while i totally agree with you - i'm not entirely sure how feasible that is. from what i've heard from interviews they already work some crazy long hours and the production level of the show is better than anything else on tv right now. each week is like watching a mini-movie. it's a high...
ror - i've been watching since just before season 2 started. we say a few of the season 1 repeats and liked it so much i went and bought season 1. we watched that and were caught up just before season 2 started - great show - easily the best show on tv right now.
i'd like to see a bit more on the others and Widmore - i just hope it doesn't get sappy. they've got to keep their edge and the mysterious up as well.
from what i've heard they have the show arched out for a 7 year run. the creators have the character arches worked out and the story worked out for the most part. i've heard a 7 year run and then it's done.
didn't henry say that even if michael came back it would be too late?
i have this last episode tivo'd - i'll have to watch it a few more times...
i would like to think so. however, i saw the "knowing" look between them, but sawyer looked clueless - so i'm not so sure if it was something discussed between the entire group. plus, there is still jen, sun and sayid out there poking around.
exactly - that was just wrong when he swung those doors open. but i'm thinking they came from somewhere - is there a hatch on the island missing it's doors now?