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  1. ActingWild

    The Whis of AZ

    Speaking of which, they need to lock him up long term. He's only got 2 years left on his contract I believe and some team is going to throw big bucks his way if we don't.
  2. ActingWild

    The Official "Bombay TV" Thread

  3. ActingWild

    Anquan Article from CBS Sportsline

    You're right on about the media, it's going to be talked about and a lot, unless Boldin comes out and apologizes for it. He just needs to say that he let his emotions get the best of him and he's sorry. If he were to do this tomorrow, then it's a non-story but the longer he waits the bigger a...
  4. ActingWild

    Anquan Article from CBS Sportsline

    I actually heard this on KTAR before that blog was written, so I'd say it's been confirmed. He didn't bolt for home before the trophy, he just ran to the locker room, changed and then answered some questions (much like Fitz does after games) but never joined the celebration. However, when...
  5. ActingWild

    KoC was here today & will be in Tampa; Here's why!

    That is just AWESOME!
  6. ActingWild


    Great game Eagles fans! Stick around for the next couple of weeks, we can always use more classy fans like yourselves to add to the mix!
  7. ActingWild


    Thanks Dawkins, it's nice to meet classy fans of other teams who can handle a tough loss with grace. Great game by your team and God bless!
  8. ActingWild

    Who Cried??

    I was able to keep back all but two tears...during Wilson and Warner's speeches. 2009 is already making 2008 worth it! THANK YOU COACH WHIZ, LARRY, AW, WARNER AND THE REST OF THE NFC CHAMPION ARIZONA CARDINALS ORGANIZATION FOR MAKING A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!!
  9. ActingWild

    [QUIZ] Do you belong on the Arizona Cardinal bandwagon?

    13/15 I missed our leading rusher (talk about a crap shoot) and our final win in SDS. EDIT: Dang it! I was gonna wait until after Sunday's game to post again...I wanted #1,000 to be something memorable. Blah.
  10. ActingWild

    Philly reporter John Gonzalez says the Cardinal fans are frauds

    Um, since when does anyone in Arizona have to get a spray on tan...even in the winter? If you're going to tell lies, you at least need to have SOME truth to make the rest of your nonsense's the details man. Seriously though, that has got to be the worst article I've read, and...
  11. ActingWild

    What play do you want to see the Cards run?

    Yeah, Boldin throwing out of the Wildcat could have some nice results. Here's a thought: If we have Elton Brown line-up at TE, why not have Kurt lineup over guard instead of center and direct snap to Edge? It would take away a second of reaction time for the Eagles D.
  12. ActingWild

    What play do you want to see the Cards run?

    I've been a little afraid of posting since it seems like the less I post, the more we win...but that's just being silly. So, I was thinking of some of the better play calls the Cardinals have had and I think this one, way back from our '98 game against Dallas would be a thing of beauty to pull...
  13. ActingWild

    The stats are against us. We better be ready to play...

    Any word on whether or not we're going to close the roof? So far, Warner for some reason or another is a much better quarterback in a closed roof situation. I think the only losses we've had at home were both when the roof was open. *Granted this is probably more a coincidence, but Warner...
  14. ActingWild

    NBA's Best owners (according to Forbes)

    Saver doesn't deserve to be anywhere near the top 10. James Jones, Kurt Thomas, Joe Johnson and soon to be Amare Stoudemire are all reasons why he's one of the worst owners in the league. (Great fan, but bad owner).
  15. ActingWild

    Say goodbye to Amare

    If there's one thing I've noticed about the Suns and players they trade, it's that you can always see it coming if you listen to the Valley's media coverage. When the sportscasters begin bashing someone about their attitude or game, it's a dead giveaway that the Suns are looking to move that...
  16. ActingWild

    Is the current situation the Suns in on Porter or the players?

    If Porter is implementing a system that doesn't match his personnel, then why would the players keep believing in him? Players, "Hey coach, this system doesn't work for us." Porter, "Yeah, but we're going to keep doing it." I'd lose faith in my coach if he refused to actually coach and...
  17. ActingWild

    Robin Lopez - New Nickname

    I don't know if anyone has said this before or not but.... Sideshow Rob Just throwing it out there. :)
  18. ActingWild


    That sums up my sentiments on Firefly perfectly. Betrayed. If Fox had handled it like any other show, I would have been a big supporter but as it is, I never found out about it until I rented Serenity. Loved the movie so much that I watched the special features, found out about Firefly and...
  19. ActingWild

    Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

    Ahh River...we hardly knew you. I'm happy to see Summer getting work again though, hopefully Fox doesn't screw her show over like last time.
  20. ActingWild

    Your Top 5 TV Shows on right now...

    1. Supernatural (Absolutely agree on this one, it's got to be the best show on TV that gets the least attention). 2. The Office 3. Dexter 4. 30 Rock 5. 24 I'm bummed about My Own Worst Enemy, I was really enjoying it. :(
  21. ActingWild

    There is no way we trade Q!

    We're cutting Edge in the offseason...I'm hoping some of his $5 mil is going to Q.
  22. ActingWild

    My Own Worst Enemy

    I finally got around to watching this show and it's now one of my favorites. Love it!
  23. ActingWild

    Why Do The Refs Always Screw The Cards!!!

    I swear I thought we were toast on Dallas's first possession because every ref on the field was going to let them snap the ball with 0 seconds on the play clock. Romo even stopped asking for the ball and it wasn't until THREE Cardinals were jumping up and down, screaming and pointing at the...

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