MaoTosiFanClub said:
Um, I didn't need to watch the game because I know who was throwing these beanballs and who they were aimed at. Professional pitchers, especially ones with the control of Timlin, Wells, and Halama don't just accidentally hit batters five times in one series. And I'm sure it's merely a coincidence that all five beanballs hit only Giambi and Jeter because they were all accidental too, right? Sorry, but your homerism is getting the best of you.
My advice? Try and actually watch the games before making assinine comments like this.
Wells and Halama, both lefties (and that is key here) hit Giambi on the elbow with curve balls. Giambi was standing practically ON the plate and made no effort to get out of the way...which is against the rules, but makes complete sense because A) he wears Bonds-type armor on his right elbow, B) a curve isn't likely to hurt that much anyhow cuz it's not thrown at top velocity, and C) makes sense to take one for the team. You can't even find one
Yankee that thinks any of those pitches (two by Wells on Sunday, one by Halama on Tuesday) were intentional. I know Clement hit Jeter on Tuesday as well, but again, you won;t find one Yankee who's saying it was intentional.
Yesterday, Timlin hit Jeter with the first pitch he threw - a slider he tried to get in on Jeter (who also likes to dive out over the plate, especially when a pitch looks like it's on the outside part of the plate. But that's neither here nor there). Timlin admitted that he seemed to have more movement on his pitches than usual as he warmed up, and Joe Torre said that he didn't think it was intentional and that he thought Timlin may have been distracted by Womack on first base.
Do you really think Timlin is trying to hit Jeter with one out and a man on first in the 8th inning of a 2-2 game?!?!? I mean really???? If so, then how stupid are you? Do you understand baseball?
Nobody would throw at a batter in that situation!
But as I said, if you'd actually WATCH a game before commenting on it, then you wouldn't come off looking as uninformed as you just have.
I understand that other fans across the country and sick of Red Sox-Yankees, Yankees-Red Sox all the time. If you're not a fan of either team, why would you care? I think ESPN goes over the top (what else is new) with their coverage as well.
As far as Red Sox fans getting all uppity and loud after winning a WS, I think we deserve it. I'm 41 years old and have been listening to Yankee fans trash talking virtually all my life (there was a lull in the 80s when the Yankees sucked every year)...and until last year, I couldn't even open my mouth. I had no answer. Now that the Sox finally won a championship after so many heartbreaks, and did so not only by beating their nemesis and arch-rival Yankees, but beating them with the greatest comeback in baseball history, then ********* I'm gonna give some of it back...IN SPADES! And I'm gonna feel damn good doing it!
Enjoy the 2005 season.