Star Wars: The Mandalorian (Disney+)


Waywardier than before
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Jun 11, 2002
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Easton, PA
The best reaction video was of SW Theory. Dude has almost 3M subscribers and his reaction was so raw and so much what so many (including myself) were feeling.

And then he got mocked by a Lucasfilm guy on his official social media, example eleventy frillion that Lucasfilm doesn't understand their audience.


Feb 22, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
The best reaction video was of SW Theory. Dude has almost 3M subscribers and his reaction was so raw and so much what so many (including myself) were feeling.

And then he got mocked by a Lucasfilm guy on his official social media, example eleventy frillion that Lucasfilm doesn't understand their audience.


If that idiot Pablo Hidalgo did not believe that those were real tears of emotion coming down SWT's face, then he is NOT a fan.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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THIS is a massive undersell.

I've watched dozens of reaction videos and there were only a minority of them that were "old folks." The more vocal ones on the interwebs right now calling to forget the sequel trilogy are younger folks who watched the OT on video, not the least of which is "Star Wars Theory" who didn't watch the OT until the 90's as a kid.

Even I never saw all the OT in theaters. The only one I got to see was ROTJ as I was too young for the other two when they came out respectively.

You act like only older people who saw the OT in theaters were the only ones who became fans of it.

Here's a small sample of people who did reactions to the Mando S2 Finale:

Completely anecdotal. I can literally ink as many positive reviews as you want. My point wasn’t that older fans were the only ones that didn’t like it. My point was that the older fans are by far the hardest to please and are often purists. Nothing will ever be as god as the originals.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Sith? Again, conceptually the story is interesting, the opening space battle and Dooku battle is pretty kick ass, Orb Opera scene is great and the rest pretty much sucks ass. Christiansen is like a wood board acting, Obi-Wan is off fighting some villain we’ve never even met until ten seconds ago, the Jedi become the single dumbest group of mind-readers ever, Chewy is thrown in for no reason whatsoever, the lava battle looks cool, but again Christiansen is laughably over the top and then they even botched Vaders awakening and first moments with NOOOOOOOO!!!

Yoda v. Emperor was cool though.

so I give TFA the nod simply for the first half which seemed to give us the best of both new and old worlds... before just giving up.
Echoed many of the same thoughts I had about concept verses execution.


Feb 22, 2005
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Phoenix, AZ
Completely anecdotal. I can literally ink as many positive reviews as you want. My point wasn’t that older fans were the only ones that didn’t like it. My point was that the older fans are by far the hardest to please and are often purists. Nothing will ever be as god as the originals.

Define "older?"

Mine might be "anecdotal," but I have proof. Younger influencers/YouTubers who love Mando and who are advocating leaving behind the Disney trilogy. Where are your anecdotes?


Chief Brah Officer
Jan 5, 2019
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i’d put it up there with Sith. The first half of TFA is pretty damn great. It introduces some great new characters (Rey and Finn), new dynamics to the world (Female lead, a stormtrooper who bails on the empire) has a KILLER set piece with the Falcon chase inside the beached Star Destroyer and then brings us Han and Chewie for some great nostalgic fun.

the second half of the movie is a pretty pathetic rehash of the ANH.

I'd argue that TFA isn't good other then being pretty. It's a typical Jar Jar Abrams reboot. Copy one of the earlier works in the franchise but do everything bigger. Load it up with memberberries and lens flairs at a breakneck pace so that people don't notice. Call it a day. Narratively it sucked for being SW7. The galaxy was effectively reset back to where it was at the start of A New Hope. The Rebels who had won at the end of RotJ were now back in a minority status, the first order was the empire renamed with no explanation of how they came to power. Luke was no where to be seen. Leia was back to leading the resistance. Han character was destroyed. They completely reversed his arc from the OT and put him back to being a sleazy smuggler. Plus made him a dead beat dad. I could go one but I'm not going to type out pages of ranting. Watch the 30 hours of Mauler's breakdown if you want to hear every gritty detail. ;)

It's probably a good movie if it wasn't SW7. Make it Star Adventures or something and it's a decent blockbuster but it wasn't that. It was the 7th installment in a franchise and had the responsibility of continuing what came before it in a consistent and logical manner.

The prequels which I've ripped on a ton where bad mainly for execution. George can't write dialog. But the story was solid in that it fit in with the OT and made from one continuous story across all 6 movies. You can't say that about any of the Disney Trilogy movies.

Define "older?"

Mine might be "anecdotal," but I have proof. Younger influencers/YouTubers who love Mando and who are advocating leaving behind the Disney trilogy. Where are your anecdotes?

It's anecdotal but from what I've seen being fairly heavy into the fandom and home theater is that I'd put it at about 65% didn't like the DT, 30% were in the camp of it they were fun if you turned your brain off and went in for a action movie (except for TLJ, a lot of this 30% is in the don't like camp), and 5% that loved it. The 5% also seemed to be people that weren't really fans of the OT or PT and loved the DT because they were Reylo shippers. They're the ones that went from screaming with joy to crying at the end of RoS for the kiss and death. I'm guessemating going by YouTube, twitter, reddit, some of the home theater forums, etc.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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The Dark Side
The initial reaction of nearly all fans was positive for TFA, but much of that was just from seeing a "Star Wars" film back on the big screen again. Looking back on it or trying to rewatch it... the feeling is much more "Meh." Especially when you add in the two films that followed it in the Disney "trilogy." Completely disjointed and adding nothing to the films that preceded them. Huge missteps by Disney. The one thing they did get right was Rogue One, but their "trilogy" was an absolute mess and Solo was completely unnecessary for a character who had one of the best movie arcs ever in the OT already. Just feels like Disney made their big purchase and didn't have a solid plan in place. It's like they figured whatever they produced would be fine because it had the "Star Wars" name attached to it. SMH.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
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Jan 27, 2005
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Define "older?"

Mine might be "anecdotal," but I have proof. Younger influencers/YouTubers who love Mando and who are advocating leaving behind the Disney trilogy. Where are your anecdotes?

Written reviews from fans. How many you want and from which ones? Happy to copy and paste. Either way it’s anecdotal because you can’t literally quantify. As I stated the prequels were largely maligned yet millions of people liked them. My son grew up on them and loves them. Same thing happened with the new ones.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
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May 13, 2002
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The Dark Side
From an article on the firing of actress Gina Carano:

Feb. 16, 5:47 pm PST Updated to add a Lucasfilm source saying that the Cara Dune role on The Mandalorian is not expected to be recast.

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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From an article on the firing of actress Gina Carano:

Feb. 16, 5:47 pm PST Updated to add a Lucasfilm source saying that the Cara Dune role on The Mandalorian is not expected to be recast.

Cool character but not a big loss on the show IMO.


Waxing Gibbous
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Jun 15, 2005
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Moment, AZ
Uh, fellas, Grogu and Mando are back at it!

Last night's episode was great to get me back in the mood. Looked really good too. I wonder if they got a bigger budget this season?

Covert Rain

Father smelt of elderberries!
Supporting Member
Jan 27, 2005
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Uh, fellas, Grogu and Mando are back at it!

Last night's episode was great to get me back in the mood. Looked really good too. I wonder if they got a bigger budget this season?
This season feels like it's all about the home world of Mandalore. Which is pretty cool!