At this point... 3 wins seems like a tough row to hoe....
If we win 1 or 2 games this year... Will that be progress still?
The bar on offense was set so ridiculously low last year, I can see why some of you guys are optimistic.
He needs more touches, that's a given, but he seems tentative, more like a guy who came back from a spine injury or major knee injury...not a wrist injury.
Might be just another guy who balled out, got paid and set it to cruise control?
Seriously...did any of you read the whole post?
I said the Defense obviously sucks.. But I was expecting better from KK.
If you guys are thrilled with 21 points a game...More power to ya!
Who cares if he throws for 500 yards a game? We are averaging 21 points a game.
Anyone who even remotely follows this team, knew the defense wouldn't hold anyone to less than that... with 2 starting corners out.
You guys are right... Our offense with DJ averaging 12 carries a game, A QB with 4 TD's 3 ints Sacked 16!!! times with a whopping 51.1 QBR are totally pulling their weight...
As you were.
When your offense sucks this bad...Your defense is on the field WAY too much.
Not saying the defense isn't a large part of the problem, but the offense hasn't helped them out much.
I get it... we're short-handed at CB, our #1 and #2 are our #3 and #4 respectively...
But our Defense is holding up much better than I could have hoped for given the above scenario.
KK is supposed to be an offensive genius....right? Am I the only one who has seen 20+ Murray dropbacks that...
Good baseball players throw rockets off their back feet all the time, you never watched an infielder throw out a speedster after an awkward hop?
Of course KM isn't throwing bb's of his back foot, but so far...he's mostly getting away with it.
Look at the thread title... Likes and dislikes.
That was a dislike I had..If you didn't take issue with it, good for you.
Not sure what the point of debating it really is?
Yeah ok,
So acting defeated and laughing joking etc are the only correct responses?
Staying positive and upbeat, trying to rally the troops and inspire confidence would be totally the wrong move?
What I really disliked about this game?
Murray's demeanor until the 4th quarter.... He had that defeated bitch face that Cam Newton gets when he's sucking ass.... At least he didn't have his head covered up with a gatorade towel like Cam does.
From the limited sample size, I think the kid throws more accurately when he's moving...Which makes the lack of designed bootlegs baffling.
I feel like he might have been discouraged from running, or maybe he's trying to prove that he can be a pocket QB?
How the hell else can you explain...