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  1. B

    Wolves @ Suns

    LOUUUUUUUUU nice put back
  2. B

    Game links

    Here you go Andrew
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    Game links

    Andrew you do realize that it is typically the same 4 or 5 sites that we all regularly go to to watch the games. If you go to the site and see that it regularly plays NBA games then you can save it as a favorite for next time:D
  4. B

    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    Did this happen after a Suns loss or was it in any way involved with your petting session with your dog that you told us about?
  5. B

    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    He is still a virgin so it is not an issue.
  6. B

    Wolves @ Suns

    You mean all things Shaq right?
  7. B

    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    you made a pact with YOURSELF to not shave for a year? WTF??? Is there a reason behind the pact or are you just doing it for fun?
  8. B

    Can We Continue to Sit Shaq?

    Yes that is Andrew I have already asked him. Isn't that what you pictured him looking like?
  9. B

    Wolves @ Suns

    He also likes to post blank replies at time and one word answers. I had around the same as him a few months ago but in the last few months he has posted 1500 times and i have only posted 200 or so.
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    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    I'm 23. I realize it might be weird for a 14 yr old and a 23 yr old to hang out though.
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    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    For some reason this does not surprise me. You should grow it out until Shaq wins another ring or MVP!!! Andrew....I wish we lived closer to each other because I would love to have you hang out with my group of friends...I truly mean it.
  12. B

    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    Andrew is that really a pic of you in your avatar?
  13. B

    Predict the score for the game

    At the current rate he will have over 1000 before the game even starts!! Even though they are all idiotic and useless posts.....but hey a post is a post.
  14. B

    Predict the score for the game

    Yes and Westbrook sounds like he is 110%. He is going to DESTROY us....
  15. B

    Are you impressed by Shaquille O'Neal?

    Shaq is awesome
  16. B

    Want to know why you don't get respect?

    :newbie:........come back after the game on Sunday and then we will talk and you can tell us your excuses for your team losing.
  17. B

    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    Matt Barnes had 6/10/4 with 13 minutes less then Amare. Yes i know the points were there but when matt barnes is getting twice as many rebounds in 13 minutes less of playing time something is wrong. Have fun rubbing up on Amares ass after the game telling him that everything will be ok and...
  18. B

    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    Amare needs to be putting out a little better then 17/5/5 per night IMHO
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    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    Please please don't report me..............:mulli: I wasn't criticizing you its an award......take it for whats its worth.
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    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    Bayless2Budinger wins the incompetent poster of the night award
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    NFC Championship Proposition Bets

    You know who will be in the SB come on now!!
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    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    I see I see thank you. Ok well halftime is over so back to the game....
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    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    call me stupid but what does SMH mean?
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    Hawks @ Suns 1/13/09

    They all have 2 fouls at halftime..........I am not really worried about this but maybe its just me
  25. B

    Game links

    It says it is off air....Its all good thank you though for the link i will keep messing with it and see if i can get it to work. I am just looking at the gamecast from ESPN that will have to do.