Simmons' season preview


Official ASFN Lurker
Oct 2, 2002
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Vancouver, BC, Canada

-He's down on Bledsoe (I'm mildly surprised by this) and on the team overall (not surprised by this).
-Blasts Sarver and feels bad for Suns fans
-Predict that Gortat & Dragic likely to be traded



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Sep 24, 2002
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Neither he nor Jalen considered the possibility that Dragic and Bledsoe would play together - Simmons thinks Dragic will be traded as though Phoenix was planning on Eric running the show henceforth. I guess they didn't hear that Horny was planning of using them in tandem.

Lets see, Simmons said Alex Len at #5 was an okay move but he thought we drafted Archie Goodwin three years too early. Of course, Archie is not likely to contribute that much this year but the Phoenix Suns are the best place for him now and he deserves credit for having the sense to get out of Kentucky.

Simmons does know that Marcin is on the trading block and expects him to be a hot commondity but mainly he talked about how OKC should give us anyone or everyone who isn't a starter to get him. Interestingly, Jalen said that they definitely shouldn't throw in their first rounder next year.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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-He's down on Bledsoe (I'm mildly surprised by this) and on the team overall (not surprised by this).

They seem locked into the fact Bledsoe is a PG (unknown) but praise him defensively. The Suns can use a huge dose of that. Trading Dudley for Bledsoe seems like a no brainer as the Suns go for youth, talent and athleticism. Let the chips fall where they may in the back court.

-Blasts Sarver and feels bad for Suns fans

Who doesn't blast Sarver. It seems they want to look at he past instead of the changes the Suns are making with McDonough.

-Predict that Gortat & Dragic likely to be traded

Who doesn't know Gortat is likely to be traded. They then go into lock down mode who makes the Thunder better. IMO, Gortat definitely does but they stop short of giving up a late first round pick for him. Well if the 2014 draft is that good that late in the draft, I think the Suns already have 3 first round picks in 2014, the Suns must be sitting on a goldmine. They seem to think Phoenix will take scrap for Gortat... wrong. The Thunder would have to minimally give the Suns their first round pick for Gortat plus more assets, not just garbage.

Then they want Dragic as a third PG for the Thunder because he is a good shooter and then argue against their own idea.

As I look at it, they look as the Suns as a development team for the Thunder although I think Gortat has a good chance of being traded there. McDonough, thus far, has proved to be a savvy GM not prone to part with assets unless he gets value in return. IMO, it will cost any team to deal with the Suns. I think Bill and Jalen are stuck in the past.


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Sep 24, 2002
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In retrospect, its surprising that Bill didn't have anything to say about the Suns hiring McDonough away from the Celtics. You'd think he'd comment on it one way or another. Hopefully his silence means he has high regard for McD's work and doesn't like to contemplate him directing another team.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
Yes, very sloppy journalism. They're about a year behind. They don't know what they're talking about here. Poorly done.

I guess we'll see. I think they got it about right. The Suns aren't going to gift Gortat and Dragic to the Thunder, but Simmons and Rose are right that this is a terrible roster with almost no appealing assets.


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Sep 24, 2002
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I guess we'll see. I think they got it about right. The Suns aren't going to gift Gortat and Dragic to the Thunder, but Simmons and Rose are right that this is a terrible roster with almost no appealing assets.

You're staying consistent... you've been relentlessly pessimistic about the team the whole summer. I have a totally different view - I haven't been this excited about the team for many years. I like every move McDonough has made - even though the talent level of many of his acquistions is not high they all have possibilities - to contribute to the fastbreak style. The holdovers, except for Dragic and PJ, appear expendable, though this year they'll help in the quest for ping-pong balls. It's not impossible that one of them may come to life playing fastbreak basketball but I'm not betting on it.

You're in for a pleasant surprise.


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Apr 2, 2004
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I haven't checked this out but all you have to say is Simmons and Sarver and it's an automatic pass for me.



Official ASFN Lurker
Oct 2, 2002
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Then they want Dragic as a third PG for the Thunder because he is a good shooter and then argue against their own idea.

Not that I disagree, but another factor why the Thunder would be amenable to a Dragic trade is that Westbrook is now out for the first 6 weeks of the season. It's highly unlikely, as we're already in training camp, but Dragic would be a much better option than Reggie Jackson or the corpse that is Derek Fisher.


Mar 22, 2007
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Fine, but why would we be amenable? I don't want their crap.

Fine, but why would we be amenable? I don't want their crap.

Why would we be amenable? Dragic has 3 years left on his contract! Why on Earth would Sarver want to pay Dragic $8.5 million a year when all Dragic is going to do is improve, play better basketball, and help the Suns win games (or lose games by less points)? By trading Dragic and his $8.5 million per year contract, the Suns could easily get 3 players in return who’s contracts add up to like $8 million per season, and then Sarver would have the flexibility to cut one of those players, send another one to the D-League, and keep the third guy around until the end of this season when his contract will expire.

The key is this upcoming 2014 offseason. Everybody likes to talk about guys like Lebron, Melo, D. Wade, Kobe, etc. who could become free agents at the end of this season, but the problem with those guys is that they are all good at basketball. What people forget - and what Sarver never will - is that there will also be a ton of free agents who AREN’T good at basketball, who won’t demand to get paid NBA salaries, and who won’t ask for long, guaranteed contracts.

Because the real key is the 2015 offseason. That’s the best opportunity the Suns have to sign a slew of mediocre fringe players with “something to prove.”

Unfortunately, the NBA has systematically slowed down this team’s progression by wasting this huge period of time - from October all the way to early May - where they make teams give players clothes and run around with an orange ball.


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Sep 24, 2002
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So who will you blame when the team struggles to win 25 games?

I won't blame anyone, I'll congratulate McD and Hornacek for putting together an exciting team with a bright future but still tanking well enough to give us an enviable position in draft. The surprise for you won't come for another year or maybe two


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
I won't blame anyone, I'll congratulate McD and Hornacek for putting together an exciting team with a bright future but still tanking well enough to give us an enviable position in draft. The surprise for you won't come for another year or maybe two

Then what are we arguing about? It sounds like you agree that this year's team is likely to stink, and that the Suns' best asset is an armful of virtual ping-pong balls in next summer's draft lottery. Where is Simmons wrong? Whether the team is "exciting" is in the eye of the beholder; surely your contention with Simmons and Rose (and me) has to be more substantive than that.

Now, if you mean to be predicting that multiple players on the current roster will become important parts of a Suns playoff team down the road, then yes, I will be surprised if that happens. I hold out an irrational hope for Goodwin because of his youth, and I think Bledsoe could be a traditional third guard "sparkplug," but other than that, there's no there there.


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Jan 2, 2003
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Then what are we arguing about? It sounds like you agree that this year's team is likely to stink, and that the Suns' best asset is an armful of virtual ping-pong balls in next summer's draft lottery. Where is Simmons wrong? Whether the team is "exciting" is in the eye of the beholder; surely your contention with Simmons and Rose (and me) has to be more substantive than that.

Now, if you mean to be predicting that multiple players on the current roster will become important parts of a Suns playoff team down the road, then yes, I will be surprised if that happens. I hold out an irrational hope for Goodwin because of his youth, and I think Bledsoe could be a traditional third guard "sparkplug," but other than that, there's no there there.

as much as I hated the Len pick, I'd say he's a little of the there there. at least he's something worth watching this season to see if we actually hit on a C or just blew a pick. so, with Goodwin, Bledsoe and Len, that's three there there's for me, which is a hell of a lot better then absolutely nothing the last two seasons.


Sep 2, 2002
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Totally expect us to suck, so much more excited for the team this year than last. Hope a couple of the young guys pan out and that all of them get heavy minutes. Two more bad years with top 5 draft picks should make us relevant again.


Phoenix native; Lifelong Suns Fan
Jul 31, 2005
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San Diego, CA
I guess we'll see. I think they got it about right. The Suns aren't going to gift Gortat and Dragic to the Thunder, but Simmons and Rose are right that this is a terrible roster with almost no appealing assets.

You totally missed my point. I'm not talking about how good the team is going to be. Simmons completely ignored the goings on this summer. No mention of the hiring of McDonough and firing of Blanks. There was barely a mention of new coaching. He was just Sarver bashing for the sake of it as if the Blanks era never ended. If the video was made a year ago, yeah sure, it was spot on. Absolutely no research went into the segment. They basically didn't know what they were talking about. They came off as ignorant.


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Sep 24, 2002
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As Cheese noted we have three players with potential in Bledsoe, Len, and Goodwin - potential to be as least first rate starters and maybe one reaches all star level. Watching them develop will be part of the excitement. But beyond them are Dragic and PJ who I think will improve a good bit just for being part of a fastbreaking team - and a team that will give more than lip service to defense.

Plumlee and Kravtsov will probably never develop to the point of being starters but they might be worthwhile subs on a fastbreaking team. I'm looking forward to see what they can do and how they work out. A big who can defend, rebound and run the floor could be very useful even if he can't shoot worth a dam. One of them might have Oliver Miller's abillity to excute defensive traps - with a defender as good as Bledsoe one ought to explore using midline and sideline traps as they flow rather naturally from pressuring the ball in the frontcourt.

My point is that if you evaluate guys on the basis of what they can contribute on a conventional/typical team you may miss what they could contribute on a fastbreaking team. Gerald Green, for example, may prove to be far more valuable to us than he was to Indiana - he certainly seemed excited at the prospect of playing an uptempo game. Maybe he leaks out ahead like Marion did or maybe he's more of an early trailer who spots up for threes ala Raja. Or maybe he's a malcontent who's never happy wherever he is. I'm quite interested to see how he works out. Ish Smith is another guy with possibly more potential on a fastbreaking team - you need more than three fast guards if you want to keep the speed up all game long. Sure he might be a dud but I'm interested to see. Maybe Christmas is the one who can step in and provide it.

If you play fastbreak basketball and pressure the ball on defense, you need more from your bench than if the guys don't expend as much energy when they're on the floor. Guess what that means - more happy players! More players who feel like they are truly a part of the team. I would go so far as to say more players who will feel like they're letting their teammates down if they don't know what they are supposed to do. Great motivation to learn your job.

I find that prospect exciting... watching the whole team come together and learning what their roles and responsibilities are. One reason I'm so happy about Hornacek being the coach is that expect him to foster teamwork as well as hard work.

You look at the team and see crap (mostly crap) - I'm glad I'm not seeing them with your eyes. If I'm wrong on every count, I can live with that.


Feb 1, 2010
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Horrible video. Jalen Rose clearly hasn't seen Gortat play without Nash. And he said the Suns could trade Gortat to OKC for Ibaka? Lets do it baby!!

And Nash is super happy he's in LA and not PHX? Lol do these idiots watch NBA?

So much Sarver hate by Simmons. No credit given for Goodwin, Bledsoe, draft picks and most importantly hiring McDonough.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
You look at the team and see crap (mostly crap) - I'm glad I'm not seeing them with your eyes. If I'm wrong on every count, I can live with that.

I would have thought that you, as a math person, would value getting the right answer over hoping for something that feels good. Wouldn't you train your students not to let the emotional appeal of an educated guess factor into their assessment of it?

I'm much less sold than you are on the premise that becoming a "fast break team" can transform a lousy roster into a competitive one. It's true that a playing style can maximize the talents of any given roster, and if the Suns' roster is better suited to an uptempo style than to grinding, then fine, go uptempo.

But other teams can adjust. If your gimmick is hoping for turnovers and leaking out for cherry-picking layups -- and yes, I realize that that's an oversimplification -- then the other team will become more deliberate on offense and cheat back on defense. And then the Suns team becomes a bunch of "athletes" without NBA skills.


edited for content
Sep 14, 2002
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L.A. area
You totally missed my point. I'm not talking about how good the team is going to be. Simmons completely ignored the goings on this summer. No mention of the hiring of McDonough and firing of Blanks. There was barely a mention of new coaching.

You sound like a Cardinals fan saying that this is the year things will finally be different, because they have a new logo.

McDonough has given the Suns their current roster, and Simmons certainly knew who was on it. Hornacek is a total unknown. No fan wants to believe that his team is among the worst in the league, so they point to non-information as key to "what the so-called experts have overlooked." But every other team in the league can make the same claim. Someone has to be at the bottom of the standings.


Phoenix native; Lifelong Suns Fan
Jul 31, 2005
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San Diego, CA
You sound like a Cardinals fan saying that this is the year things will finally be different, because they have a new logo.

McDonough has given the Suns their current roster, and Simmons certainly knew who was on it. Hornacek is a total unknown. No fan wants to believe that his team is among the worst in the league, so they point to non-information as key to "what the so-called experts have overlooked." But every other team in the league can make the same claim. Someone has to be at the bottom of the standings.

Yep, still missing it. I've never claimed otherwise.


Cruisin' Mainstreet
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Oct 19, 2003
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Maybe I missed it, but I don't see anyone who projects the Suns being above the bottom of the NBA. However, I do see many who think the Suns might be a young, exciting and athletic team. Also a team that has accrued a lot of assets to move forward. There is a difference between a bad team going nowhere and a young team (although losing) that is being prepared for a huge leap forward.