This might make me a fair weather fan, but this team is exhausting. I’m sure several folks here feel this way, but this team gave me just enough hope to make it really hurt when they pulled the rug out from underneath me post bye. I'll keep an eye on the game on Sunday, but going to try to not...
These are the records for the last 7 games from 2019 (KK became head coach) to 2023 (JG became head coach):
Bye weeks have not been taken into consideration.
Record (W-L)
L-L-L-L-W-W-L (2-5)
L-L-L-W-W-L-L (2-5)
W-W-L-L-L-W-L (3-4)
L-L-L-L-L-L-L (0-7)
I guess he didn’t rise to the occasion.
His play must have been stinky.
The rest of the D was all over the opponent like a… rash, so we didn’t, ahem, knead him anymore.
I have the very first gen 2-channel tuner (I have had it at least since 2014! Wow bought 5 years maybe ago?) It has occasionally glitched, and I vaguely recall losing a couple recordings.
Most of that was triggered by weak signal though. During a storm antenna reception wasn’t great and that...
If you get Tablo TV you can watch live TV through that. Pause, rewind and even skip and catch up if you’re behind.
I’ve been using it for years now and love it.