Game 8 Impressions: Vikings 27 Cardinals 24 OT


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
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Wrentham, MA
I imagine you might have had the same thought this past week. With the Vikings' players clearly wanting Brad Childress out as coach, the thought was the players might not try very hard in this game, even though their hopes for salvaging their season are flickering.

Then you see the rabid Vikings fans trying to fire the players up and you think, man, how can the players play half spirited in front of the fans?

Then you see the Cardinals actually have a chance when Kerry Rhodes intercepts one of Favre's first passes and weaves his way three yards from the end zone only to have Greg Camarillo pull off his best Stevie Breaston imitation to a tee by stripping a loosely gripped ball before it crossed the goalline.

Then...with the crowd going wild you watch Favre move the team down the field for a TD and 7-0 lead, and you wonder whether the road route you are growing to expect is imminent. watch Hyphen the smallest Cardinal with the biggest heart---change all that...just like at Tennessee last year...

And just like it was against Tennessee last year you watch the Cardinals gain the lead and you breathlessly continue to hope for the best as the defense is one play away from winning the game, and the other team has to go 99 yards...only...that one play never comes as you helplessly watch the defense melt under the pressure.

And then you think of the Super Bowl meltdown...and you think of all the myriads of late defensive meltdowns you have watched during your tenure as a Cardinals fan and it makes you shudder and cringe. It simply happens way too often...with seemingly no accountability for it anywhere...and simply the same old flawed approach...wasn't it Enstein who theorized that insanity is making the same mistake over and over again?

And then you are reminded that your own Head Coach admitted he didn't watch tape of the Super Bowl...and just a year later you have to watch the same porous coverage without any real consistent semblance of a pass rush, especially from the edges...and you wonder why the right defensive coach wasn't hired to change all this and why in the world the personnel people believe they can fix the pass rushing personnel by adding no free agents and drafting two of the more unheralded pass rushers in the draft while they were drafting offensive players in front of them.

And then another year later...yes there was the addition of DE/OLB Joey Porter, who finally showed up more than usual yesterday, just, er, not at the exact time that wins you the still can't rush the edge from the other side...and you still have DBs quitting on coverage and you still have safeties who must be doing their own thing because they are not there protecting the end zone when you absolutely need them to be there.


Then there's the insanity of knowing that the last game your team won was over the defending Super Bowl Champs who had waxed you in the playoffs to the tune of 45-14...but this year you play them at home and you beat them 30-20 with a mistake prone but eager rookie making his first start, and of the 30 points none of them came on a standard offensive TD. Wow.

But you remember that the Max Effort from the entire team you saw that day was the result of an incentive offered by the Head Coach who promised the team that they would have virtually all of the Bye Week off if they won that game.

So they take that Bye Week off and they also take the away Seattle game off, and take off much of the Tampa Bay home game, allowing them two pick sixes and 4 drives that averaged over 80 yards per. And you somehow have the ball in FG range to tie the game, 1st and 10 from the 20 yard line and you throw the ball into triple coverage and lose.

And now you have once again pulled off a scoring coup by scoring 14 points on a TD return by Hyphen that is perfectly designed and executed thanks to a textbook double team block on a Viking LB by Hamsa Abdullah and Reggie Walker (it looked like 21 and 56 to me)...and a KO fumble return by Michael Adams following an alert stripping of Percy Harvin by rookie O'Brien Schofield.

Your offense does not turn the ball over (despite one throw that was inexplicably thrown right into the waiting arms of a Viking LB in the flat...but he bobbles it all the say to the turf, thank goodness)...

But you can't run the ball...because the Vikings are daring you to pass.

And having done little to nothing all the first half, you are faced with 3rd and 16 and your new old starting QB Derek Anderson throws a perfect strike up the left sideline between the CB and FS to a diving Larry Fitzgerald and suddenly you see the Cardinals driving at the end of a half, not the other way around...and then you get a nifty catch and run by rookie WR Andre Roberts to put you up 14-10 at half-time.

But you have terrible field position most of the day...the coach calls the plays ultra conservatively...and all you can muster is one good drive that gets you to the two yard line...which could have been a relatively easy TD if your RB Tim Hightower hits the hole with a burst as he did as a rookie, but instead is chased down by the back side DE Ray Edwards of all players. You pass the ball on third and three but the one WR, Steve Breaston, you are staring at is double teamed so you thow the ball away and kick the FG.

Then your defense gets driven on left and right but they stiffen at the goalline and stop the Vikings on 4th and goal from the 1.

Up 14 the offense takes no chances...diving Anderson on a 1/2 yard sneak, Hightower on another 1/2 yard dive and then throw to Hightower on a flat pass that he drops.

But the clock can be very much on your side if the defense can keep the Vikings in front of them and make them run clock...instead the Vikings go 40 yards in 4 plays in a matter of just over a minute and now there's no need for an on-side kick and your offense has to find a way to muster 10 yards to win the game...your defense is gassed, they have now given up well over 400 yards passing and the crowd is going crazy.

So, you dive Hightower into an 8 man box twice for no gain forcing the Vikings to expend their last two timeouts and then on 3rd and 10 you throw a 6 yard pass. Your coach must have either called a different play in that sitaution---because is there any point whatsoever of throwing a 6 yard pass?---if it was a different play called, it was not run (although it clearly looked like Anderson had the 6 yard pass in mind the whole time) or your Head Coach thinks that the defense which he's watched melt under pressure for 3 1/2 half years will find a way to stop Brett Favre who now has thrown for over 400 yards. Basically, you put the game in the hands of your already gassed defense.

And guess what? This time all it takes is 4 lousy plays for them to go 62 yards...and with time elapsing between plays and a ten second takeaway from the Vikings for a penalty, the clock is still down to 27 seconds, but you let them score on the TE seam pass that they had just beaten you on in the previous drive---the one where Adrian Wilson quit running on the play and the safety didn't get to the middle soon enough.

This time Wilson is still on Shiancoe and this time he chases harder, but inexplicably turns his head away from Shinacoe in the opposite direction of where the ball is coming, something YOU ARE NEVER TAUGHT TO DO, and just like last time, there is NO FS help on the play. In fact, the safety is so far from the picture that Favre can lob the pass there from 30 yards out.

And then with 27 second left and 2 TOs you see how a team who really wants to win the game rushes the passer as Anderson is beseiged by Vikings and luckily does not fumble. Same on the first possession in OT...which made him overpress on a throw to a wide open Fitzgerald when he really didn't have to, but by now he was rattled and fearing that he would do just what he did last week, throw the game away.

What was it from the defense???...another 4 plays for 40 yards to get the Vikings into easy FG range. The same fake the WR hitch throw and hit the inside WR running a slant that neither the Cardinal SILB nor the Cardinal FS defended all afternoon. That one is NOT on Toler.

Then as awful as the meltdown have another think...hey at least this time it was a close game...the turnovers were avoided...and there were plenty of very good moments and moments that seemed to suggest the Cardinals were going to sneak out of there with the W and with Childress' scalp in hand to boot.

You feel very hopeful about young players such as Hyphen, Roberts, Rashad Johnson (1st career interception), Dray (good STs all day and nice 20 yard catch from Breaston) and Schofield.

But then you wonder why every week you see Adrian Wilson struggling so badly in coverage and you wonder why they just don't rush him after the passer every play, something the team needs...and you wonder why he quits on plays as often as he does...why his lack of effort is egregious at times...and worse of all his on the two times he was asigned to cover Harvin (what coach thought that was possible? Heck they even thought Lenon could cover Camarillo---the matchups in this game were something else, huh?)...but back to Wilson, not only did we see him completely blow the two seam passes to Shinacoe which cost the team the game and quick scores...but when he covered Harvin on the hitch, what you are taught is that especially versus a shifty, fast player, you "break down" and make the WR commit himself and you use the sideline as an extra defender. Instead, what does Wilson do? He lunges straight at Harvin, so all Harvin has to do is take one sidestep and he is off to the races.

So now it is a day later and you wonder why we as fans see what the Cardinals' coaches either refuse to see or refuse to change despite seeing what they see. You wonder why the players aren't prepared better for game end situations and why they looked so whimpy under pressure. You wonder why the players need a week off incentive to play hard and super intense for 60 minutes.

You wonder why the coaches time mangement skills on both sides of the ball are so conspicuously poor.

You wonder why the Head Coach has all the excuses and seemingly no sense of personal or professional reponsibility for what is going wrong.

You wonder why a lightning in a bottle player who electrifies the defense is sitting in favor of playing a slow and somewhat gimpy veteran...think with his speed Washington could have dropped right into the path of the slants? Or chased down Adrian Peterson, especially on the passes to him that the entire team didn't defend?

You wonder why you draft a NT in the first round ahead of drafting a QB or DE and why your 34 year old non-productive, non-threat veteran is STILL starting.

You wonder how and why the offensive line plays like a swinging gate at the worst times.

And you wonder why your Pro Bowl CB is either lost or invisible.

And you wonder why you go the Cardinals' website and they have the Pro Bowl voting display for fans and none of the six players pictured on it are even near worthy, and yet the one who is, Hyphen, is not pictured.

You just wonder...
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Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
OK Mitch: What are the first five things you do to turn it around?

(Another GREAT post. But I like to say, OK, we've all complained to high heaven so what are we going to do about it? Having is a plan of attack for next week (and next season) is the only way I can cope with defeat. (Hoping Brett would pull one of his monumentaly stupid interceptions didn't work for me yesterday afternoon.)
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Now living in Scottsdale
Jan 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Nothing to wonder about here. THe team is in disarray. They are going in circles because they have no direction. Each week you see something promising while at the same time another piece falls out of place. If we had won at Minnesota the dark side wouldn't be in such force, and we wouldn't have to filter through all the hopelessness on this board, but the problems would still be there.

That said, the defense is good enough despite its imperfections to keep us in games, but only to the point where their stamina holds. It never surprises me that they come out swinging and limp into the 4th Quarter. They have the talent but not the teamwork, nor the stamina to hold up over an unbalanced time of possession.

Special teams are at least they are more consistent. There is good downfield blocking and few of the stupid mistakes from past years. These guys seem fresh and ready when they come out, and Kevin Spencer is doing a great job keeping them focused.

Offense is still in looking for an identity. Until that happens we'll continue to see individual efforts but not much consistent teamwork.

Thanks for your analysis as always Mitch! I don't even bother checking out the site until late Monday anymore.


A real American hero
Nov 21, 2004
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I wondered why Wiz didnt adjust to the 4th quater blitzes with some screens, quick routes and HB dump offs.

Our 3wr set that we opened the game with, I thought we could have milked all game.


Sep 24, 2006
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The Probowl thing on the front page does amuse me quite often

Two things that stood out to me were once again the ridiculous defensive matchups.. What competent coach would have Wilson continually covering these pass catching TEs, or slot receivers (at times)... why are our LBs on Harvin at times? Why is Wilson never around the LOS? We got two of the better blitzing safeties in the league, and god knows we need some pressure, one guy is being asked to cover receivers, and the other is being left back playing a soft zone..

Secondly, for a coach who often drives you up the wall with his agressive playcalls late in games, when trying to run the clock... why yesterday does he go so conservative??

3:40 to go... everybody in the building knows Favre is gonna tie the game up unless we can somehow get a first down or two... and we're running beyond our lame Oline on two plays... then throwing a ball well short of the sticks...

Did you see Philly's playcalls in a similar spot yesterday? Back to back reverses to Desean Jackson for quality gains..

For a coach who is often quite aggressive (even when he shouldn't be), to call those three lame duck plays in that spot was pathetic


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
OK Mitch: What are the first five things you do to turn it around?

(Another GREAT post. But I like to say, OK, we've all complained to high heaven so what are we going to do about it? Having is a plan of attack for next week (and next season) is the only way I can cope with defeat. (Hoping Brett would pull one of his monumentaly stupid interceptions didn't work for me yesterday afternoon.)

OK, Dems, my good pal, I laid those out last week and I will try it again...but the problem is the Cardinals' coaches are either oblivious or obstinate...because everything I am about to propose will not happen.

1. Simple: The opponents load the box, you audible and pass, regardless of the sitaution (unless you are up by 21 with 3:00 left). Did you see how many times they ran THT into an 8 man box? He had no chance.

2. You don't go a whole game ignoring a WR (Breaston) who got you 145 yards in the previous game. You have to STOP trying to appease Larry Fitzgerald. What Warner was so great at was exploiting other mismatches which would eventually open the field for Fitz. Gotta get back to that.

3. The guy I think who can really make a huge difference is WR Steve Williams. Lossen the defense up with some deeper throws to him and the middle will become wide open.

4. Spead the defense out. Forget about the TEs they are a liability on this team. At least Becht could block for you. Patrick and Spach are weak, let's face it. Spread the defense and make them sweat.

5. Play Hyphen more, especially as a receiver out of the backfield.

6. Start Dan Williams at NT and Daryl Washington at LB, only shift Lenon to the left side and Washington to the right side where they belong. Rush Washington at least 7 times after the passer this week.

7. On passing downs, move Rhodes up to SS, Wilson up to rush LB and Johnson back at FS. Rush Wilson every chance you get.

8. Get back to rushing Michael Adams...he's uncanny at it.

9. Go ALL OUT on the pass rush late in the games. Force the DBs to be alert ballhawks.

10. No more 3 man rushes.

11. Back to offense, stop running the play clock down to 1 second. Go with some quick snaps. Mix the snaps up.

12. No more pooch kickoffs. Ridiculous, especially after momentum changing TDs.


Hoist the Lombardi Trophy
Nov 11, 2002
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Thanks for your thoughts Mitch.

Who's the new DC next year? I dont think Wade Phillips teams force enough TO's & lets face it, he's a beaten man & has zero fire. What about Kevin Greene? Thoughts?


Crawled Through 5 FB Fields
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Wrentham, MA
Thanks for your thoughts Mitch.

Who's the new DC next year? I dont think Wade Phillips teams force enough TO's & lets face it, he's a beaten man & has zero fire. What about Kevin Greene? Thoughts?

I like the thought of Kevin Greene. He would bring attitude, aggressiveness and some much needed emotion. I think Bill Davis is probaly one of the nicest coaches and guys you'd ever meet, but he does little to get you fired up. Greene could create an identity for these guys, especially if he finds the right role for Adrian Wilson.

AZ Native

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed
Apr 30, 2007
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Cave Creek
OK Mitch: What are the first five things you do to turn it around?

(Another GREAT post. But I like to say, OK, we've all complained to high heaven so what are we going to do about it? Having is a plan of attack for next week (and next season) is the only way I can cope with defeat. (Hoping Brett would pull one of his monumentaly stupid interceptions didn't work for me yesterday afternoon.)

I was sure Brett had thrown his monumentally stupid interception, but unfortunately A Dub was turned the wrong way or everyone would be saying that Brett threw that dumb pick again.:bang:


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Cave Creek
I like the thought of Kevin Greene. He would bring attitude, aggressiveness and some much needed emotion. I think Bill Davis is probaly one of the nicest coaches and guys you'd ever meet, but he does little to get you fired up. Greene could create an identity for these guys, especially if he finds the right role for Adrian Wilson.


When he played with the Rams he lived near my dad so he was one of the guys I'd see at the supermarket, around town and at Legends. Super smart. Quick mind. Clever in every sense of the word. NICE guy. He'd take DRC and channel all that energy. He'd understand Dockett. Absolutely be able to work with Whiz. He'd fire everybody up. He would change the whole dynamic of the team. Kevin is one of my favorite people on the planet.

(And sorry I didn't get your suggestions through my thick head the first time. Appreciate your going over it all again.)
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Cardinal Bob

Glutton for Punishment
Jan 9, 2003
Reaction score
Garwood, NJ
I was sure Brett had thrown his monumentally stupid interception, but unfortunately A Dub was turned the wrong way or everyone would be saying that Brett threw that dumb pick again.:bang:

Me too. I saw him throw it up, off his back foot, and thought "oh someone is picking this one off."

Nope. :bang:


Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
Good post Mitch. Every week we come back questioning CKW, and every week he makes excuses and skates on past performance, the success of which can largely be attributed to Warner. When does the rubber hit the road?


Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
Great post, Mitch. I didn't think DRC did a bad job Sunday; the fact that he 'disappeared' is a good thing to me.


Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
You wonder why you draft a NT in the first round ahead of drafting a QB or DE and why your 34 year old non-productive, non-threat veteran is STILL starting.

You had me more or less up until here. It's easy to say, "They should have drafted a pass rusher or a quarterback here." Who would you take? The next quarterback taken in the draft was Jimmy Clausen 22 picks after Williams. And one pick after Daryl Washington.

The pass rusher off the board after Williams was Jerry Hughes, who has--wait for it--one NFL tackle and 0 sacks. He's only been active for 5 games. The next pass rusher taken was Sergio Kindle, who needed microfracture surgery and to my knowledge has not seen the field this season for the Baltimore Ravens. You can maybe make the argument for Koa Misi (3.5 sacks in 8 games), but he's essentially a clone of Cody Brown, whom this defensive coaching staff was unable or unwilling to develop for more than fifteen months.

Dan Williams was a gift from heaven. A true 3-4 NT who is capable of demanding double-teams in the middle for the next decade. His impact has only begun to be felt.


2021 - Prove It
May 15, 2002
Reaction score
You had me more or less up until here. It's easy to say, "They should have drafted a pass rusher or a quarterback here." Who would you take? The next quarterback taken in the draft was Jimmy Clausen 22 picks after Williams. And one pick after Daryl Washington.

The pass rusher off the board after Williams was Jerry Hughes, who has--wait for it--one NFL tackle and 0 sacks. He's only been active for 5 games. The next pass rusher taken was Sergio Kindle, who needed microfracture surgery and to my knowledge has not seen the field this season for the Baltimore Ravens. You can maybe make the argument for Koa Misi (3.5 sacks in 8 games), but he's essentially a clone of Cody Brown, whom this defensive coaching staff was unable or unwilling to develop for more than fifteen months.

Dan Williams was a gift from heaven. A true 3-4 NT who is capable of demanding double-teams in the middle for the next decade. His impact has only begun to be felt.

Dan Williams has been really good these past three weeks, and this game especially. Yes Bryan Robinson is starting, but Dan is getting the majority of the snaps.

As much as I would like to jump on the Kevin Greene bandwagon, at this point I would prefer a d coordinator who has done it. Wade Phillips has been a fantastic d coordinator for the Broncos, Bills, Falcons and Chargers. He is not going to be looking for a head coaching job, and has a proven scheme that players can buy into. Make him a defensive consultant this year, and offer him a 3 year deal as d coordinator after that. This way he learns the players this year and spend the off season figuring out how they will fit in his scheme.


Sep 1, 2010
Reaction score
Love the post, didn't comment right away because I had to digest the whole thing. Lots of good stuff in there. But I truely loved the response to your answer with Dems.


This cat is a Reggie Bush with the right play call... and after that is established, defenses will prepare for this bad mamma jamma, leaving us much love.

With out Warner can be a plus if it shows us what we have now. When reality sets in, it is what it is. Wish we could try running the ball and blitzing crazy on defense like other teams do with out Manning or Brady.


Sep 2, 2002
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As much as I would like to jump on the Kevin Greene bandwagon, at this point I would prefer a d coordinator who has done it. Wade Phillips has been a fantastic d coordinator for the Broncos, Bills, Falcons and Chargers. He is not going to be looking for a head coaching job, and has a proven scheme that players can buy into. Make him a defensive consultant this year, and offer him a 3 year deal as d coordinator after that. This way he learns the players this year and spend the off season figuring out how they will fit in his scheme.

Totally agree with this, Wade would be a great hire.


Aug 14, 2006
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Dan Williams has been really good these past three weeks, and this game especially. Yes Bryan Robinson is starting, but Dan is getting the majority of the snaps.

As much as I would like to jump on the Kevin Greene bandwagon, at this point I would prefer a d coordinator who has done it. Wade Phillips has been a fantastic d coordinator for the Broncos, Bills, Falcons and Chargers. He is not going to be looking for a head coaching job, and has a proven scheme that players can buy into. Make him a defensive consultant this year, and offer him a 3 year deal as d coordinator after that. This way he learns the players this year and spend the off season figuring out how they will fit in his scheme.

Wade Phillips has been------is the correct statement. I like him too, but he has been totally emasculated and thrown under the bus in the 'lets find somebody to take the fall for the boss world of Jerry Jones'. Right now, he probably needs at least a year away from the game just to get his head back on straight. He has just spent three years trying to answer to the media for Jerry Jones' ineptitude and meddling as an owner.

At this stage of the game, I would rather go with someone like Kevin Greene. Someone with fire in his belly, and a chip on his shoulder. Someone who will stand up to Whizenhunt and his ego-maniacle fantacies like Todd Haley did, and refuse to go along with fixes like, (inactivating Daryl Washington and Gabe Watson). Someone who will refuse to start has beens like Bryan Robinson. Someone who would not hesitate to use Daryl Washington and Adrian Wilson to rush the QB. Someone who would force the secondary coach to play his corners up tight in man coverage for critical third down situations late in games.

We could also use someone like him to become our offensive co-ordinator.

By the way Mitch-----another great post !!!!!
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Klowned by Keim
Feb 14, 2003
Reaction score
Gilbert, AZ
Dan Williams has been really good these past three weeks, and this game especially. Yes Bryan Robinson is starting, but Dan is getting the majority of the snaps.

As much as I would like to jump on the Kevin Greene bandwagon, at this point I would prefer a d coordinator who has done it. Wade Phillips has been a fantastic d coordinator for the Broncos, Bills, Falcons and Chargers. He is not going to be looking for a head coaching job, and has a proven scheme that players can buy into. Make him a defensive consultant this year, and offer him a 3 year deal as d coordinator after that. This way he learns the players this year and spend the off season figuring out how they will fit in his scheme.

I understand why people are jumping off the Bill Davis bandwagon, but do we really have the horses to shut teams out on defense? The defense is the best and most consistent unit on the team after kick returns (kick coverage has been inconsistent as well as punt coverage). Do we blame Bill Davis for Calais Campbell's regression? Do we not credit him for Alan Branch figuring it out?

I totally understand the frustration, but Bill Davis has put together excellent defensive game plans in the past--against the Vikes and Giants last year, especially. Is he putting our players in the position to make plays? I think so. It's open-field tackling that's the problem. Clancy Pendergast took his foot off the accelerator at the end of games, as well. Maybe that's an order from the head coach, and not from the DC.

If we can get an experienced defensive coordinator like Wade Phillips, I'd probably be in. But I'm not sure that people here have the patience to sit through the learning/maturation process of another position coach making the change.

Our #1 priority should be finding short- and long-term solutions to the quarterback problem. Then getting Ken Whisenhunt to name an offensive coordinator who can and will stand up to him and push back against him (he's too close to Russ Grimm, and this Miller guy has been less than a zero as passing game coordinator). Then finding a pass rush specialist.

Locating a new defensive coordinator is pretty low on MY priority list for things to fix with this team.


Nov 3, 2002
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Jefferson City, MO
How much time is on Wade Phillips contract, if he has a year or more why would he work anywhere, doesn't he get paid as a head coach if he does nothing?


I want my 2$
Sep 1, 2002
Reaction score
I understand why people are jumping off the Bill Davis bandwagon, .

People are still jumping off the Bill Davis bandwagon?

Who's left on that anyhow?

No his family dosen't count.

Seriously, I get that he's got limited stuff to work with, welcome to the NFL, most teams have holes, some years they get real big, some years they're smaller and your life is easier, duh.

That's got relatively little to do with overall approach and strategy, or adjustments or lack thereof.

I'm not asking him to be the number one ranked defense no matter what talent he has but what I do want to see is intelligent adjustments and gameplans that have thought behind them that you can see during the game.

He does this once in a while but far too often it looks like a disorganized mess out there, not just that our talent is the only problem.
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