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  1. Brown_Blood

    Ghost Rider

    I was a big Marvel fan for a while (pretty much pre-kids, wife, mortgage, etc...) but I never read much Ghost Rider. I know what he looks like, with the whole bike and chain thing, but I can't recall......for the true fan out there, does he have a "normal" mode, like being human, that Cage...
  2. Brown_Blood

    Offical Little Britian Thread

    :yawn: Thanks, man. I'm all choked up. <sniff> I missed that. Dang! Did they raise the lights during the "Intermission"? I would've paid good money to see the looks on people's faces for that! Especially if someone actually got up! :biglaugh:
  3. Brown_Blood

    Worst Movies of 2004

    :eek: :eek: ....Oh wait. Your wife and you. Got it. Whew!
  4. Brown_Blood

    Offical Little Britian Thread

    Search for the Holy Grail is one of my all-time favorite movies!
  5. Brown_Blood


    Can't say I know too much about the actual history...just looking for good epics...i.e. Braveheart...:thumbup: Thanks!
  6. Brown_Blood


    Is "Troy" any good? Just wondering what the opinions are out there on the movie Troy? I like those type of epic films, but heard that Alexander was a disaster from most who saw it, but never heard much about Troy. Anyone?
  7. Brown_Blood

    Offical Little Britian Thread

    Never heard of it. I think British humor is great. If I'm not mistaken, both Mr. Bean and Monty Python were out of good ol' Britian, weren't they?
  8. Brown_Blood

    Ultimate LOTR DVD Collection

    Very cool news! I'll definitely be picking that up someday. He did an amazing job with the whole set. I might not agree with all of his decisions (like excluding the Scouring of the Shire), but, heck, I sure wasn't the one who devoted years of my life to making the thing, so I guess I'll let...
  9. Brown_Blood

    Darth Tater

    Very cool. Can't wait till they have the other "outfits". Stormtroopers...Yoda...Droids...Jar-Jar Binks :biglaugh:
  10. Brown_Blood

    Worst Movies of 2004

    Anchorman. I usually enjoy Will Ferrell's SNL stuff and the few movies he's been in, but this one just didn't seem all that funny. The jokes were too forced. Elf was a much better movie if you're looking for a funny flick.
  11. Brown_Blood

    Anyone Collect Magazines?

    I don't have them now, as my little brother ended up with them, but my grandfather had many, many years worth of Popular Science from the 50's, 60's, and 70's. It was always interesting when I had my current subscription as one section they had in the back was a page displaying articles from...
  12. Brown_Blood

    Who Plays(ed) Musical Instruments?

    KLL, Thanks for the welcome! I'd say Kenny G, since I have a couple of his CDs, but I have to admit I don't know too many other saxophonists by name. My wife always laughs at me because I can hum along with a ton of songs but I can never remember the artist or the title of the song. So, I...
  13. Brown_Blood

    Who Plays(ed) Musical Instruments?

    I played the tenor saxophone throughout elementary and high school. Also the alto and baritone. My senior year I played the tuba as a change of pace. I own a tenor sax now that I bought off of ebay, but I really haven't played for many, many years.

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