We have 2 Types of Problems right now.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Edge is the best! The cardinals are the best. We are going 16-0 and Edge is going to have 5,000 yards all purpose.
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Just A Face in The Crowd
Jun 13, 2002
Reaction score
Goodyear, AZ
RugbyMuffin said:
They are regular problems and serious problems.

Serious Problems:

1. Forget RT the Cardinals have a serious problem at center. Alex Stepanovich is horrible. I have never seen such be blocking...!

Completely agree - I rewatched some of the plays and kept an eye on him. Yikes! His pass blocking was ok, but he got blown up on every running play.


Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
RugbyMuffin said:
I am sorry but the honeymoon with Edge is over. So far he has sucked. I only have 6 plays to base an opinion on and based on those 6 plays. Things are not looking very good. 3 runs for loses, and 2 dropped passes.

Wow, you gotta be kidding me.
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We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah, we do have two problems:

1) People totally overeacting to the preseason.

2) People who have the emotional balance of a seesaw.

If it wasn't so scary it would be funny.


Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Nashville TN.
RugbyMuffin said:
They are regular problems and serious problems.

Serious Problems:

I am sorry but the honeymoon with Edge is over. So far he has sucked. I only have 6 plays to base an opinion on and based on those 6 plays. Things are not looking very good. 3 runs for loses, and 2 dropped passes.

I would like to see more of him before the season starts but lets not get hysterical here. Edge is not one of our problems.


Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2002
Reaction score
Plainfield, Il.
RugbyMuffin said:
They are regular problems and serious problems.

Serious Problems:

3. OUr running game sucks and our starting OL, and RB look completely out of sync. I am sorry but the honeymoon with Edge is over. So far he has sucked. I only have 6 plays to base an opinion on and based on those 6 plays. Things are not looking very good. 3 runs for loses, and 2 dropped passes.

C'mon RM get a grip.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
PJ1 said:
I would like to see more of him before the season starts but lets not get hysterical here. Edge is not one of our problems.

Agreed but the running attack is. Obviously I worded this horribly.

I say if the running attack sux, and you new RB looks out of sync then play them more. Unless I have been watching the wrong games on TV I haven't seen anything from our new RB yet. That is not stating he will be horrible or that he is horrible I just want him to be ready for the regular season.


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
Finally some people are noticing Step is very bad...

Also Dansby is the only LB that makes an impact(when he plays)

Get Lecky in the 1st unit, bench Step... Toy with Adrian Wilson at LB, put Grifith at SS and let Aaron Fransisco get a shot at FS.


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
RugbyMuffin said:
Once again another insult instead of adding anything.

So you think Step is playing well at Center? C'mon Slanidrac Get a grip.

SO you think our Tight Ends are playing well? Catching well? Blocking well? C'mon Slanidrac Get a grip.

So you think Darnell Dockett has been impressive, and playing well? That at least could be a matter of opinion, but since you have no comment only wise guy comments I will take it you have no knowledge on the subject.

As for the rest of the things that I lists that were more concerns than anything.
Once again "Get a grip" is not a football term so I doubt you have any knowledge on the subject.
I agree on both points. You cant hardly bring up a point anymore without getting insulted.

Also agree Dockett is way overrated... I wouldnt start him.

Evil Ash

Henchman Supreme
Jun 26, 2003
Reaction score
On a flying cocoon
Redsz said:
Yeah, we do have two problems:

1) People totally overeacting to the preseason.

2) People who have the emotional balance of a seesaw.

If it wasn't so scary it would be funny.

People on here have pushed the panic button so hard and often, I think they broke the damn thing.

Its preseason guys. There are no gameplans, this was there first road trip this year so its not surprising they'd be a bit off, and the amount of snaps were skewed because of trying to catch Matt Leinart up.

That all leads to exactly what happened ... a blowout.

If we play like this during the REGULAR season then its time to panic


We do this together
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
RugbyMuffin said:

Redz when was the last time you posted anything that didn't have an insult. It is a FRICKIN' Thread on a message board.

Then why does half the board act like the world is coming to an end after a FRICKIN' PRE SEASON GAME?

Emotional balance of a see saw? That is quite a point there. It really has a lot to do with the Cardinals and what is going on the preseason. Way to show that knowledge, and insight.

Anyone who looked at the board this week in contrast to last week would agree. Up one week, down the other based on the pre-season. If that's not an emotional see-saw I don't know what is?

Want me to add insight?

We send about 10 corner blitzes in one night, what does that tell you?

Edge and Q don't give two hoots about the games, what does that tell you?

It tells you it is the pre-season. When the real games begin we will know what this team is. Right now people are just looking too far into things and getting worked up over nothing.

You don't like my Thread then start you own. At least I am trying to bring up some points. At least I am putting something up to talk about.

My only question is why you are such an @ss? Are you this mean spirited, and obnoxious all the time?

It was more a broad comment than calling you out specifically, Rugby.

But, I do think the un-needed hesteria that follows the preseason is silly because of what teams are trying to acomplish during this time.

I don't think I'm an ass because I don't join in the collective melt down after a loss.

How am I overracting ? What part of my post am I screaming my head off ? Where do I say our team is doomed, and that Edge is awful is not the answer?

Where do I say I am throwing in the season.

Eric Edwards should be cut based on the preseason? How about calling out DD because he isn't performing in the preseason? Calling out Edge based on his six carries? That doesn't sound like over-reacting to you?

You don't need to be shouting for a post to be filled with emotion. I think your over reacting to games that don't matter.


May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Holmdel, NJ
You can make excuses til the cows come home (and many of them may be valid) but:

We are what we are - Beaten by a smarter, better disciplined better coached football team. And we will continue to be what we are until we prove differently.

To me, one thing is clear - we've gone thru about 15 RB's over the years, and none of them have produced for us (except arguably Murrell). The one constant throughout this quarter-century has been a poor offensive line. (Get it? Different RB's/Same O-Line. Same dismal results). Hello? Fix the offensive line and our RB's will be fine.

I don't know where the problem originates but I suspect it starts at the top. Either deliberately or through "benign neglect", there has been a lack of commitment on the part of ownership, management and coaching staff to fix our offensive line problem for once and for all.

Each year, they delude themselves: "Everyone will be back from injuries." "We're bringing in a new position coach." "Our snazzy new RB will cure all our ills." (In the words of Emily Latella: "It's always something.").

Think about it: After watching our offensive line limit our ground yardage to 72 yards per game last year. Cardinal management only made 2 (count 'em two!) significant O-line player moves - they brought in Milford Brown and drafted Deuce Lutui. I like both moves, but they only scratched the surface. Bigger changes should have been made.

Finger pointing at specific players isn't helpful (unless you've got 10 fingers on one hand) - it's a group thing. The performance of the entire unit yesterday was butt ugly.

I love the Cardinals, and I'm hoping beyond hope that things will somehow get turned around. But, as stated earlier:

We are what we are - until we prove differently. Two preseason games to get it right.
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Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
RugbyMuffin said:
Beats anything you have brought up.

You don't like it why don't you start you own thread.

Just like nearly everyone else is saying around here- It's the freakin preseason, he's only ran the ball 6 times. How do you expect him to get into any kind of groove when he touches the ball 1-2 times per drive, or the game for that matter. Chill out, even Edge himself puts no emphasis on his preseason performances. He calls the preseason an obligation for God's sake. You say something absurd like that I'm gonna respond, no need to start a new thread. "You don't like it, why don't you......." Give me a break

AZ Shocker

Hall of Famer
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
E. Valley
JeffGollin said:
I don't know where the problem originates but I suspect it starts at the top. Either deliberately or through "benign neglect", there has been a lack of commitment on the part of ownership, management and coaching staff to fix our offensive line problem for once and for all.

Each year, they delude themselves: "Everyone will be back from injuries." "We're bringing in a new position coach." "Our snazzy new RB will cure all our ills." (In the words of Emily Latella: "It's always something.").

Anybody know how much the Cardinals pay their assistant coaches? Might there be a correlation there?

red desert

ASFN Addict
Mar 4, 2003
Reaction score
A.B.Q. in da house
RugbyMuffin said:
I am with you. I mean wrote one thread stating some opinions and KA BOOOOM! People were at my throat like I killed the f'n Pope.

It is a frickin' preseason football game. I am on a Cardinals Football Message board and I want to talk about Cardinals football. So since there is NOTHING on the board talking about the game or anything about some of the issues I write a post thinking. Well, this should get some people talking.

All I get a childish insults, and wise guy comments. No wonder nobody posts here anymore it is not worth it. It more of a 5th grade name calling fight than a football message board these days.

You just hit the nail on the head. Except for Mitch, Harry, Hardy Brown and a couple others, that's exactly what this board has evolved into. It's really too bad. Couple of years ago, this board was legit.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know what it is about the offensive line that they continue to be so poor year after year. It's not that we haven't spent money there. We have. Over the last ten years, I'm confident we've spent more on that unit than any other. It's not that we haven't drafted players high in the draft, with good draft reports. We have. We've tried "proven" oline coaches like Loney and Wiley, and "young up-and-comers" like Warhop and Lindsay.

Really, it's amazing when you think about the money and energy put into this unit and it continues to just spin it's wheels.


Making a Comeback
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Amherst, MA
BEERZ said:
Finally some people are noticing Step is very bad...

Also Dansby is the only LB that makes an impact(when he plays)

Get Lecky in the 1st unit, bench Step... Toy with Adrian Wilson at LB, put Grifith at SS and let Aaron Fransisco get a shot at FS.

I was saying it ALL of last season, same thing with Dockett. I'm glad some people finally agree on Dockett.


Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
i'm with you on dockett also. he needs to lose his helmet in the next game to get his love fest going again. seriously though, i really feel it should be watson starting with clancy at the ut. moore & dockett should be the backups. hopefully we figure out that this would be the best way to clog up the middle while allowing hayes & the others to run free. i'm sure ray lewis & brian urlacher would see it my way.


Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
JG right on with that post! Its obvious what the problem is. Edge is a proven running back, its not like he suddenly got bad. If he has a decent line to block for him he will produce the same as he did in Indy. In fact I believe that the majority of the running backs in the league are talented enough to consistently produce behind a good O-line if they can stay healthy. We have 3 awesome backs and a mediocre O-line at best. Im afraid its to late because nothing was done to repair it, we have to do the best we can with a very similar O-line that played last year which carries the label "worst run blocking O-line in the league". These guys will produce very close to what they did last year. You can say that they need to improve but Im sure they we're giving 100% last year. They just arent good enough and we didnt replace them. You can bet this years 100% will be about the same as last years 100%.
Basically our season hinges on these guys. In my opinion it doesnt look promising.
My point? Edge is not the problem at all! and we all know it.


Formally known as BEERZ
Sep 13, 2002
Reaction score
ishbin said:
i'm with you on dockett also. he needs to lose his helmet in the next game to get his love fest going again. seriously though, i really feel it should be watson starting with clancy at the ut. moore & dockett should be the backups. hopefully we figure out that this would be the best way to clog up the middle while allowing hayes & the others to run free. i'm sure ray lewis & brian urlacher would see it my way.
I agree 100%

I would start Clancy & either Watson or Moore. Bringing in Dockett on passing downs.

That will atleast slow down the run & let the LB's roam free.

The DL is one unit I am pretty happy with sofar.

Jetstream Green

Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
Hey lets insist that Edge plays more in the preseason so he can get hurt like Portis...preseason is a joke. I have no problem with Edge sitting out till the games count. Heck, I wish Warner would be held out till regular season along with Berry after the knee bit yesterday. Remember that time we won all our preseason games? Not really because our regular season record made us forget that.


2021 - Prove It
May 15, 2002
Reaction score
Correct me if I am wrong Rugby, but I think what you are trying to say is that our running game is out of sync right now and it can't be fixed without Edge being in the game.

Now, before everyone jumps out with Edge's laurel's, lets look at this simply. Edge was a great running back in Indy to the point that he had developed a continuity with THAT offensive line so that he knew what they liked to do and vica versa. This allowed Edge to be able to sit the preseason because he had meshed with his o-line. What is concerning to me is that Edge hasn't shown this so far in this preseason. He hasn't gelled with this offensive line and they haven't gelled as a unit yet. This just makes it seem to me like we need Edge meshing with this unit even more and he isn't in the games enough to do so.

This team was so bad running the ball last year due to it's lack of continuity and now our RB isn't even in there to build this in the preseason.


Dec 17, 2003
Reaction score
as far as edge goes, i agree that he needs time to gel with the o-line but i don't think pre season is needed. the nfl guys were generous enough to give us a warm up game to start the season. the 49ers defense will be exactly what we need to "get it together."


Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
Scottsdale, AZ
RugbyMuffin said:
A response ? You call that a response. Come on you have more intellegence than that I am sure of it.

You post what you had above and it is fine. But all you did before was make a wise guy comment to get a rise out of me. I find that to be immature, and yes it frustrated the heck out of me. So, I figured I had to communicate on your level so I did.

Just try a little respect next time and we can talk like adults.

And you know what is really sad this:

I didn't know that. Thanks for the information. That is why I made the thread, so maybe someone could put some insight into the situation.

Agreed. That did not come out right, and sounds quite dumb. What I meant to say is that I do not appreciate the fact that all you had to offer to this topic was a snide remark.
Furthermore there really is no action on this board. I decided to make a thread to give some people who want to talk Cardinals football something to talk about since I come here to talk about Cardinals football. I would think this would be the place to come if I wanted to over analyze Cardinals football since this is a Cardinals football message board.
So maybe if you were to make a thread that was better informed (since it seems that you are) I wouldn't have to post one. But since that is not the case I was the one to post something to talk about. Once again after taking the time to do so, the only responses I got were snide childish remarks that offered nothing. They were posted to insult me, and to make me look foolish ( and I think I do that enought all by myself I don't need the help) and that is quite frustrating. So if you want to post something, than post something with some merit like you did above. Heck you even got to throw in some childish insults, but at least there was something said.

First of all, not really sure why you blew a fuse on me. Several others were just as harsh, if not worse but I guess I put you over the top. Anyways.....

Sorry for coming across the way I did but at the same time you have to realize that the over-the-top comment you made about Edge warranted a smart ass remark. Not that I'm suggesting what you should or should not say but by posting an extreme view such as-
"So far he has sucked. I only have 6 plays to base an opinion on and based on those 6 plays. Things are not looking very good. 3 runs for loses, and 2 dropped passes."
might warrant an extreme response. First of all, it's the preseason and the number one priority a coach and starter has is to stay healthy in preseason games. I'm sure Edge is busting his rear in practice and in the weight room plus he has a pretty good track record that suggests he'll be ready for the start of the season. While in Indy, he didn't even participate in offseason workouts, had the same workload in preaseason games, and was one of the best backs in the league year after year. So am I worried that he hasn't performed well in his whoping 6 touches this year (the dropped screen pass yesterday may not have been his fault. It seemed that Kurt rushed the pass and Edge wasn't ready for it) , absolutely not. Do I agree with you on the offensive lines performance so far this preseason, yes. I hope we can agree that Edge is the least of our worries in regards to the running game.

FYI- Edgerrin James after the first preseason game was quoted as saying something along the lines of "The preseason isn't my job, it's an obligation." I have been trying to find the article but I can't. azcentral.com doesn't even have the articles from the Steelers game which is rediculous.

I made insight about yesterdays game in other threads but I'll do the same here since I lack "merit." I don't like to place too much emphasis on preseason games because it's simply a exhibition game. The starters will play with more intensity and focus when the regular season starts which should, in return, lead to better performance as well.

Our LB's were pathetic. It's too bad considering they were prob the brightest spot in the Steelers game. Against NE, they were always lost and 5 steps behind. I just watched a replay of the game and the thing that stuck out to me was how slow Blackstock is. I'm not joking one bit when I say that he is without a doubt the slowest LB in the NFL. On NE's first drive, Brady dumped that pass off to Faulk who turned it into a 30 yard completion. Blackstock completely blew his coverage on Faulk and then looked like an elephant trying to run him down.

I didn't mind our defensive scheme- constant blitzing of Rolle, Wilson, Pace. However, our third down and short defense was horrible. It almost seemed to me like Pendegraph was using the game as a trial and error experience. I know he likes to use soft coverage but that won't fly and yesterday was a prime exxample of why. All the other teams have to do is pop in last nights game tape because what NE did was text book. What is the point of having Rolle and Macklin playing 10 yards off recievers on 2nd and 5 or 3rd and 3? Let Rolle press his WR's, it's no fun watching a freak with all his abiltity have to sit back and play soft. All NE did all night was throw 5 yard outs or dumped it off to their RB's/TE's for moderate gains. I'm sure Pende will have his defense ready and I'm not worried about that facet..... yet

Adrian Wilson blew a couple of coverages which was too bad. Hopefully that aspect of his game will improve this year as thats the only thing holding him back from the Pro Bowl.

Edwards can't catch or block. I don't understand why we're not playing Pope more

I like Spurlock. It was too bad he fumbled and looking at the replay I'm not sure how you can't fumble that ball. He got hit hard and the helmet popped the ball out.

John Navarre is the worst QB in the NFL. The only reason he's still here is because Denny drafted him. Thank God Leinart signed

Speaking of Leinart, he impressed the hell outta me. He didn't complete a lot of passes but his pocket presence and running abiltiy in his first ever NFL game was impressive. All this playing behind a horrible OL, and thats being nice. The one thing he needs to work on his getting the ball to his recievers quicker. Arm strength is not the issue here as I think his arm is more than fine but he seems to be "floating" some of his passes on short yardage throws to receivers and TE's. If he can throw those passes with more intensity, it will lead to bigger gains in yardage. I can't stress enough that I'm not questioning his arm strength.

I hope all is cleared up. All that matters is we're here for the same reason- GO CARDS!
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May 14, 2002
Reaction score
Holmdel, NJ
Edwards can't catch or block. I don't understand why we're not playing Pope more
In one three-play sequence, Edwars had a nice catch down the middle-seam for about 25 yards, followed by a decleator block to spring the RB around left end (the one that knocked EE's helmet off). Then he committed the unpardonable sin of dropping a catchable pass.

That's hardly "can't catch or block." He blew one play, that's all.

But I agree with you that, when he's ready, Pope figures to be a more potent answer.