15 thoughts - Chiefs game


Hall of Famer
Sep 28, 2011
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Melbourne, FL
I think the Cardinals D played the exact game you need to play to beat the Chiefs. Unfortunately the offense couldn't hold up their side of the bargain. Actually, I think the offensive game plan was pretty sound. They controlled the clock. Just the combination of horrible pass blocking, plus the rooky interecption took them out of it. Until that, they were still in that game though.

It's funny, I heard a couple NFL pundits ask if the Cardinals exposed how to beat the Chiefs, with the 5 sacks. Well yeah, if you have Jones and Golden. They did a great job keeping Mahomes in the pocket, and they should because there's probably no other edge duo in the league who's had more practice at "Keep him in pocket! Keep him in the pocket!". Twice a year for the past 3/4 years, that's all they hear for a week. And that takes practice as you could see when the Patriots faced the Seahawks in the Super Bowl. Even a Belichek coached team with two weeks to prepare couldn't keep Wilson in the pocket. The coaches probably drilled it all week, but I think it takes a few real games before players really understand what it takes to corral someone like Wilson or Mahomes.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2007
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Sorry about your loss.I lost my father when I was 19.I was lucky that my Mom had remarried a great guy and he is still around at 85.Unfortunately Mom passed at age 58 from cancer .I lost my better half in 2016 to Pancreactic cancer and it still hurts every day and I miss her ..You have to think that your loved one is in a better place and not hurting.It helps somewhat.Remember the good times and take it one day at a time.

My God, BW, you have been through hell on earth. Thank you very much for encouraging me, but I want to say the same to you.