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  1. jefftheshark

    Germany Declares War On Wall Street

    This guy was worried until he realized - What the hell, I'm not German. JTS
  2. jefftheshark

    Germany Declares War On Wall Street

    Okay, the title is somewhat of a bold statement, but the unilateral actions Germany took today are sending some serious shockwaves around the globe tonight. We are certainly living in interesting times. This is from Jesse's site: Link Merkel to The Banks and Hedge Funds: Sprechen Sie...
  3. jefftheshark

    Survivor: Heroes vs Villains

    Perhaps Mark Burnett should have a show where 20 or so people are stranded on an island with spears, knives and a mace or two and then each week a couple of them face off and battle each other to the death. Personally, I like the name PSurvivorX. This way we would never have to worry about a...
  4. jefftheshark

    Gold! WTF????

    Of course, you always need to be on the watch for black swans, and one certainly came wandering by today. :) It is looking like Germany has outlawed the naked short selling of gold, along with many other financial instruments; which if I'm reading this correctly would be very bullish for PMs...
  5. jefftheshark

    Gold! WTF????

    Perhaps it is my contrary nature, but I suspect that the current correlation between gold and the dollar is going to be short-lived. While the world is preparing for a hyper-inflationary whirlwind, the bond markets and the dollar are telling us to be looking out for something totally different...
  6. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    Sometimes I think I'm the only one paying attention. JTS
  7. jefftheshark

    EU agrees on a Euro defense package

    Both Great Britain & Germany's voters have told their respective governments to stick it, and yet this weekend's bailout is announced anyway. Just like the US voters who called their representatives in droves to protest our bailouts also fell upon deaf ears. The reason behind this is clear...
  8. jefftheshark

    EU agrees on a Euro defense package

    Today is a short covering rally, but as we all found out last week, the market is a total scam right now. Trade at your own risk. Bruce Krasting has a good article on ZH titled "It's One Of Three Doors" that falls fairly close to my thinking. Link The 3 options are: -The first is that the...
  9. jefftheshark

    EU agrees on a Euro defense package

    I sold all my short positions on Friday when the market was just slightly down, because I was fairly certain that something like would happen over the weekend (and then spent the rest of the day kicking myself in the butt for leaving so much on the table). I fully expect the market to be up...
  10. jefftheshark

    Dow plunging

    :oops: :D JTS
  11. jefftheshark

    Dow plunging

    Perhaps being missed in all this is the fact that the market was plunging today all on its own. The Greek crisis, when coupled with the news coming out of Washington about the breakup of the TBTF's, was far more of a culprit than anything being posed on CNBC. I for one added to my FAZ (3X short...
  12. jefftheshark

    Dow plunging

    A less trusting person might think, "hey, I wonder if someone knew in advance that a HFT algo trading program was going to dump all at once and create a once in a lifetime buying opportunity?" If we had someone at the SEC who actually gave a crap, you might see them looking at who was trading...
  13. jefftheshark

    Is Greece a Canary??

    I think we are seeing the answer sooner than many might have thought. Here is an interesting article by John Taylor by way of ZH that basically says the Euro is dead. By John R. Taylor, Jr., CIO of F/X Concepts Dead Man Walking May 6, 2010 One of the incidents that I remember from my youth...
  14. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    If I knew that my kids were safe at home with family to look over them, then I'd stay with my wife. Of course, I would have never have been in this position in the first place, because the first night on the beach when the smoke monster appeared out of nowhere would have caused me to run...
  15. jefftheshark

    Interested in purchasing stocks but never done it before

    It's kind of expensive if you take the entire program, but Investools gives you a great foundation for investing in the market. JTS
  16. jefftheshark

    Question for out of state fans

    As I drove around the past two days, I did a little informal observing of cars and trucks that I saw sporting NFL insignias, and this is what I saw: 3 San Diego Chargers, generally on more expensive cars. 4 Pittsburgh Steelers, generally on older, less expensive model cars. 3 Oakland...
  17. jefftheshark

    Finally picked a winning stock

    Conrad, are you still in your shorts? (that sounds kinda personal, doesn't it? :)) I've been accumulating VXX, TZA & FAZ for the past several weeks, just in case the Euro thing blows up. Or the GS thing blows up. Or the the new TBTF legislation gains some traction. Or any one of a hundred...
  18. jefftheshark

    Dockett on Bickley & M.J.

    You can always do what I did with my old Plummer jersey and cover up the name with duct tape and then write "Blake" on it. Then you can cover that up and write "McCown", and then "King" and "Navarre" or really almost any other name in the phone book until either the duct tape gets too thick...
  19. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    I didn't know that DaVinci wrote for Lost. JTS
  20. jefftheshark

    Chickens beginning to roost?

    This is a civil filing - it'll be interesting to see if criminal charges are leveled by the Justice Department. The market has been waiting for some event to start a correction, IMO. This could be it. It's funny if you subscribe to Fibonacci retracement theories that you would have circled...
  21. jefftheshark

    Plan for a Three-Peat!

    I must have missed the first two peats. JTS
  22. jefftheshark

    Flozell The Hotel Cut - BHIICH?

    Perhaps we are calling him and he can't hear the phone. JTS
  23. jefftheshark

    Another Question

    Is "Taltos" someone on this board? JTS
  24. jefftheshark

    Lost - The Final Season (Spoilers)

    You're on your own with the Jin part, however. :) :devil: JTS
  25. jefftheshark

    Breaking: Joey Porter arrested

    You could be on to something here that perhaps everyone is missing. This event occurred in Bakersfield CALIFORNIA. The cops are obviously freakin' 49'er fans! It's just another blatant case of DWC - Driving While being a Cardinal JTS

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