I agree that would be a nice feature, but it is not configurable and would require a code change.
I don't mean to discourage site suggestions because some have been really good, and if it is natively configurable, we have done it. But inline code changes hurt the upgrade path of the software, make upgrades harder, and could harm the support from the software vendor.
We have had some great suggestions that are configurable and we have put them in based upon your feedback:
- user promotion system for greater benefits for avatar and pms based upon post count
- smilies
- spoiler hider
- youtube tags
- user blogs
Some require code modifications and I will always recommend against modifying code every day and twice on Sundays even if the feature makes sense, since I don't want to introduce bugs or see it wiped out after the next upgrade.
- Reply all
- Italicize quoted messages
So keep the suggestions coming. If it is simple as flipping a switch, we will consider it. A lot of members have come up with good ideas that we don't think of. But just say "No!" to code modifications.