My problem with this team (and I have rooted for them in every game) is they play with no heart and passion. Is it Larry Brown's fault? Is it the players fault? Is it the NBA's fault? I don't know, but they came into these olymics with the Idea that all they had to do was show up and someone would hand them a gold medal. Well SUPRISE, obviously that didn't happen.
One other point. Do you think that if the 92 Dream Team had played this crop of Olympic basketball teams that the blow outs that we saw in 92 would not be there. My point being that the rest of the world may have caught up with NBA basketball but it isn't because the rest of the world has gotten better but the NBA has gotten that much worse. I would bet that we could assemble the 92 dream team (with the same players 12 years older) and they would probably blow out the world almost like they did then. Again, my point being that the 92 Dream team knew how to play basketball and this current crop of NBA players, doing a terrible job of representing their country, does not. I only got to watch 2 games and it was painfully obvious that they didn't know how to run an offense, no drivin, cutting, and the passing was attrocious. Someone in the NBA is going to have to learn how to teach these young guys that are comming straight from High school into the pro's or migrating from Europe to the USA at 17 years old how to run an offense the way that it is supposed to be run because the NBA is turning into terrible basketball.