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  1. earthsci

    Hunger Games

    I thought Catching Fire was fantastic. Just started book 3.
  2. earthsci

    Prime Time Games

    Crap, the Monday Night game is here. Here's to a worthless Tuesday at work! :beer:
  3. earthsci

    Prime Time Games

    I just hope that the prime time games are away games.
  4. earthsci

    OT: Coming up on 10 years in being a part of this board

    Brother, you are off by a mile, and no, I'm not Tango. k9 is cerebral (even if he's not always right :) ). Tango was more like....THESMEL. Jake=Matt.
  5. earthsci

    OT: Coming up on 10 years in being a part of this board

    I would get so PO'd reading that stuff.
  6. earthsci

    LSU cornerback Morris Claiborne scored a four on the Wonderlic test

    Can you imagine if this makes him fall to #13? Holy crap, I know that we don't "need" a CB but that would set us up for a long time. IF we drafted him. Whatever...back to reality.
  7. earthsci

    What is the Better Cards' Mock?
  8. earthsci

    Cards re-sign OT D'Anthony Batiste

    Oh yeah, forgot about the best guard in the draft...:blush:
  9. earthsci

    Cards re-sign OT D'Anthony Batiste

    :yeahthat: Seriously. Mike, Rod & Ken are at Stanford today to look at a possible OT for the first round.
  10. earthsci

    My Take On The Draft, WOW vs. POW

    This. Is there really any position on this team that we couldn't find a fit for the BPA, regardless of position? A QB wouldn't start but I don't think that Luck, RGIII or Tannehill will be there. Richardson may not get a lot of play at first but we don't have RBs with the greatest health history.
  11. earthsci

    My Take On The Draft, WOW vs. POW

    Peterson wasn't a need pick and was the BPA. We still had DRC. :edit:...and complaining about drafting for need when we get the BPA is ridiculous.
  12. earthsci

    Longest time as Cardinal fan

    Me too.
  13. earthsci

    Off season success???

    I agree with these other posts that other moves need to be made but the most important FA long term for the Cards is CC.
  14. earthsci

    Off season success???

    Yes. If we don't sign CC, in 3 years we won't have Manning or Campbell.
  15. earthsci

    Off season success???

    IMO signing Calais Campbell is much more important to the Cardinals than Manning.
  16. earthsci

    Various Thoughts

    Seriously. Why not run 15 guys out there? The clock burns time and they get 5 yards. Not much help when they need a whole lotta yards and very little time to do it.
  17. earthsci

    Various Thoughts

    He didn't call time out, he challenged. I think Mitch's point is that they got to the line so quickly that nobody in the Patriots booth had time to look at the play and Belichick had to decide whether to challenge or not without a second look.
  18. earthsci

    Poll : What team will Peyton Manning pick to play

    Why did you ask Gee that? He didn't even post on this thread.:|
  19. earthsci

    Blue Diamond Almonds commercial

    Am I the only one who has bad, nasty thoughts when I see this commercial? 3VJVm_rl3xc
  20. earthsci

    Bands you've seen live

  21. earthsci

    Bands you've seen live

    Oak Ridge Boys Cheap Trick Styx GoGos Police Foreigner Bryan Adams Missing Persons Producers Gin Blossoms (hasn't everyone?) Steely Dan Molly Hatchet Barenaked Ladies Adam Ant (with devilalum) U2 No Doubt, then... Gwen Stefani DEVO Hot Tuna Grateful Dead BB King Robert Plant Loverboy Meat...
  22. earthsci


    I liked this a lot. It got props for it's scientific accuracy. It didn't sacrifice accuracy for drama.