts he made while working for the Bob Dole presidential campaign in 1996 — would serve him well as the organization’s point man.
****He was right.
****It took four years and two ballot measures, but in November of 2000 Maricopa County voters approved financing for a $350 million retractable domed stadium.
****"He’s the No. 1 reason why there will be a new facility in the Valley," said Fiesta Bowl president John Junker. "He pursued it like a bulldog."
****A bulldog’s bite leaves marks, however, and it was during the stadium process that Bidwill’s image began to change.
****Fiesta Bowl officials said Bidwill courted them until the stadium was assured, then tried to negotiate what the bowl felt was an unacceptable lease arrangement.
****Relations were strained for some time, but the two sides have since called a truce.
****The Fiesta Bowl’s dissatisfaction is typical of the criticism directed at Bidwill. Some business leaders and politicians who have dealt with him say he has no interest in cultivating relationships as he pursues his agenda.
****"I think cold and calculating is a fairly accurate description of Michael," said Charles Coughlin, president of High Ground, a public affairs consulting firm. "He’s going to find a way through the woods, and if he has to fell a few trees in the process, that’s going to happen."
****Former Mesa City Council member Bill Jaffa said Bidwill looks at things, "strictly from a business standpoint. It probably makes people on the other side of Mike less willing to bend."
****"He could be friendlier," admitted Dick Neuheisel, a member of the Tempe Sports Authority and a Bidwill friend. "He’s not a glad-hander. I just think he gets focused real quickly and then is driven to achieve the goal he sets for himself."
****Coughlin believes Bidwill has a sense of entitlement. One story well-known in political circles: Bidwill phoned a local politician and ordered him to call a radio station that was bashing the stadium deal. The politician’s response: I’m not your kept man.
****Coughlin said Bidwill phoned him after seeing a political ad produced by Coughlin’s firm that questioned the amount of money made by the Indian gaming casinos and equated the mystery to, among other things, the Loch Ness Monster and the Cardinals’ master plan.
****"Michael was irate. He said, ‘Why did you do that?’ " Coughlin recalled. "I said, ‘We tested it and most people thought it was hysterically funny. It worked.’
****"He goes, ‘Well, you worked for us once.’ I said, ‘I don’t work for you anymore. I’m working for a client.’
****"But that’s Michael. In his world, loyalty is a one-way street."
****Told of the comments by Coughlin and others, Bidwill said, "I would say I’m driven. I would hope I’m smart. I would hope I’m assertive in trying to do what I think we need to do. I’m disappointed people might think I’m condescending and arrogant. I don’t mean to be.
****"Yeah, there are times when I’m moving forward quickly and balancing a lot of issues and maybe I don’t have time to take someone out on the golf course and play a round of golf. Maybe all I have is an hour to sit down and have lunch and get right to it.
****"I don’t play golf because I decided I can either be a good golfer or we can have a stadium."
****Bidwill’s supporters say the criticism is unwarranted. They point out that the Cardinals have long been regarded as laughingstocks, and Bidwill has needed to push hard to achieve the organization’s goals.
****"I think a lot of people in the Cardinal world have been painted by the brush of looking through Bill Bidwill Sr.," Dunne said. "I think Mike has had to fight through a tremendous amount of baggage."
****Ted Ferris, president and CEO of the Arizona Sports and Tourism Authority, said there’s a family dynamic to consider as well.
****Michael Bidwill is extremely close to his father and has been pained by the criticism directed at his dad, Ferris said. What son wouldn’t fight hard to, in essence, clear his father’s name?
****"It’s on his shoulders," Ferris said. "I think he has a lot of responsibility to deliver on behalf of the family."
****The Cardinals long have been a Norman Rockwell portrait — trapped in the 1950s. Michael Bidwill is painting on a new canvas.
****"I do think it’s safe to say it’s a much more aggressive approach than what this organization was used to in recent years," said Rod Graves, Arizona’s vice president of football operations.
****One example: Wide receiver Larry Fitzgerald, the Cardinals’ first-round draft pick last April, signed a sixyear contract worth potentially more than $50 million.
****In the past, the Cardinals would have been resistant to offering such a big deal, and Fitzgerald would have missed a majority of training camp, like former first-round draft picks Wendell Bryant (2002), L.J. Shelton (1999), Andre Wadsworth (1998) and Simeon Rice (1996).
****"Michael is making sure that if we have snags along the way that we just don’t sit on the fact that we’ve done it this way for so many years," Graves said. "I think he’s pressed us to research things, to find alternate ways of doing business."
****Yet, what seems like muchneeded change has been met with some resistance within the organization.
****A few players have privately called Bidwill, "Daniel Snyder without the money," a reference to the think-heknows-it-all owner of the Washington Redskins.
****When Bidwill criticized the Cardinals after their 44-6 loss to Cleveland last year, a player tacked the article to a bulletin board in the locker room and wrote a profanity next to Bidwill’s name.
****"You know what, that was a terrible game for the Cardinals. I was very frustrated by last season," Bidwill said. "We were a team that didn’t win a single road game. That is totally unacceptable.
****"Look, I’m a fan. I want to win. If there’s a player or two downstairs that doesn’t share that opinion, well, speak up. Getting beat the way we did in Cleveland, how can anybody take offense to somebody in the organization being frustrated at witnessing that?"
****Those within the organization who dislike Bidwill won’t speak publicly. Privately, they say he’s created a culture of paranoia and fear, and he’s more a tyrant than a leader.
****Bidwill believes whatever resentment exists is not a reflection of how he does business but a natural reaction to change.
****"I think there was an element in our organization that felt like, ‘Let’s just do it the way we did last year,’ " he said.
****"I used to hear that. I’m like, ‘Excuse me, but last year we didn’t do very well. Let’s not do it the way we did last year. Let’s explore other models, let’s explore other ideas.’
****"Change may be a scary thing, but I think somebody ought to stand up in this organization and say we want to win and we’re going to take all the necessary steps to do that."
****Those who think Bidwill’s life is a 98 mph fastball may be surprised by his hobbies.
****Bidwill, who is single, loves to travel, particularly to the south of France or anywhere his cell phone doesn’t work.
****His "happy place" is his Beechcraft King Air 10-seat plane. A pilot since he was 19 years old, Bidwill often flies the plane to games.
****He doesn’t watch much television — HBO’s Sex and the City being a notable exception — but he’s an aficionado of rock music.
****He also has a dry sense of humor that few get to see.
****At a Sports and Tourism Authority meeting he sat down in the front row next to a reporter and whispered, "I’m going to get you some quality air time on TV tonight."
****Bidwill continued to gesture and whisper throughout the meeting. After a while he said to the reporter, "that ought to do it."
****The reporter’s face made every newscast in town.
****Challenges define Bidwill, however, and the Cardinals are his windmill.
****"When you’ve been told the majority of your childhood that your team is a loser, that your dad should sell the team, I think that drives you in a different way," Graves said.
****"When you have an opportunity to get actively involved and change things, it’s personal.
****"I think he wants to see this organization succeed not only because of his dad but for the benefit of the whole family. I think also he wants to see this organization perceived in a different way. So many years (the Cardinals) have had this cloud over their head. I think he envisions a day where this can be recognized as one of the best run and most successful organizations in the NFL."

NFL: Injuries can neutralize the edge that big-name teams have. Page C4
CARDINALS: Coach Dennis Green has a tall mountain to climb. Page C5
Aug 15, 2004
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At least Michael Bidwill "wants to win".... not so sure about a lot of the players and even some of the fans.


danny l

Jul 24, 2003
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missouri bootheel
I like Mike! and his attitude! I personally am so sick and tired of losing the old way. Kick some butt Mike. And if some personnel and players don't like it, they can head for the door and be careful not to let the doorknob hit them where the good lord split them!


Dec 8, 2002
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ordinance 2257
He will usher us to the new era. Cmon Mike make this team a contender year in and year out. :thumbup:


#40 Never Forget
Sep 19, 2002
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Oro Valley
A very refreshing article on Mike Bidwill...if this is an accurate article the Cards will turn this thing around...


Registered User
Banned from P+R
Jul 24, 2002
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We got to meet M.B. down on the field before the raider game when Dvl's daughter was the Kid Captain. He saw us standing there and came right over and introduced himself and then wanted to know all of our names, not just a first name but our whole names and where we were seated in the stadium.

My impressions after a five minute introduction:

He is intensly focused on winning.

He is every bit as passionate a fan as we are.

I didn't get the idea any employee would have to read between the lines or be left wondering exactly what M.B. wanted them to accomplish. He seems the type of leader that would send them out with a specific goal to accomplish and a definate time line to do it in.

Did I mention he said we would be a good team in a couple more years? Ummm, no I didn't. His comments are always based on winning right now. I get the feeling there's an "or else" attached to that.

I felt like he was a good guy, I get the impression he would be very easy to get along with as long as the teams goals are being met. If they aren't and you are the reason life may not be too good for you though.

We needed someone like M.B. just as bad as we needed Green. This losing sh*t is totally unacceptable.

This team is changing from the inside out. And that's a good thing for us fans. M.B. is one of those fans, with the power to make it happen.


ASFN Addict
Aug 17, 2004
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Phoenix, az
HOORAY!!! :thewave: :bday: :notworthy

I wish we knew who those players were! I bet they wont be long for the team.

GO MIKE GO!! Dont be friends with people who rip the team one minute and are all smiles the next!!!!


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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I met Mike Bidwill after the Cincy game last year. After I congratulated him on getting the Super Bowl, I asked him if he thought we would be the first team to play on it's own field for a Super Bowl. He said, "Yes. But I want a trophy to put in it when it opens. " I almost let out a laugh, but kept it down because he was serious. That means a Super Bowl this year or next!


May 14, 2002
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Holmdel, NJ
"Either he’s going to turn things around or he’ll go insane,"
Now that's what I'm talkin' about.

Bool Ya!


Hall of Famer
Jan 15, 2003
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Somewhere in TX
Kudos to Bordow for writing an article that had depth and was interesting as well. Not to mention he passed on the too common practice of presenting the material in a negative fashion. Thank you.


All Star
Feb 21, 2003
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The Old Pueblo
Ive had the opportunity to speak with Micheal on a couple of occasions when the team was in Tucson. We spoke at length about the team but he was also interested in what the organization could do to help the fan base in Tucson. Overall I found him to be sincere, open, and committed to winning.
Im sure there are going to be detractors both in and out of the organization especially over the next couple of years. As with any organization when you change course you leave your flanks open and its easy for those on the sidelines to take a shot at you.
Give 'em Hell Micheal

GBR 40


Just A Face in The Crowd
Jun 13, 2002
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Goodyear, AZ
Very interesting article. He presented both sides instead of the usual bashing.

If you want to accomplish what you set out to, you'll have to step on some toes - so be it. He gets my :raccoon:


Registered User
May 13, 2002
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Your Mamas
AzCards21 said:
We needed someone like M.B. just as bad as we needed Green. This losing sh*t is totally unacceptable.

Exactlt gut this team, rebuild from top to bottom, thats the only way this team can change and I believe Mike Bidwill can do it and will do it. idwill, Green and Graves will change this team :thumbup: