I finally decided to join this century and get an Xbox. I talked to a bunch of gamer friends and they all said it's better to just get the 360 instead of the ONE because something gamer lingo IDK what, lol
Besides I got this off craigslist and it was a smoking deal so it's good to start off with.
I'm not a gamer I mean I have played few computer games and I used to play a lot of madden on PS2 but I am light years behind.
I have been playing Halo 4 for what I thought was an hour but it was more like 3 hours Super fun.
Only question I have is about this parental thing. It doesn't seem to be an issue, I mean it hasn't prevented me from doing anything the only reason I know it's on there is I tried to go to "INITIAL SETUP" on the settings tab and it asked for the parental passcode, which I could not figure out. lol Previous owner said they forgot it, it wasn't a kid he was a grown up so I dont think his parents locked him out of it or anything lol.
Anyways like I said it hasn't prevented me from doing anything yet but we will see.
Anyway, Halo 4 is so fun. I mean the whole cinematics of this game is amazing. We've come a long way from Super Mario lol.
Any suggestions on games to get me into the gaming world? I haven't tried to get online and play yet because I know I will get "Pwnd" and will be called a "newb" lol.
Besides I got this off craigslist and it was a smoking deal so it's good to start off with.
I'm not a gamer I mean I have played few computer games and I used to play a lot of madden on PS2 but I am light years behind.
I have been playing Halo 4 for what I thought was an hour but it was more like 3 hours Super fun.
Only question I have is about this parental thing. It doesn't seem to be an issue, I mean it hasn't prevented me from doing anything the only reason I know it's on there is I tried to go to "INITIAL SETUP" on the settings tab and it asked for the parental passcode, which I could not figure out. lol Previous owner said they forgot it, it wasn't a kid he was a grown up so I dont think his parents locked him out of it or anything lol.
Anyways like I said it hasn't prevented me from doing anything yet but we will see.
Anyway, Halo 4 is so fun. I mean the whole cinematics of this game is amazing. We've come a long way from Super Mario lol.
Any suggestions on games to get me into the gaming world? I haven't tried to get online and play yet because I know I will get "Pwnd" and will be called a "newb" lol.